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[WEB开发] qsylwym_v4.42

The refreshing entertainment network system can be applied to the construction of websites of pictures, words, videos and audio types. It carries a large amount of data, a large amount of visits and high security. Its functions and templates can be expanded by plug-ins. (2018-12-19, ASP, 1719KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] PHP_JTBC_CMS_v3.0.1.7

The refreshing entertainment network system can be applied to the construction of websites of pictures, words, videos and audio types. It carries a large amount of data, a large amount of visits and high security. Its functions and templates can be expanded by plug-ins. (2018-11-14, ASP, 1124KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] 8

Enterprise website management system built a lot of Seo support policies and tools, static address, static content, pure text navigation system. (2018-04-12, ASP, 4593KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] soutayaqiye

网站全伪静态,利于网站被引擎收录,提高企业营销手段 后台管理路径:admin/index.asp 管理员和密码:admin
Pseudo-static full website, the site is conducive engines, improve marketing Manage Path: admin/index.asp Admin and password: admin (2016-05-13, ASP, 2301KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jclyp

PHPSCUP is a very pragmatic pursuit of simple-to-use enterprise Station system! PHPSCUP able to meet most of the primary business site. (2016-05-13, ASP, 119KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ewebeditor

asp editorial department (2013-06-29, ASP, 1180KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] huicheng2.3

Merged into the enterprise website management system for SMEs to establish their own website for free, and be able to better promote their products. (2013-01-10, ASP, 2811KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] nseo

摘要:ASP源码,企业建站,企业网站,SEO,生成静态   企业网站SEO优化标准站,无组件全站生成HTML静态,程序99 可用,生成静态部分可用。本套程序是SEO公司对企业网站优化的标准演示站点,你可直接拿去建站,在优化方面做的比较好。后台功能也可满足大部分企业网站的需要。
Abstract: ASP Source Build your corporate website, SEO, generate static corporate website SEO optimization standard station assembly station generates static HTML, 99 of the program available, generating static part is available. This set of procedures is a the standard demo site SEO corporate website optimization, you can take it directly to a station, do better in the optimization. Back-office functions to meet the needs of most of the corporate website. (2012-09-18, ASP, 3393KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] 2011060322260201

XiaoAn 是一套WAP网站的综合系统,使用此系统可在网上建立文章资讯、图片、软件、音乐、视频、论坛等类型网站,不过由于本系统开发不久,所以暂时没有娱乐功能,后期我们将会加上娱乐功能。
XiaoAn integrated system is a WAP site using this system can be established in the online article information, pictures, software, music, video, forums and other types of sites, but due to the development of this system soon, so no entertainment features, we will be lateplus entertainment features. (2012-03-26, ASP, 2882KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] anr

anran asp company website code (2012-03-24, ASP, 1181KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] technical-company-code

code of tcchnical company (2011-05-20, ASP, 3617KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] nangfangV12

nanfang V12 (2010-09-30, ASP, 5703KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] cnen2

good (2010-09-02, ASP, 1648KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] CHAP10

ASP + Access网上办公系统,包括员工信息管理,企业内部管理等功能
ASP+ Access (2010-08-14, ASP, 416KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] renshiguanlixitong

这是一款ASP开发的人事管理系统,是ASP 企业级开发中的源代码,内容丰富
This is a development of the personnel management system ASP is ASP enterprise development in the source code, content-rich (2010-06-24, ASP, 984KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] web

A home site of the source, can be assumed for small business own website, the website is easy to read source (2010-04-02, ASP, 13920KB, 下载21次)


[WEB开发] wangzhan

Powerful full-featured ASP website source code, including the enterprise information management, information dissemination, interface management. Very suitable for beginners (2009-09-16, ASP, 2077KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] vierweb

微尔企业网站管理系统(VierWeb) 在 VierCms 的基础上针对企业网站的需求对核心代码进行重写和针对性优化、调整,开发的一套企业网站管理系统 ====================== 系统功能介绍 ====================== 1 包含企业网站所必备的功能:企业信息、产品管理、人才招聘、新闻资讯、企业图片、以及视频下载等模块 2 由于是从CMS系统的基础上开发而成,因此相对于一些其他的企业网站管理系统,本系统具备更强的可扩展能力,可以胜任从小型工作室到大中型企业网上门户等各种不同规模网站的需求。 3 后台管理与模板完全分离,并具备非常灵活的标签技术,可以实现无限制个性化的界面定制 4 操作简单,利用已经制作好的模板,新手只需稍作调整就能使用本系统搭建一个功能强大的网站 5 对企业信息、产品页、新闻资讯、下载和视频页以及首页等生成静态,以最大限度提高网站负载能力,并对搜索引擎更友好 仅供学习使用,勿用于商业用途哦
Viooo enterprise website management system (VierWeb) The VierCms on the basis of the demand for enterprise Web site to the core code rewrite and targeted optimization, adjustment and development of an enterprise website management system Introduction ====================== ====================== system function Company web site contains an essential function: corporate information, product management, personnel recruitment, news and information, corporate image, and video downloads and other modules 2 Because it is from the CMS system based on the development made, so compared to some other corporate website management system, this system can be expanded with more capability and can be competent and medium-sized enterprises from small studios to a variety of web portals, etc. the size of site requirements. 3 Background Management and templates completely separated and have a very flexible tagging technology, can achieve unlimited personalized interface customization (2009-09-11, ASP, 4002KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] daden

A pretty useful site ASP source companies. (2009-08-12, ASP, 2420KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] 2005122810373144787

商业版企业进存 拥有全部完整功能, 专业级的企业后台网站管理后台技术支持。 心动单购
enterprise into a commercial version of deposit have all the functional integrity, professional-level enterprise management background background site technical support. Echocardiography single purchase (2006-03-13, ASP, 200KB, 下载10次)
