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[WEB开发] HTCCMS_v1.1_beta6

Rookie enterprise website system PHP version is a simple and easy to use, to facilitate the secondary development of the PHP enterprise web site system. The background can be set to display multiple languages at the same time, suitable for the establishment of foreign trade enterprises clear and concise program code, scalability, good, safe and reliable. (2016-12-09, PHP, 866KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_tsuay0js

通过1427456496php编码实现的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,作为开发的各种例子程序910186代码
By 1427456496php Coding , which is a scripting language used to write php corporate website, scarecrow business stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite and two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ (2015-03-29, PHP, 76KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_z1ccrupo

脚本语言服务端1427456527php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,阅读提升自260041我参考代码
1427456527php achieve server scripting language , which is a php scripting language used to write the corporate website, scarecrow business stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite and two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp (2015-03-27, PHP, 76KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_yb4k0j6b

使用php做的,1427105985这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,手头参考的例子程序代码361237
Use php to do, 1427105985 This is a script written in php corporate website, scarecrow business stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite and two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ (2015-03-26, PHP, 76KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_kltbelnp

使用php做的,1426313289这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,参考226166的例子程序供学习参看
Use php to do, 1426313289 This is a script written in php corporate website, scarecrow business stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite and two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ (2015-03-14, PHP, 76KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_p2o7gs

php脚本语言实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,手头参考的例子程序代码
php scripting language, which is a php scripting language used to write the corporate website, Scarecrow companies stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ access (2014-07-11, PHP, 75KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_m8pphz

使用php做的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,参考的例子程序供学习参看
Using php to do, this is a php scripting language used to write the corporate website, Scarecrow companies stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ access (2014-06-29, PHP, 75KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_9kbzwz

php源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,学习研究参考均可
php source code to achieve this is to use php scripting language to write a business website , Scarecrow companies stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite similar characteristics and asp+ access (2014-06-29, PHP, 75KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_m5nfou

脚本语言服务端php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,参考的例子程序供学习参看
Php server-side scripting language to achieve , which is a scripting language used to write php corporate website , Scarecrow companies stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp (2014-06-21, PHP, 75KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_v4zizr

采用php的源码实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,参考的例子程序供学习参看
Using php source code to achieve this is to use php scripting language to write a business website , Scarecrow companies stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ (2014-06-15, PHP, 75KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_u9c76r

使用php做的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,阅读提升自我参考代码
Using php to do, this is a php scripting language used to write the corporate website, Scarecrow companies stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ access (2014-06-08, PHP, 75KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_jasppa

使用php做的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,手头参考的例子程序代码
Using php to do, this is a php scripting language used to write the corporate website, Scarecrow companies stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ access (2014-04-20, PHP, 75KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] osFileManager_0nq467

通过php编码实现的,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,稻草人企业站 v1.1.0 UTF8,稻草人企业站管理系统基于php+sqlite与php+mysql两个版本,php+sqlite特点和asp+access差不多,优点是利于备份,现在大多网站空间都支持php+sqlite。php+mysql特点是利于处理大量的数据,但备份和还原不方便。,作为开发的各种例子程序代码
By php coding to achieve, which is a scripting language used to write php corporate website , Scarecrow companies stand v1.1.0 UTF8, Scarecrow enterprise station management system based on php+ sqlite with two versions of php+ mysql , php+ sqlite features and asp+ (2014-04-13, PHP, 75KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] metcms_v1.5

企业网站管理系统 1.5,php编程学习源码,web网站制作参考资料。
Enterprise website management system 1.5, PHP learning programming source code, web web references. (2013-12-22, PHP, 8652KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] JnnGiiv0.1

金戈企业建站系统 v0.1,php编程学习源码,web制作参考资料。
V0.1 station system Mr enterprises, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 1191KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qiye

Emotional home station enterprise program version, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 304KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wp-cms

The template of wordpress, (2013-10-08, PHP, 314KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] yancaowrtxcn

此文件可供用户学习的强大企业网站 可在线浏览文章
This file is available for users to learn, powerful corporate Web site can be viewed online articles (2011-04-08, PHP, 2549KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] PHP_source_code_standard_enterprise_management_sys

PHP标准企业管理系统设计源码PHP source code standard enterprise management system
PHP source code standard enterprise management system (2010-08-13, PHP, 1750KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] yps

一个功能强大的黄页查询系统, 支持两级行业和地区分类功能, 动态生成静态的企业资料网页,大大减轻了服务器负担提高网络推广效果, 后台批量管理分类和企业信息, 本系统的扩展功能强大, 能方便快捷地建立一个功能强大的黄页查询平台.
Yellow Pages a powerful query system to support the two industries and functional areas of classification, dynamic enterprises to generate static information web pages, greatly reduces the burden on servers improve network effects, background batch classification and enterprise information management, the expansion of the system is powerful and able to quickly and easily establish a powerful platform for the Yellow Pages. (2007-11-12, PHP, 329KB, 下载11次)
