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[图形图像处理] DAHENG_MER-U_ProgrammingGuide_CN

大恒图像首次登上工博会的舞台,全方位展示了旗下水星系列相机、机器视觉软件解决方案、机器人2D/3D视觉引导解决方案。水星系列相机产品线覆盖USB3.0/USB 2.0/千兆网接口,分辨率从36万像素到500万像素,其中水星系列千兆网工业摄像机荣获了CEC 2016机器视觉类
For the first time, the image of dheng has been on the stage of the industrial fair, ion nd accurately locathich demonstrates the flexible detection and intelligent positioning functions widely used in the 3C (2018-08-30, C#, 511KB, 下载7次)


[图形图像处理] VISIONPRO中文教程全

适用于visionpro软件的初学者和专业人士,内容包括visionpro简介、使用和例程等等 包括 个个visorpro每个控件的详细使用
Beginners and professionals for VisionPro software, including VisionPro introductions, usage and routines, etc. Including the detailed use of each control of each visorpro (2018-07-12, C/C++, 21308KB, 下载84次)


[图形图像处理] 新建文件夹

一幅大小为256×256的256级灰度图像(每像素8bit) 如果图像的各个像素之间是统计独立的,求该图像的信息熵 -离散无记忆信源 如果图像的各个像素之间不是统计独立的,求该图像的信息熵 -图像像素的概率分布模型
A 256 gray scale image (8bit per pixel) with a size of 256 x 256 If each pixel of the image is statistically independent, the information entropy of the image is calculated Discrete memoryless source If each pixel of the image is not statistically independent, the information entropy of the image is calculated Probability distribution model of image pixels (2017-11-24, Visual C++, 476KB, 下载8次)


[图形图像处理] BN076

The system is based on the model of assets, equipment, strengthening cost accounting management, based on the work order creation, approval, execution, closing as the main line, reasonable arrangements related to human, financial and material resources, the traditional passive maintenance into active preventive maintenance, integration and data acquisition system in real time, can realize the preventive maintenance. By keeping track of the whole process of the enterprise, the maintenance personnel s personal knowledge is transformed into the intellectual capital of the enterprise scope. Integration of the industrial process and business process configuration function, so that users can easily carry out the system of authorized management and application of customer transformation (2016-12-11, C#, 11012KB, 下载15次)


[图形图像处理] maopCrm

收发邮件: 收件箱 发件箱 回收站 新闻中心: 企业文化 每周主题 客户管理: 客户信息录入 客户信息复核 客户跟踪: 签约客户 单项任务 任务安排 我的任务 任务检查 专项任务: 任务安排 任务检查 任务审核 我的任务 财务管理: 现金流水帐 提成结算 公司文件库: 法律法规 常用文件库 规章汇集
Mail: Inbox Outbox Trash News: Culture weekly theme Customer management: customer information into the customer information review Customer tracking: contracted customers a single task task task task check my schedule Specific tasks: Task scheduled task audit inspection tasks My Tasks Financial management: cash blotters royalty settlement Companies file vault: laws and regulations common file library collection (2016-04-26, ASP, 4472KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] fangwuzhongjie

For small and medium enterprises, housing agency system is a very practical housing intermediary software. Use the software, not only can record detailed listings, user information and so on, while the system can automatically find and customer needs to match listings, may facilitate customers while improving the quality and efficiency of the user. (2015-10-08, C#, 2147KB, 下载5次)


[图形图像处理] 3.2DCT

Cameraman.tif DCT transform of the image, were selected maximum 1/4,1/8,1/16 transform coefficients (the remainder is set to 0), inverse DCT to obtain the reconstructed image, the original image and displaying a reconstructed image of each and calculate the peak signal to noise ratio of the reconstructed image. (2015-07-10, matlab, 1KB, 下载76次)


[图形图像处理] demosaicking

自己写的一些代码,包括对图像的预处理,以及binary经典算法,和一些自己改进的算法的代码。自己的算法因得到的效果不错已发表。 rgb2bayer: 转换到bayer格式 border:处理图像边缘像素点 method1-4:不同的去马赛克算法的实现 cpsnr:峰值信噪比的公式实现
Write some code, including image preprocessing, and binary classical algorithm, the improved algorithm and some of their own code. Own algorithm obtained good results due to have been published. rgb2bayer: Conversion to bayer format border: processing the image edge pixels method1-4: Different demosaic algorithms cpsnr: PSNR formula to achieve (2015-03-31, matlab, 18KB, 下载34次)


[图形图像处理] ktvSystem

KTV industry and other service industry is a new industry compared. In the years of the development process, the industry gradually standardized is be obvious to people. In the market economy operation, the entertainment industry is the prospect of an upward trend, continue to be opened up the consumer market and increasing people s spiritual needs have made KTV industry to become the industry the Nuggets hot. (2015-03-13, Visual Basic, 14412KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] evaluation

Image quality uation algorithm defogging criteria: mean and variance, the peak signal to noise ratio and average gradient of the source code, as well as guide the filter complete source code. (2014-11-25, matlab, 2KB, 下载126次)


[图形图像处理] vbcapturesrc

Screenshot VB source code, the program can use the mouse to drag a constituency screenshot program is not the main form, the compiler can run shot process, you simply press the left mouse button on the required letter screenshot where you can draw a box , similar to the QQ screenshot function. In fact, slightly amended, the program can be made into a perfect capture process. (2013-11-07, VBA, 15KB, 下载2次)


[图形图像处理] EExamplesofGax

Instance of the Gaussian smoothing filter, Gaussian filter is essentially a signal filter, its purpose is to smooth processing of the signal, we know that the digital image for the late application, the noise is the biggest problem, the error accumulated transfer reason, a lot of image processing textbooks will be introduced at an early Gauss filter for higher SNR of the image (real response signal). (2012-06-10, Visual C++, 138KB, 下载5次)


[图形图像处理] APPENDIX

28个MATLAB处理图像的源代码,内容丰富。本目录中的程序已经过作者调试,保证可以正常运行。调试时的计算机的配置:Windows2000/XP + Visual Studio 6.0 企业版 注意,本目录中大部分程序只能对256色图像进行操作。
28 MATLAB image processing source code, content-rich. The program has been in the catalog of commissioning, guarantee the normal operation. Debugging of the computer' s configuration: Windows2000/XP+ Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition, most of the procedures in the catalog only 256-color image. (2012-05-30, matlab, 3644KB, 下载2次)


[图形图像处理] image_fusion_proforma_evalu_quality

这是从网上整理出来的图像融合评价标准,总共有13项性能指标。包括平均梯度,边缘强度,信息熵,灰度均值,标准差(均方差MSE),均方根误差,峰值信噪比(psnr),空间频率(sf),图像清晰度,互信息(mi),结构相似性(ssim),交叉熵(cross entropy),相对标准差。大家一起交流吧~
This is sorted out from the online image fusion evaluation criteria, there are a total of 13 performance indicators. Including the average gradient, edge strength, information entropy, gray are Value, standard deviation (mean square error MSE), root mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio (psnr), spatial frequency (sf), image clarity, mutual information (mi), structure Similarity (ssim), cross-entropy (cross entropy), the relative standard deviation. Exchange it with everyone ~ (2011-12-07, matlab, 8KB, 下载2317次)


[图形图像处理] 2paper2

】Based on the digital watermark and information theory, a rudimental research for the Gaussian watermark capacity is given. Considering that Gaussian distribution has the maximum uncertainty with the maximum entropy among all given second-order distributions, this paper focuses on the watermark communication process with Gaussian channel, and uses the average mutual information to analyze the communication capacity. Also the additive noise channel is introduced to expand the non-Gaussian case. The formula of maximum transmission rate for Gaussian watermark channels is given and simplified, and the 2D and 3D curves for the relationship between the distortion and channel capacity by Matlab are illustrated. It analyses the results at different distortions in two different usages of watermark. (2011-02-07, PDF, 429KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] JTWF

交通违法通知系统开发思路和示例源码, 分析了交通违法(违章)电子警察系统抓拍后,如何处理图像,如何对图像变形和切割 并向外以短信或彩信发布违法信息。 给出了详细的开发思路和部分源码,提供了论文主体部分。 源码放在第2个目录中。
Traffic offense notification system development ideas and sample source code, Analysis of the traffic offense (violation), after capturing electronic police system, how to deal with images, how to image distortion and cutting And outward to release illegal SMS or MMS message. Gives a detailed development of ideas and some source code, provides the main part of the paper. Source on the first two directory. (2010-06-23, C#, 3647KB, 下载22次)


[图形图像处理] encodinganddecoding

实现对视频图像的游程编码和解码。过程包括:二维DCT变换、量化及游程编码。 一般来讲对于视频的I帧进行恢复,其信噪比可达到38DB以上。
Implementation of the video image encoding and decoding run-length. Process includes: two-dimensional DCT transform, quantization and run-length encoding. In general, I frame for the video resume, the signal to noise ratio can reach more than 38DB. (2010-06-12, matlab, 7KB, 下载30次)


[图形图像处理] EZW

This code is the wavelet zero-tree algorithm matlab implementation procedures, subroutines are more complete, including the final calculation of the peak signal to noise ratio and the compressed image compression source. (2009-10-23, matlab, 259KB, 下载398次)


[图形图像处理] ImageEntropy

Information sources based on a limited or unlimited number of symbols but can be set to generate a sequence of arbitrary symbols that is to say, the output source is the discrete random variable. Prepared in this experiment, the calculation of second-order image of the first order entropy of the process (2009-06-02, matlab, 98KB, 下载23次)


[图形图像处理] 2382DEMO

 离散余弦变换对图象信号有近似最优的去相关能力, 但多维的变换公式一直没有给出. 为此深入研究了 三维离散余弦变换, 提出了任意尺寸的三维函数f (x , y , z ) 的正交离散余弦变换公式, 克服了以前系数的取值必须 相等的缺点, 并将之应用于彩色静止图象的压缩编码中, 使得彩色图象的R、G、B 3 帧可以作为一个整体同时进行 变换, 极大地去除了图象R, G,B 3 帧间的相关性. 理论分析和实验结果表明, 在大幅度地增加压缩比的同时, 峰峰 信噪比也有明显提高, 并且与国际标准JPEG,M PEG 有很好的兼容性.
hao (2009-04-24, Visual C++, 2651KB, 下载11次)
