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[WEB开发] 69

高三中英繁企业网站管理系统是针对中小企业而开发的具有简单易用、功能强大的智能化企业网站建站系统,性价比高、扩展性好、安全性高、稳定性好,其独特的中英繁界面可以加快外贸企业网站开发的速度和减少开发的成本。 让不同的企业用户在不懂网页设计的情况下,就能够快速的构建一个风格个性化的而功能强大的中英文企业网站。
The website management system of the high third Middle English complex enterprise is a simple, easy to use and powerful intelligent enterprise website building system for small and medium enterprises. It has high performance price ratio, good expansibility, high security and good stability. Its unique medium and English complex interface can speed up the development of foreign trade enterprise website and reduce the development. This. So that different business users can quickly build a personalized and powerful Chinese and English business website without knowing web design. (2018-04-10, ASP, 7576KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 64

高三中英繁企业网站管理系统是针对中小企业而开发的具有简单易用、功能强大的智能化企业网站建站系统,性价比高、扩展性好、安全性高、稳定性好,其独特的中英繁界面可以加快外贸企业网站开发的速度和减少开发的成本。 让不同的企业用户在不懂网页设计的情况下,就能够快速的构建一个风格个性化的而功能强大的中英文企业网站。
The website management system of the high third Middle English complex enterprise is a simple, easy to use and powerful intelligent enterprise website building system for small and medium enterprises. It has high performance price ratio, good expansibility, high security and good stability. Its unique medium and English complex interface can speed up the development of foreign trade enterprise website and reduce the development. This. So that different business users can quickly build a personalized and powerful Chinese and English business website without knowing web design. (2018-04-10, ASP, 8822KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] aspweb218

简单企业网站 结构清新 代码简洁 不错 适合新手学习
jiandan qiye wangzhan daimajianjie 真不错 (2015-08-08, ASP, 5470KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ljcms_v3.6

1. 企业信息:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、营销网络、企业荣誉、联系方式,并可随意增加新的栏目等。 2. 新闻动态:发布企业新闻和业内资讯,从后台到前台真正实现无限级分类显示,并随意控制显示级数,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 3. 产品展示:发布企业产品,按产品类别显示及搜索产品,并可多选产品直接下订单询盘,无限级分类,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。
1. Corporate Information: introduce the company released all kinds of information such as company profile, organization, marketing network, Honor, contact information, and can freely add new sections and so on. 2. News: Company News and Industry news release background to foreground truly unlimited classification shows, and random control display series, greatly increasing the flexibility of information dissemination. 3. Products: release of enterprise products, by product category product display and search, and multiple-choice product orders directly inquiry, unlimited classification, greatly increasing the flexibility of information dissemination. (2015-06-13, ASP, 2057KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qiy

A mechanical enterprise website, also can small Xiucheng other industry website, I was bought, upload to see who need to share! (2014-11-13, ASP, 11958KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 48

Small business website development, using asp+ access production (2014-09-14, ASP, 4141KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] aspPaccess-web

Art super good corporate Station (ASP+ACCESS) source (2014-04-29, ASP, 6914KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] FGCMS_2013

FGCMS是一款基于ASP+Access开发,面向企业、支持多国语言的网站管理系统, 帮助企业用户快速建设与部署企业级门户网站。强大、灵活的调用标签,无技术门槛,简单、易用、美观、实用!
FGCMS is a ASP+Access based development, web site management system for enterprise, support for multiple languages, help enterprise users quickly construction and deployment of enterprise portal. Powerful, flexible tag, no technical threshold, simple, easy to use, beautiful appearance, practicality! (2013-12-29, ASP, 2761KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] scscms_v2.0

scscms 阳光企业网站系统,设计比较个性的一套ASP企业网站系统,适用于中小企业及个人网站建设使用;需要有一定HTML+ASP基本知识;全站可生成HTML。
scscms sun enterprise web systems, design more personalized set of ASP enterprise web systems for small and medium enterprises and individuals to use website building need to have some basic knowledge of HTML+ ASP whole station can generate HTML. (2013-12-07, ASP, 3633KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 1qiyiewangzhan

1- red style engineering machinery enterprise website source, full-featured, see the description of the corporate Web site, the company' s Web site, mechanical sites, engineering website (2013-02-19, ASP, 3399KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] bnututor

北京师范大学家教网 ASP+SQLserver2000, 设计很漂亮
Beijing Normal University tutor network ASP+ SQLserver2000, design is very beautiful (2011-03-22, ASP, 9491KB, 下载8次)



A complete equipment management system, establish business accounts of transactions and maintenance information is very powerful (2010-09-03, ASP, 573KB, 下载50次)


[WEB开发] ideacms

IdeaCMS旨在打造简介,高效的企业CMS系统。因此在设计之初,就选择了DIV+AJAX模式,这样在提高响应速度的同时,更提高了用户体验。目前本CMS集成公司简介,新闻动态,解决方案,在线演示,典型案例,企业招聘,客户留言。系统各模块相互独立,可扩展性非常强。以后还将添加产品模块,支付模块等等。因此本系统绝对是你企业的最佳选择。 (2010-04-22, ASP, 2232KB, 下载22次)


[WEB开发] 1qiuq@www.599cn.com

zcung qing tu jieng wang (2010-04-21, ASP, 5252KB, 下载191次)


[WEB开发] 3924cx5153ASP.NET

3924cx5153 ASP.NET企业级源代码开发深入引导.rar3924cx5153 ASP.NET企业级源代码开发深入引导.rar
3924cx5153 ASP.NET source code for the development of enterprise-class depth guide. Rar3924cx5153 ASP.NET source code for the development of enterprise-class depth guide. Rar (2008-12-22, ASP, 10764KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dztzzn

Enterprise Yellow Pages source code, asp.net+ Mssql (2008-11-25, ASP, 6939KB, 下载52次)


[WEB开发] zixunmenhuwangzhan

一个大型门户型网站,其中包含论坛,会员,资讯,企业黄页,及时在线咨询,会员与会员间交流,界面绝对是国内一流门户站点界面,采用CSS布局模式,网站打开速度快最值得一提的是本站的企业黄页,与界面风格,以及交流能力,是一款非常经典的门户网站. 后台用户名:admin 密码:  admin
err (2008-01-11, ASP, 2913KB, 下载186次)


[WEB开发] webb

精美专业公司整站源代码,含产品介绍,企业介绍,论坛等。 非常优秀的整站代码。
Exquisite professional companies throughout the station source code, with product introduction, corporate presentations, forums, etc.. The whole station is very good code. (2007-08-02, ASP, 5642KB, 下载36次)


[WEB开发] lc1263

企业建站系统 v3.0 英文版.rar
Station at Enterprise System v3.0 English. Rar (2006-10-27, ASP, 879KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] bbgv2.0

步步高企业网站管理系统 v2.0 12M的代码,不错的好代码
enterprises Bubugao website management system v2.0 12M code, it is true the good code (2006-10-20, ASP, 12894KB, 下载220次)
