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[前端开发] eyeRoll-frontend

它是折扣、广告和在线菜单领域的初创应用程序,为每家企业提供身份证。我用typescript和next.js框架开发了它,我使用的库是tailwindcss、JWT、axios、react datepicker、react query、react toastify、recharts、socket.io、swiper、moment和。。。
It is a startup application in the field of discounts, advertising and online menu that gives every business an identity card. I developed it with typescript and next.js framework and the libraries I used are tailwindcss, JWT, axios, react-datepicker, react-query, react-toastify, recharts, socket.io, swiper, moment and ... (2024-05-03, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ite-with-Django_-Django-Restframework-and-ReactJs

使用Django、Django-Rest Framework和React的开源电子商务平台。具有多供应商支持、安全身份验证、动态前端和可扩展的体系结构。无缝的订单处理、审阅和实时通知增强了用户体验。非常适合寻求可定制的现代在线市场的企业。
Open-source ecommerce platform using Django, Django Rest Framework, and React. Features multivendor support, secure authentication, dynamic frontend, and scalable architecture. Seamless order processing, reviews, and real-time notifications enhance user experience. Ideal for businesses seeking a customizable and modern online marketplace. (2024-03-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] SvelteOnePager

SvelteOnePager is an open-source, one-page website template built with Svelte, integrated with Firebase for easy deployment. It s designed for anyone looking to launch a fast, responsive website without the hassle. This project simplifies development and deployment, making it ideal for personal, educational, or small business use. (2024-02-25, Svelte, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Payout-Dashboard

Order Management Dashboard是一个使用React和Chakra UI构建的web应用程序,有助于管理和跟踪企业的订单、支出和退款。它为用户提供了一个全面的仪表板界面,以查看、跟踪和分析与订单相关的信息
The Order Management Dashboard is a web application built using React and Chakra UI that facilitates the management and tracking of orders, payouts, and refunds for a business. It provides users with a comprehensive dashboard interface to view, track, and analyze order-related information (2023-12-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] qv-vue-ui

qv-vue是基于现有的element- plus库进行的二次封装,简化一些繁琐的操作,核心理念为数据驱动视图,主要的组件库针对table表格和form表单场景,同时衍生出更多企业常用的组件,达到高复用,容易维护和扩展的框架
Qv vue is a secondary encapsulation based on the existing element plus library, which simplifies some tedious operations. Its core concept is data-driven view. The main component library aims at the table and form scenarios, and derives more commonly used components for enterprises to achieve a framework of high reuse, easy maintenance and expansion (2022-10-31, Vue, 635KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] operamasks-ui

OperaMasks- UI是OperaMasks团队打造的一款轻量级前端JS组件库,旨在提供一款学习曲线低、定制性灵活、样式统一,且多浏览器支持、覆盖企业业务场景的前端JavaScript UI组件库。目前,在这个龙年的第二个工作日,...
Opera Masks - UI is a lightweight front-end JS component library created by the Opera Masks team. It aims to provide a front-end JavaScript UI component library with low learning curve, flexible customization, uniform style, multi browser support and coverage of enterprise business scenarios. At present, on the second working day of this Dragon Year (2012-02-02, Others, 36221KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] operamasks-ui

OperaMasks- UI是OperaMasks团队打造的一款轻量级前端JS组件库,旨在提供一款学习曲线低、定制性灵活、样式统一,且多浏览器支持、覆盖企业业务场景的前端JavaScript UI组件库。 希望通过社区的力量带来更新的...
Opera Masks - UI is a lightweight front-end JS component library created by the Opera Masks team. It aims to provide a front-end JavaScript UI component library with low learning curve, flexible customization, uniform style, multi browser support and coverage of enterprise business scenarios. I hope to bring new (2017-03-17, JavaScript, 23943KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] paascloud-master-master

spring cloud + vue + oAuth2.0全家桶实战,前后端分离模拟商城,完整的购物流程、后端运营平台,可以实现快速搭建企业级微服务项目。支持微信登录等三方登录。测试提交,项目原地址:[https: github.co...](https: github.com paascloud paascloud- master)
Spring cloud+vue+oAuth2.0 whole family bucket practice, front and rear end separation simulation mall, complete shopping process, back-end operation platform, can quickly build enterprise level micro service projects. Three party login such as WeChat login is supported. Test submission, original project address: [https: github. co...] (https: github. com paascloud paascloud - master) (2019-01-11, Java, 1157KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] x-smart-kettle-server

基于当前互联网最热的springboot微服务架构,采用丰富的vue、iview等前端组件打造的kettle调度监控服务平台,解决了企业实际数据抽取业务场景中,无法实现kettle web端配置、调用、监控的痛点
Based on the hottest spring boot microservice architecture on the Internet, the Kettle scheduling and monitoring service platform is built with rich front-end components such as vue and iview, which solves the pain point of not being able to configure, call and monitor the kettle web end in the actual data extraction business scenario of enterprises (2021-03-04, Java, 2456KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] jvs-teamwork

任务管理是企业内部事务协同的重要工具【参考teamwork、worktile、trello等多种产品对项目的管理理念】。包含项目管理(任务看板)、个人待办(to do list)、目标管理(OKR)三大核心功能。通过项目-任务的管理方...
Task management is an important tool for enterprise internal transaction collaboration [refer to the project management concept of Teamwork, worktile, trello and other products]. It includes three core functions: project management (task kanban), personal to do list, and objective management (OKR). By project task manager (2023-01-14, Java, 1769KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] appPublish

项目是 Spring Boot+vue开发的类似fir.im和蒲公英的企业 APP 分发平台,提供android app上传功能,以及ios和android二维码合并功能。用过可直接通过微信、浏览器、QQ等扫码下载app。
The project is an enterprise APP distribution platform similar to fir.im and dandelion developed by Spring Boot+vue, which provides the upload function of Android app and the combination function of ios and Android QR codes. After using it, you can download the app directly through WeChat, browser, QQ, etc. (2020-12-11, Java, 606KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] xuxiaowei-cloud

基于 JDK 8 11、Spring Boot 2.7.x、OAuth 2.1、Vite 4、Vue 3、Element Plus 的微服务。支持支付宝、钉钉、码云、QQ、微信、企业微信、微博等第三方登录。包含基于 GitLab Ru...
Micro services based on JDK 8 11, Spring Boot 2.7. x, OAuth 2.1, Vite 4, Vue 3, and Element Plus. It supports third-party logins such as Alipay, Pinpin, CodeCloud, QQ, WeChat, WeChat and Weibo. Include GitLab Ru based (2023-06-07, Java, 5333KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] easyui-scaffold

Easyui-scaffold is a front-end development of scaffold, which based on the EasyUI([www.jeasyui.com](http://www.jeasyui.com)) and jquery- easyui(<https://github.com/waylau/jquery-easyui>) . The rapid establishment of enterprise application model. 基于 EasyUI([www.jeasyui.com](http://www.jeasyui.com)) 和 jquery- easyui(<https://github.com/waylau/jquery-easyui>) 前端开发脚手架。快速建立企业应用模型。
Easyui-scaffold is a front-end development of scaffold, which based on the EasyUI([www.jeasyui.com](http: www.jeasyui.com)) and jquery- easyui([h...](https: github.com waylau jquery-easyui) (2015-11-05, HTML, 137KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] django-vue-admin-pro

django-vue-admin-pro 是一套全部开源的快速开发平台,毫无保留给个人及企业免费使用。前端采用D2Admin 、Vue。后端采用Python语言Django框架。权限认证使用Jwt,支持多终端认证系统。支持加载动态权限...
Django vue admin pro is a fully open source rapid development platform that is unreserved for free use by individuals and businesses. The front-end adopts D2Admin and Vue. The backend uses the Python language Django framework. Permission authentication uses Jwt and supports multi terminal authentication systems. Support loading dynamic permissions (2023-05-18, JavaScript, 7507KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] tamboot-cloud-admin-frontend

Tamboot Cloud Admin Frontend是一个基于Ant Disign Pro的前端脚手架工程,实现了企业级应用常见的用户管理、角色管理、权限管理、菜单管理等基本功能,封装了分页、新建模态框、修改模态框等常用组件,开发...
Tamboot Cloud Admin Frontend is a front-end scaffolding project based on Ant Design Pro, which implements basic functions such as user management, role management, permission management, menu management, etc. commonly found in enterprise applications. It encapsulates common components such as pagination, creating new modal boxes, and modifying modal boxes, and develops (2019-08-29, JavaScript, 327KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] tuzicms

tuzicms,TuziCMS(兔子cms)是基于ThinkPHP3.2框架开发的企业网站管理系统,提供更方便、更安全的WEB应用开发体验,国内PHP+MYSQL 开源建站程序,它具有操作简单、功能强大、稳定性好、扩展性强,二次开发及后期维护方便,可...
Tuzicms, TuziCMS (Rabbit CMS) is an enterprise website management system developed based on the ThinkPHP3.2 framework, providing a more convenient and secure WEB application development experience. It is a domestic PHP+MYSQL open-source website building program with simple operation, powerful functions, good stability, strong scalability, convenient secondary development and post maintenance, and can (2016-07-22, PHP, 4752KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ThinkPHP

ThinkPHP,ThinkPHP 是一个免费开源的,快速、简单的面向对象的 轻量级PHP开发框架 ,遵循Apache2开源协议发布,是为了敏捷WEB应用开发和简化企业应用开发而诞生的。ThinkPHP从诞生以来一直秉承简洁实用的设计原则,在保持出色的...
ThinkPHP is a free, open source, fast, and simple object-oriented lightweight PHP development framework that follows the Apache 2 open source protocol. It was born for agile WEB application development and simplified enterprise application development. Since its inception, ThinkPHP has always adhered to the design principles of simplicity and practicality, while maintaining outstanding (2012-06-15, PHP, 4059KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] cim

cim,CIM是一套基于netty框架下的推送系统,或许有一些企业有着自己一套即时通讯系统的需求,那么CIM为您提供了一个解决方案,目前CIM支撑 websocket,android,ios,桌面应用,系统应用等多端接入支持,可应用于移动应用...
CIM, CIM is a push system based on the Netty framework. Perhaps some companies have their own instant messaging system requirements, so CIM provides a solution for you. Currently, CIM supports multi end access support such as websocket, Android, iOS, desktop applications, and system applications, which can be applied to mobile applications (2023-02-16, Java, 21745KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] lessgo

lessgo,Lessgo 是一款简单、稳定、高效、灵活的 golang web 开发框架,支持动态路由、自动化API测试文档、热编译、热更新等,实现前后端分离、系统与业务分离,完美兼容MVC与MVVC等多种开发模式,非常利于企业级应用与API接口...
Lessgo, Lessgo is a simple, stable, efficient, and flexible Golang web development framework that supports dynamic routing, automated API testing documents, hot compilation, hot updates, etc. It achieves front-end and back-end separation, system and business separation, and is perfectly compatible with various development modes such as MVC and MVVC, which is very conducive to enterprise level applications and API interfaces (2018-03-01, GO, 418KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 018-IDEA-javase代码

JavaSE是java分类中的标准版,是刚接触java要学习的基础知识。 JavaEE是java分类中的企业版,是java中的高级,涉及到的知识广泛。 JavaME中M是Micro的缩写,用在嵌入式等电子设备中。
Javase is a standard version of Java classification, and it is the basic knowledge to learn from Java. JavaEE is an enterprise version of Java classification, which is a high-level Java, involving a wide range of knowledge. M in javame is the abbreviation of micro, which is used in embedded electronic devices. (2021-04-05, Java, 449KB, 下载0次)
