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[企业管理] GitResp

Based on the SpringBoot framework and SaaS model, Zitong ERP is determined to provide open source and easy-to-use ERP software for small and medium-sized enterprises. At present, it focuses on purchase, sales and inventory+financial functions. The main modules include retail management, purchase management, sales management, warehouse management, financial management, report query, system management, etc. Advance payment, revenue and expenditure, warehouse transfer (2022-04-22, Java, 3KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] jshERP

Based on the SpringBoot framework and SaaS model, Huaxia ERP is determined to provide open source and easy-to-use ERP software for small and medium-sized enterprises. At present, it focuses on purchase, sales and inventory+financial functions. The main modules include retail management, purchase management, sales management, warehouse management, financial management, report query, system management, etc. Advance payment, revenue and expenditure, warehouse transfer (2023-06-07, Java, 2545KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] nbcio-boot

NBCIO 亿事达企业管理平台后端代码,基于jeecg- boot3.0代码,初步完成了集流程设计、流程管理、流程执行、任务办理、流程监控于一体的开源工作流开发平台,以后计划增加OA、CRM和ERP等功能,希望有需要的同仁一起打造。
NBCIO Yishida Enterprise Management Platform back-end code, based on jeecg boot3.0 code, has initially completed an open source workflow development platform integrating process design, process management, process execution, task handling, and process monitoring. In the future, it plans to add OA, CRM, ERP and other functions, and hopes to create it together with colleagues who need it. (2022-12-14, Java, 34540KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] NLNK

网上购物商城是一套使用Java语言开发的独立企业电商网店系统(B2C);系统兼容360、Chrome等浏览器。系统采用较为流行的J2EE框架 Struts2+ MyBatis+ Spring 进行合理的组合开发。
Online shopping mall is a set of independent enterprise e-commerce network system developed by Java language (B2C). The system is compatible with browsers such as 360 and Chrome. The system adopts the popular J2EE framework Struts2+ MyBatis+ Spring for reasonable combination development. (2018-04-11, Java, 93240KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] rzxtbgxt

However, the collaborative management system consists of five modules: customer management (CRM), daily office (OA), cash register (cash), team sharing (team) and application navigation (IPS). Compared with other products on the market, the synergy is more focused on providing integrated, streamlined solutions. (2017-03-08, Java, 6314KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] scgl9889

1、有订单、采购单、生产单、领用单、完成单、归还单、销售单、调拨单和报损单九大单据。 2、两种生产模式:一张生产单减少材料库存和增加商品库存(当天一次性完成生产);用材料领用单和商品完成单管理生产流程(多天多工序完成生产)。 3、有材料库存报表、商品库存报表,材料和商品分别管理。 4、有收款单、付款单;支持货款两情、先入库后付款、先付款后入库。 5、可以管理往来单位(包括供应商、客户)应收、应付(我们欠供应商货款、客户欠我们货款)。 6、专门增加费用单来记录企业的工资、电费、水费等日常费用,可以自定义设置费用分类。 7、特有两个自定义字段,更适合各行各业的加工生产企业。 8、订单可以和采购,生产,销售等单据进行关联,随时可以查询订单的进度。 9、独有的拼音码技术,支持条码扫描,最大限度提高录单速度。 10、可以设置默认选项,减少操作步骤。 11、所有的查询,可以导出到EXCEL里;同时支持材料信息、商品信息、往来单位信息的EXCEL文件导入。
1, there are orders, purchase orders, production orders, requisitioned single, complete orders, restitution orders, sales orders, transfer orders and single reported loss of nine documents. 2 two modes of production: the production of a single material inventory reduction and increased merchandise inventory (day-time completion of the production) complete order management production processes and materials requisitioned single commodity (many days more to complete the production process). 3, material inventory reports, inventory reports merchandise, material and merchandise management, respectively. 4, receiving orders, payment orders support payment two conditions, the first storage payment, the first payment of storage. 5, can be managed between units (including suppliers, customers) payables and receivables (money owed to suppliers of our customers owe us money). 6, specifically to increase the cost of a single record of wages and salaries, electricity, water and other daily (2016-04-17, Java, 1296KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] 111

该系统是一款专业的销售管理软件,其中包含商品销售管理系统 ,库存管理系统(仓库管理系统),财务和报表系统等子模块。软件界面设计简洁, 美观,其人性化的软件流程,使普通用户不需培训也能很快掌握软件操作使用方法,上手极易。强大报表与集成查询功能是本软件的最大特色,所有功能在用户需要的使用地方自然体现,不用打开多个窗口重复查询。该系统广泛适用于公司企业, 商场,超市,门店等用于商业销售管理, 库存管理,财务管理等,客户管理,员工管理等场合,是企业进行信息化管理的强大工具。
The system is a professional sales management software, which includes merchandise sales management system, inventory management system (warehouse management system), financial and reporting systems, sub-module. Software interface design simple, elegant, user-friendly software process, so that ordinary users can quickly grasp without training the software to use operation, easy to get started. Powerful reporting and integrated search function is the most significant feature of this software, users need all the features in the use of local natural expression, without having to open multiple windows to repeat the query. The system is widely used in companies, shopping malls, supermarkets, stores, etc. for commercial sales management, inventory management, financial management, customer management, staff management and so on, it is a powerful tool for enterprise information management. (2016-04-14, Java, 4248KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] Sailing

A dynamic website management system suited to SMEs. The system is mainly used to customize the site, only to change the content of the website by modifying the settings, realize remote management. For certain self-development capacity of the user, the system also provides a convenient template customization, users can fully show personality (2016-03-22, Java, 3116KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] 28

本系统采用Java语言技术,以Eclipse和SQL Server2005数据库作为开发工具,,主要实现了进货管理、销售管理、客户信息管理、供应商管理、系统人员管理、密码找回等功能,为企业进销存需求提供了便捷。
The system uses the Java language technology to Eclipse and SQL Server2005 development tool,, as the main achievement of the purchase management, sales management, customer information management, supplier management, personnel management system, password recovery and other functions, Invoicing enterprise demand provides a convenient. (2016-03-17, Java, 2524KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] requirement--analysis

Warehouse Management System is a real problem with the computer business Invoicing powerful statistical functions combination product. Clear functional requirements and performance needs of the user warehouse management system, and these needs with standardized language and standardized structural integrity, expressed clearly and accurately, thereby unified software developers and users of warehouse management software system understanding and awareness. (2014-06-11, Java, 16KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] WorkFlow

Werkflow is a flexible and scalable processes and state-based workflow engine. Its goal is to meet all workflow imaginable, from enterprise-level business processes to a small range of user interaction processes. By using the hierarchical structure pluggable and can easily accommodate a variety of workflow semantics. (2014-01-03, Java, 1917KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] mx_ug_zh

maximo是全球著名的资产管理软件,在全球有很多世界500强的公司采用maximo软件, 在中国也有很多大的企业采用maximo,大量采用maximo,二次开发就显得很重要了, 在次提供一些maximo的资料,希望对正在对maximo进行二次开发的朋友有帮助
maximo is the world' s leading asset management software in the world, there are many Fortune 500 companies using maximo software, in China there are many large enterprises to adopt maximo, extensive use of maximo, secondary development becomes very important, in order to provide some maximo information, I hope to secondary development on maximo help a friend (2013-12-25, Java, 4231KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] personal-management

Java version of the enterprise personnel management system complete version of the source, using Oracle database, running on the Eclipse, compressed package containing configuration files and system description.This system can complete file management, personnel management, attendance management, wage management, user management, financial statements and other functions.Beautiful and friendly interface, is to learn first-hand information. (2012-05-13, Java, 894KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] EQ-chat

Internal communications systems must provide network communication capabilities, in the process of prohibiting the use of chat communication expressions, file transfer and other functions, to prevent information leakage, or send an error which led to higher levels due to loss of data, and other losses. The most important thing is to adapt to any operating system, which is cross-platform technology, as companies need to work within the working environment using multiple operating systems to perform different tasks. In addition, the system does not use a server transfer and recording of communications content, communication tasks can be completed independently, excluding the work of employees to monitor the progress of the leading reverse psychology. (2011-05-26, Java, 326KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] 40244097guanli[1]

Java version of the enterprise personnel management system for the full version of source code, using Oracle database, running on Eclipse, compression packages and system configuration documentation is enclosed instructions. The system is complete file management, personnel management, attendance management, payroll management, user management, financial reporting and other functions. Nice and friendly interface, is to learn first-hand information. (2010-11-18, Java, 1133KB, 下载21次)


[企业管理] 2

管理信息系统(MIS)不仅是一个技术系统,而且也是一 看出,任何企事业单位的管理信息系统都是基于自己单位的实际情况而建立,即使是同行企 业建立的相同系统都会由于企业的实际情况而有所不同。
Management Information System (MIS) is not only a technical system, but also one that the management of any enterprise information system units are units based on their own to establish the actual situation, even the same peer-enterprise system will be established as a result of the actual vary. (2009-05-26, Java, 949KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] personManage

人力资源管理系统 系统把几乎所有与人力资源相关的数据统一管理,形成了集成的信息源;使得人力资源管理人员得以摆脱繁重的日常工作,集中精力从战略的角度来考虑企业人力资源规划和政策。
Human Resources Management System to virtually all human resources-related data management, and form an integrated source of information allows human resource managers to shake off the heavy day-to-day work to focus on from a strategic point of view of the enterprise human resources planning and policy . (2009-05-16, Java, 23955KB, 下载18次)


[企业管理] qiyeyuangongguanlixitong

 简单适用的考勤和奖惩管理。  简单适用的培训管理。  针对企业中不同的待遇标准,实现待遇账套管理。  简单明了的账套维护功能。  方便快捷的账套人员设置。  功能强大的待遇报表功能。
 easy application of the management of attendance and rewards and punishments.  easy to apply the training management.  for enterprises of different standards of treatment, treatment implementation账套management.  账套simple maintenance function.  账套convenient set up.  Treatment powerful reporting features. (2009-02-27, Java, 870KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] manpowerManage

人力资源管理系统是针对中小型企业对现有员工和新聘员工的一个Web管理平台,主要包括以下功能模块: 员工管理模块:主要用于浏览员工信息、添加员工信息、修改员工信息和删除员工信息。 招聘管理模块:主要用于对应聘人员信息的浏览、添加、删除和查看详细信息等,以及对企业人才库进行查看、删除和将应聘应用导入到人才库。 培训管理模块:主要用于浏览培训计划、添加培训计划、查看培训计划的详细信息、删除培训计划、填写培训总结、查看培训总结和删除培训总结。 奖惩管理模块:主要用于浏览奖惩制度、查看奖惩制度的详细信息、添加奖惩制度、修改奖惩制度和删除奖惩制度。 薪金管理模块:主要用于浏览薪金列表、添加薪金数据、修改薪金数据和删除薪金数据。
Human resources management system for small and medium enterprises to the existing staff and new recruits a Web management platform, the main functional modules include the following: Staff management modules: mainly used for browsing employee information, employee information to add, modify and delete employee information staff information. Recruitment management module: The main candidates for information to browse, add, delete, and view detailed information, as well as the pool of enterprises to view, delete, and will be recruited into the pool of applications. Training Management Module: The main training program for the browser, add the training program, to view detailed information on training programs, delete the training program, fill out the training summary, view training summary and summary of the deletion of the training. Incentive management module: mainly used for browsing, reward and punishment systems to see detailed information about reward and punishment syste (2009-02-04, Java, 601KB, 下载44次)


[企业管理] manpowerManage

人力资源管理系统是针对中小型企业对现有员工和新聘员工的一个Web管理平台,主要包括以下功能模块: 员工管理模块 招聘管理模块 培训管理模块 奖惩管理模块 薪金管理模块
Human resources management system for small and medium enterprises to the existing staff and new recruits a Web management platform, the main functional modules include the following: staff recruitment Management Module Management Module Management Module training incentive management module salary management module (2008-11-20, Java, 601KB, 下载9次)
