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[WEB开发] hfqiye12

韩枫企业网站管理系统,初始管理员:韩枫 密码:1239968
Han Feng enterprise website management system, the initial administrator: Han Feng password: 1239968 (2016-12-19, PHP, 734KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] liuyan-v3.2

Tun2 enterprise website management system is a CMS for enterprise development. It is a professional-grade features and fool-site management station management software. Tun2 seek is simple and practical. It is different from the CMS, complicated, and is unable to start. Some CMS websites for many years and even made contact with Tun2 need to spend a lot of time to understand and to become familiar with its operation, let alone how to make customer satisfaction their own site. For these reasons, Tun2 developed this system. Tun2 enterprise website management system for the enterprise more than any other CMS loyal, loyal only to the CMS closer to the needs of enterprises. (2014-04-25, PHP, 52KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] PHPMyWind_v4.6.3

PHPMyWind_v4.6.3.rar prepared using PHP+mysql enterprise PHP source code. (2014-04-15, PHP, 3245KB, 下载1次)



php templates, use php to do a complete website design. Blue atmospheric environmental protection enterprises template. (2014-01-08, PHP, 10876KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpok2.2

PHP 企业建站程序 v2.2,php编程学习源码,web网站制作参考资料。
PHP enterprise website program V2.2, PHP learning programming source code, web web references. (2013-12-22, PHP, 1293KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cms

企业网站管理系统 v1.0.3,php编程学习源码,web制作参考资料。
Enterprise website management system v1.0.3, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 1021KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] hhy

露阳PHP企业系统 v1.0,php编程学习源码,web制作参考资料。
Lu Yang Enterprise PHP system V1.0, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 668KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] YM78

A beautiful decoration enterprise source release for everyone, speed download it, 900 yuan to buy. (2013-11-10, PHP, 4085KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] cms3

Tun2 enterprise website management system set developed by CMS for enterprise. It is a professional-level management function and fool-site station management software. Tun2 pursuit is simple and practical. It is different from the general CMS complicated It is impossible to start. Some CMS even the contact experienced web production Tun2 need to spend a lot of time to understand and to become familiar with its operation, let alone how to achieve customer satisfaction own website. It is because of these reasons, Tun2 development of the system. Website management system Tun2 enterprises enterprises are more loyal than other CMS, only specific CMS can be closer to the needs of enterprises. (2013-01-13, PHP, 2434KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] php_cms_sc

Multilingual enterprise management system PHP development, MYSQL database. Multi-language, unlimited categories, static generated (2012-11-27, PHP, 7512KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] zhcms_v30TO31_R0927

Enterprise information system,Through the PHP language, directly on the network to edit code. (2012-09-04, PHP, 389KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] OEcms_v3.1_R0927

免费企业网站系统-php+mysql OECMS内置了SEO搜索引擎优化机制,支持用户自定义多语言版。其强大灵活的后台管理功能、静态页面生成功能、个性化模块添加功能、不同栏目自定义样式功能等可为企业打造出大气漂亮且具有营销力的精品网站。
The-php+mysql of free enterprise web systems (2012-08-25, PHP, 2525KB, 下载10次)


[WEB开发] WSS1.2.7_cn

Project team management collaboration system, with dry convenience features such as special diagrams and process management (2012-07-17, PHP, 1463KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] espcms_utf8_5.

Easy to think ESPCMS enterprise website management system based on LAMP developers to build enterprise Web site management system, which is simple, powerful, good stability, scalability and security is strong, post-secondary development and maintenance, can help you quickly and easily to build a strong professional business website. Built 3GWAP mobile websites, business group station, model custom fields, content pages, all models within the code conversion, SEO search engine optimization, static page generation (support dynamic and pseudo-static), Comments, Order, inquiry, membership , e-mail subscriptions, bulk mail, advertising, statistics, self-help form the basic functions and other common corporate website, through a flexible plug-in mechanism can scale more applications. (2011-10-08, PHP, 3850KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] CompanyWebManagent

企业网站管理系统源码!! 功能强大 版面新颖 该系统利用PHP完成。
Enterprise website management system source code! ! Powerful new layout of the system to use PHP for. (2011-07-09, PHP, 12373KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] plugin-golden-eggs-discuz-

discuz论坛砸金蛋插件 全新安装 解压 > 将upload目录下的目录上传到根目录 > 后台 > 插件 > 安装新插件 > 快乐砸金蛋 安装 卸载安装 1. 进入管理中心 => 插件,点击 快乐砸金蛋 的“升级/卸载”进入下一步 2. 依照提示进行卸载 3. 操作完之后,卸载工作就彻底地完成 ======================================================= 安装到娱乐大厅的方法: 按上面的全新安装方法安装好后,打开娱乐大厅->新应用 应用地址:plugin.php?id=huxegg:huxegg 应用大图:source/plugin/huxegg/images/huxegg.gif 应用小图:source/plugin/huxegg/images/huxegg.small.gif =======================================================
plug-ins hit the golden eggs discuz Forum (2011-06-16, PHP, 937KB, 下载16次)


[WEB开发] job

完成个人求职 推荐人才 企业招聘 后台管理等功能
Recommended completion of job-seeking background talent management capabilities enterprise recruitment (2010-07-15, PHP, 642KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] cms2

Tun2 enterprise website management system is a set of business development of the CMS. It is a professional-class features and management of the site fool station management software. Tun2 pursuit of a simple and practical. It is different from the general CMS, complicated, and is no start. Even some of CMS exposure produced Tun2 years of site need to spend a lot of time to understand and get familiar with its operation, much less how to make customer satisfaction their own websites. For these reasons, Tun2 developed the system. Tun2 enterprise website management system more than any other CMS on specific business, CMS can be single-minded closer to the needs of enterprises. (2010-06-10, PHP, 1729KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] wangzhyuanma

PowerEasy fake Web site code, looked pretty good, everyone has to see (2009-08-21, PHP, 697KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] phpok2.2

建站smart PHPOK enterprise procedures, the official website: http://www.phpok.com (2008-05-05, PHP, 1270KB, 下载1次)
