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[WEB开发] 5

Enterprise website system is a multilingual enterprise website system developed by asp+access. (2018-04-15, ASP, 14602KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 53

高三中英繁企业网站管理系统是针对中小企业而开发的具有简单易用、功能强大的智能化企业网站建站系统,企业信息:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、营销网络、企业荣誉、联系方式,并可随意增加新的栏目等。 2. 新闻动态:发布企业新闻和行业资讯,可增加三级栏目分类,后台中英文可视化界面管理,更加方便。 3. 产品展示:发布企业产品,产品可三级栏目分类,并可选择产品直接在线下订单。
The website management system of the high third Middle English complex enterprise is a simple, easy to use and powerful intelligent enterprise website building system for small and medium enterprises. Enterprise information is published, such as enterprise introduction, organization, marketing network, enterprise honor, contact mode, and can be added at will. Column and so on. 2. news trends: Publishing Enterprise News and industry information can increase the classification of three columns, and facilitate visual interface management in Chinese and English. 3., product display: the product can be classified into three columns, and products can be directly placed online. (2018-04-10, ASP, 7774KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] suiyueqiye3.3

岁月工作室通用企业网站系统是由岁月工作室基于aspCMS二次研发而成。我们致力于中小企业网站的搭建。根据现有企业的需求。开发适合企业的模块, 让企业可以轻松搭建适合自己企业的网站,后台功能强大,管理便捷。代码简单易懂,适合二次开发。
Years Universal Studios is a secondary business website system developed at the studio years based aspCMS. We are committed to build the SME website. According to the needs of existing enterprises. Module development for enterprises, so that enterprises can easily build their own corporate Web site, powerful back-office functions, ease of administration. Code is easy to understand for secondary development. (2016-05-21, ASP, 7381KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] zjjcms_2.0

Zhangjiajie enterprise website management system (zjjcms) is a new breed of studio-based asp+ access/mssql independent research and development. We are committed to build the SME website. According to the needs of existing enterprises. Module development for enterprises, so that enterprises can easily build their own corporate Web site, powerful back-office functions, ease of administration. Code is easy to understand for secondary development. (2016-05-20, ASP, 8798KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] flqty

网站首页:综合各个栏目内容,让客户一眼可以了解到企业的最新最热的消息动态。 企业简介:企业的介绍,是客户了解企业的窗口,支持图文等。 企业新闻:企业的相关新闻发布,支持二级分类,搜索新闻等。 产品展示:企业的产品展示,支持二级分类,搜索产品等。 资料下载:企业提供下载的资料,有会员和非会员可下载的限制。 人才招聘:企业招聘人才的招聘信息,有会员可见和非会员可见的限制。 网上订单:会员订购产品的部分。
Home: Comprehensive each column content, so that customers can learn a latest hottest news dynamic enterprises. Introduction: introduce the company s customers understand the business window, graphics and other support. Corporate News: business related news release, support for secondary classification, search for news. Products: Enterprise Products, support two categories, search products. Download: Enterprise Information available for download, there are members and non-members can download restrictions. Recruitment: Recruitment Talent jobs, there are members of visible and non-members can see the restrictions. Order: some members to order products. (2016-04-25, ASP, 1232KB, 下载1次)



本程序盗的是酷吧QVOD电影网 5ku8.com.cn 稳定更新,无须担心无法使用!
This program is a cool bar QVOD Pirates movie network 5ku8.com.cn stable update, without fear of being unable to use! (2016-04-18, ASP, 133KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fccms_v1.0

飞创cms企业网站干礼系统也称河边工作室用于企业网站程序,是 河边工作室 开发的免费开源的系统,提供企业网站模板的营销型企业网站管理系统,系统前台生成html、完全符合SEO、便捷企业网站模板制作、搜索引擎推广等功能的企业网站系统。
Fly a CMS enterprise web site management system, also known as riverside studio for enterprise website program, is a free open source of the riverside Studio development system, providing enterprise web site management system, the system front to generate HTML, fully comply with SEO, convenient business network station template production, search engine promotion and other functions of the enterprise website system. (2015-11-27, ASP, 2436KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] yjfree2.2

King billion enterprise website management system is a management system for small and medium sites, web beautifully atmospheric, web pages reference materials. (2014-01-05, ASP, 2657KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] khgxgl

Customer resource is a valuable asset, customer relationship management system can effectively manage the resources of enterprise customers, to record commercial activities between businesses and their customers, this is very important for the modern enterprise. How to manage their customers, is an important work, because it can promote and customer management, and to promote the development of enterprises. (2013-03-21, ASP, 712KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] banzuguanli

Enterprise management, and construction is to start from the most basic, the most basic elements of corporate team as a foundation for business growth. (2013-03-12, ASP, 9108KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] 2009101514343059

本软件最大优点为安全稳定易用。 演示版网址: http://jxc.8187.cn 用户名为:admin 密码为:admin
The biggest advantage for the security and stability of the software easy to use. Demo URL: http://jxc.8187.cn user name: admin password: admin (2011-06-08, ASP, 885KB, 下载3次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] 200911119461105

Flash效果文件上传源码文件 上传Flash效果很不错的文件上传的源码 详情本站咨询 http://bbs.qibaowu.cn
Flash Effects Source File Upload Flash File Upload effect is pretty good details of the source file upload site consulting http://bbs.qibaowu.cn (2011-05-27, ASP, 30KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] Codejia.com_866a8ee87d29de767d91a2c15ddb0f58

微尔企业网站管理系统(VierWeb) 在 VierCms 的基础上针对企业网站的需求对核心代码进行重写和针对性优化、调整,开发的一套企业网站管理系统
Viooo enterprise website management system (VierWeb) in VierCms on the basis of the demand for enterprise Web site to the core code rewrite and targeted optimization, adjustment and development of an enterprise website management system (2009-09-04, ASP, 4114KB, 下载11次)


[教育系统应用] esst_cn_ExamSystem

网络考试系统 系统基于 .NET 框架开发,使用前请确认电脑里是否已安装 .NET 框架组件及数据访问组件。 相关组件请到 http://www.esst.cn 下载。
Network system is based on the examination system. NET framework for development, before use Make sure your computer has been installed. NET Framework components and data access components. Go to download http://www.esst.cn associated components. (2008-08-03, ASP, 4172KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] qiyewangzhanguanlixitong_asp.net

这是一个企业网站管理系统,用asp.net做的,管理地址background/Index.aspx 账号和密码admin admin
This is an enterprise Web site management system, to do with asp.net, and management address background/Index.aspx account number and password admin admin (2008-05-16, ASP, 5062KB, 下载48次)


[系统设计方案] 1

随着经济全球一体化时代的到来,企业的发展不再仅限于技术的竟争,市场的竟争,更重要的是人才的竟争。企业在发展过程中,除了要维护好和客户的关系,掌握先进的行业生产技术,还必须拥有一批本领域中具有相当才能的工作人员,才能在信息时代的经济浪潮中立于不败之地。人才是企、事业单位的宝贵财富,是人力资源管理的核心。吸引人才,留住人才成为企业人力资源管理的一个重要课题。 要想留住人才不仅需要企业具有良好的发展前景,更重要的是企业要有一个相当健全的管理制。良好的管理体制,不仅能节省大量的企业人力物力,提高企业的经济效益,更重要能够帮助企业制订计划,按照一个良好的方向发展。人才的引入给企业的发展注入的新鲜的血液,带动了企业一系列新的发展变化。通过应用人力资源管理系统能够集中对企业人事工作进行管理,不单单使得人力资源管理人员摆脱繁重的日常工作,更为重要的是能够根据员工个人能力对其岗位进行调动,充分发挥员工自身的能力,为企业的带来更大的经济利益。因此,快捷、准确、方便、高效的人力资源管理系统是企、事业单位的基本需求之一。
err (2008-03-01, ASP, 2504KB, 下载15次)


[文件操作] lishi

history today (complete search version), only to extract folders can be arbitrary. Specific demonstration see : http://www.2942.cn/lishi (2006-05-14, ASP, 55KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] gongziv1.5

wages for the staff management platform code. For learning, and networking companies, with distribution of wages. Http://www.cn-study.com (2006-03-13, ASP, 118KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] tongjiv1.5

also a statistical system. This is done using the website of Statistics. We can try. Very good. Http://www.cn-study.com (2006-03-13, ASP, 743KB, 下载9次)


[企业管理] 企业上报系统

a simple reporting system. ! For SMEs government documents requested transmit messages! ! (2005-04-08, ASP, 1621KB, 下载40次)
