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[前端开发] 2604

基于Vue.js+SpringBoot+MySQL+ElementUI的社区敬老院管理系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于Vue.js+SpringBoot+MySQL+ElementUI的社区敬老院管理系统(附论文),管理员,人事管理员等多种自定义角色。该系统旨在解决传统敬老院管理中人工管理繁琐、信息不透明等问题。系统基于SpringBoot和Vue技术,系统通过前后端分离的方式设计,前端使用Vue框架实现交互界面,后端使用Spring Boot实现数据处理和业务逻辑控制,采用B/S架构进行开发。系统包括老人信 (2024-06-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Quasar-Minimalist-Design

Quasar Minimalist Design是一款采用极简主义设计理念的高级管理模板。它为企业和组织提供了一个用户友好且高效的仪表板,具有仪表板、客户、库、设置、日历和登录页面等组件。
Quasar Minimalist Design is a premium admin template that adopts a minimalist design philosophy. It offers a user-friendly and efficient dashboard for businesses and organizations, featuring components such as dashboard, customers, library, settings, calendar, and login page. (2024-05-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] No251EnterpriseOAOfficeManagementSystem

基于ssm+vue的企业OA办公管理系统:前端 vue2、element-ui,后端 maven、springmvc、spring、mybatis;角色分为管理员、员工、人事;集成公司公告、留言反馈、公司活动、客服、后台管理等功能于一体的系统。
Enterprise OA office management system based on ssm+vue: front-end vue2, element ui, back-end maven springmvc、spring、mybatis; Roles are divided into administrator, employee and personnel; The system integrates the company s announcement, message feedback, company activities, customer service, background management and other functions. (2024-04-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Front-end-SkilLink

Platforme Facilitat l achat et la vente de serviceséElectroniques entre Freedom et Enterprises平台促进了自由职业者和企业的发展。L objectifest de simplifier la communication et les transactions entre les de manière fluide et effice(通信和交易中心双头方流动和效率)
Plateforme facilitant l achat et la vente de services électroniques entre freelances et entreprises. L objectif est de simplifier la communication et les transactions entre les deux parties de manière fluide et efficace (2024-03-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] join_us

仿boss直聘系统(包含用户端、企业端、后台管理),技术栈:Vue全家桶 + Antd + pinia + TypeScript + Express + Mysql 用户端: 用户可以通过各类条件筛选职位或公司,可以完善自己的在线简历,对职位可以进行收藏和投递简历,也可查看...,
Imitating boss direct recruitment system (including client, enterprise and background management), technology stack: Vue Family Bucket+Antd+pinia+TypeScript+Express+MySQL client: users can filter positions or companies through various conditions, improve their online resumes, collect and deliver resumes for positions, and view, (2023-08-05, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] chanyue-cms

禅悦内容管理系统,基于nodejs express mysql knex jwt vue3 进行开发的一套实用轻量cms系统。常用企业网站,图片网站,新闻资讯,软件下载网站,博客,文章等诸多类型网站开发,也适用于前端二次开发。,
Chanyue content management system is a practical lightweight cms system developed based on nodejs express mysql knex jwt vue3. Common enterprise websites, photo websites, news information, software download websites, blogs, articles and other types of website development are also suitable for front-end secondary development., (2023-01-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] keras_mall

Keras-Mall是一个 Nodejs 企业级电商中台,基于全栈技术组合(koa、Sequlize & vue、vuex、vue- router、element-UI),内置模块如:国际化支持、换肤、菜单及按钮授权、数据库备份、权限及...
Keras Mall is a Nodejs enterprise level e-commerce middle platform, based on the full stack technology combination (koa, Sequalize&vue, vuex, vue router, element UI), with built-in modules such as international support, skin changing, menu and button authorization, database backup, permissions, and (2020-09-22, Vue, 388KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] jjche-boot

企业级快速开发平台,前后端分离设计,基于SpringBoot2.x、SpringCloud、Spring Security,MyBatis- plus,Vue,在线代码生成器快速生成前后端CRUD代码,支持单体服务与微服务之间灵活切换、...
Enterprise level rapid development platform, front end and rear end separation design, based on SpringBoot2. x, SpringCloud, Spring Security, MyBatis - plus, Vue, online code generator quickly generates front end and rear end CRUD codes, supports flexible switching between single services and microservices (2023-02-21, Java, 8254KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] OpenAuth

.Net Core .Net 5快速应用开发框架、最好用的权限工作流系统。基于经典领域驱动设计的权限管理及快速开发框架,源于Martin Fowler企业级应用开发思想及最新技术组合(IdentityServer、EF core、Qu...
. Net Core. Net 5 rapid application development framework, the best permission workflow system. The authority management and rapid development framework based on classic domain driven design originates from Martin Fowler s enterprise application development ideas and the latest technology combination (IdentityServer, EF core, Qu (2023-05-06, JavaScript, 7071KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] paascloud-master

spring cloud + vue + oAuth2.0全家桶实战,前后端分离模拟商城,完整的购物流程、后端运营平台,可以实现快速搭建企业级微服务项目。支持微信登录等三方登录。
Spring cloud+vue+oAuth2.0 whole family bucket practice, front and rear end separation simulation mall, complete shopping process, back-end operation platform, can quickly build enterprise level micro service projects. Three party login such as WeChat login is supported. (2023-04-29, Java, 1139KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] wby-springboot-dubbo

wby-springboot- dubbo微服务开发平台,包含企业管理、系统管理等多个模块,可以作为后端微服务的开发脚手架。适合分布式开发学习和直接项目中使用。核心技术采用SpringBoot、Dubbo、RocketMQ、Mybati...
The wby springboot dubbo microservice development platform includes multiple modules such as enterprise management and system management, and can serve as a development scaffold for backend microservices. Suitable for use in distributed development learning and direct projects. The core technology adopts SpringBoot, Dubbo, RocketMQ, Mybati (2021-01-06, Java, 34082KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] xiaobai-up

The "Xiaobai" project is a front-end and back-end separation project, which can not only serve as a graduation project for college students, but also as a "scaffold" for private work, and can serve as the basic framework for most small and medium-sized enterprises. (2018-11-27, JavaScript, 1549KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] tyuan-manager

Tyuan - manage 是一个由商业级项目升级优化而来的中后台服务项目,完全遵循阿里巴巴编码规范。采用Spring Boot 2.3.9-RELEASE 、Mybatis 等核心技术,提供基于React前端框架用于快速搭建企业级...
Yuan - manage is a mid to backend service project that has been upgraded and optimized from a commercial level project, fully following Alibaba s coding standards. Adopting core technologies such as Spring Boot 2.3.9-RELEASE and Mybatis, providing a React based front-end framework for quickly building enterprise level (2022-02-22, Java, 1546KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] youliao

后端采用springboot+springsecurity安全框架 ;前段基于Ant Design Pro 企业级中后台前端 设计; 前后分离开发 基于角色的权限控制;权限控制到按钮.具备功能:系统管理 报表管理 常用案列 系统监控 ...
The backend adopts the springboot+springsecurity security framework; The previous section is based on Ant Design Pro enterprise level backend front-end design; Separate the development of role-based permission control before and after; Permission control to button. Functionality: System Management Report Management Common Case List System Monitoring (2022-12-06, CSS, 1223KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] RunningAccount

简单的企业财务流水管理系统; 前后端分离开发, 通过Restful风格来进行数据交互; 前端为 Vue + Element-UI 构建的单页面应用SPA; 后端为 SpringBoot + MyBatis-plus, 权限认证管理基于...
Simple enterprise financial flow management system; Separate front-end and back-end development, and use Restful style for data interaction; The front-end is a single page application SPA built for Vue+Element UI; The backend is SpringBoot+MyBatis plus, and permission authentication management is based on (2023-01-06, Java, 1870KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] EasyChat

基于SpringBoot+MybatisPlus+Netty 高性能前后端分离的即时通信应用混合式移动端应用。前端使用最接近原生APP体验的高性能前端框架MUi,项目最后可打包成Android,IOS,PC客户端提供服务。追求性能体验...
A hybrid mobile application based on SpringBoot+MybatisPlus+Netty high-performance front-end and back-end separation for instant messaging applications. The front-end uses the high-performance front-end framework MUi that is closest to the native APP experience, and the project can be packaged into Android, IOS, and PC clients to provide services. Pursuing a performance experience (2020-11-12, Java, 53KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] kero

kero is a front-end model framework. - kero是一个前端模型框架,做为MVVM架构中Model层的增强,提供多维数据模型,解决企业应用中复杂的业务应用场景的开发问题。
Kero is a front end model framework- Kero is a front-end model framework that serves as an enhancement to the Model layer in the MVVM architecture, providing a multidimensional data model to solve the development problems of complex business application scenarios in enterprise applications. (2018-09-27, JavaScript, 2924KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] oryx

oryx,Oryx - 基于 Spring Boot 构建 的 Java Web 平台企业级前后端分离应用快速开发框架,适合中小型项目的应用和开发。所采用的技术栈包括 Spring Boot、Spring、Spring Web MVC、MyBa...
Oryx, Oryx - A Java Web platform based on Spring Boot for enterprise level front-end and back-end separation application rapid development framework, suitable for application and development in small and medium-sized projects. The technology stack used includes Spring Boot, Spring, Spring Web MVC, MyBa (2022-06-30, Java, 1062KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Tuanzi

Tuanzi,1.JAVA后台管理系统,企业开发首选脚手架2.后台采用Springboot框架+ Shiro权限+ Mybatis持久层(SSM框架)开发,一流的技术高效封装。3.前端采用Thymeleaf模板引擎+ Bootstrap系列框架,性...
Tuanzi, 1. JAVA backend management system, the preferred scaffolding for enterprise development. 2. The backend is developed using the Springboot framework+Shiro permissions+Mybatis persistence layer (SSM framework), with first-class technology and efficient encapsulation. 3. The front-end adopts the Thymeleaf template engine and Bootstrap series framework, with (2022-07-06, JavaScript, 13476KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] nimrod

nimrod,Nimrod - 基于 Spring Boot 构建 的 Java Web 平台企业级单体应用快速开发框架,适合中小型项目的应用和开发。所采用的技术栈包括 Spring Boot、Spring、Spring Web MVC、MyBat...
Nimrod, Nimrod - A Java Web platform enterprise level single application rapid development framework based on Spring Boot, suitable for application and development in small and medium-sized projects. The technology stack used includes Spring Boot, Spring, Spring Web MVC, MyBat (2021-08-03, Java, 9730KB, 下载0次)
