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[Windows编程] tx678

Thermonuclear using weighting factors A complete set of brothers, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis.
Thermonuclear using weighting factors A complete set of brothers, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis. (2017-11-16, Delphi, 39KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] record-sdK5.8

南京子佩科技公司是中国最早致力于USB电话语音通讯设备的硬件研发企业,是目前国内最大的USB语音盒生产厂家,公司拥有雄厚的技术研发团队和完善的技术支持队伍,子佩系列USB语音盒产品已广泛应用在国内各行各业,市场占有率已达80 以上,拥有同行业最佳的品牌形象。 利用子佩USB语音盒进行系统二次开发,公司为您提供多达26个型号的全系列USB语音盒产品及各种硬件解决方案可供选择。子佩全系列USB语音盒产品接口种类完善、开发包函数功能丰富、技术支持全面深入,售后服务高效完美,是您可信赖的合作伙伴! 子佩科技为您的二次开发需求提供最大选择余地,所有产品共用同一软件开发包。您使用任意一款USB语音盒开发系统后,如需更新或添加新功能,只要直接购买2路电话语音盒另一种型号的USB语音盒,双方之间就可进行功能的平滑过度和升级,为后续开发和产品拓展提供更大空间!大大增加产品竞争力。
Nanjing- Pei technology company is China s first dedicated USB telephone voice communication equipment and hardware development company, is currently the largest manufacturer of USB voice box , the company has a strong R & D team and a sound technical support team, child wear Series USB Voice box products have been widely used in domestic industries , the market share of more than 80 , with the industry s best brand. Pei USB voice box using the sub- system of secondary development , the company provides you with as many as 26 models of the full range of products and a variety of USB voice box hardware solutions are available. Child wear a full range of USB interface types perfect voice box products , develop package feature-rich, in-depth technical support , service efficient and perfect , is your trusted partner ! Your child wear the secondary development of technology needs to provide maximum choice, all products share the same software development kit . After (2014-03-30, Delphi, 9546KB, 下载7次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] delete-from-sqlserver

本实例可在在服务器端使用存储过程删除指定数据, 服务器端数据库为SQLServer数据库,数据库名为cyjlkc,配置ODBC为cyjlkc。 使用本例时,请在服务器端安装SQLServer2000数据库,利用企业管理器恢复数据库脚本或附加数据库。本实例数据库脚本为cyjlkc.sql,附加文件为cyjlkc_data和cyjlkc_long,均保存在本实例data目录下。 使用本实例时要注意以下几点。 1、使用Socket方式和应用程序服务器相连,Socket使用TCP/IP协议来和应用程序服务器相连,只要客户端计算机支持TCP/IP的连接方式即可,不过对于应用程序服务器来说,必须额外运行Scktsrvr.exe(该程序在Delphi安装路径的“Borland\Delphi7\Bin”文件夹内)以打开对应的SocketServer程序。 2、运行程序时要保证网络连接正常。 3、如果单机试验本程序要保证网络连接处于连接状态(操作系统为WINDOWS 2000或WINDOWSXP)
Delete the specified data in this instance can use stored procedures on the server side, the server-side database SQLServer database the database name cyjlkc, configuring ODBC cyjlkc. This case, the server side install SQLServer2000 database using Enterprise Manager to restore the database scripts or additional databases. This instance database script cyjlkc.sql, the additional files cyjlkc_data and cyjlkc_long are stored in the instance data directory. To pay attention to the following points when using the instance. 1, using the Socket methods and applications connected to the server, Socket using TCP/IP protocol to and connected to the application server, as long as the client computer supports TCP/IP connection can be, but for the application server must additional run Scktsrvr of . exe (the program in the the Delphi installation path Borland \ Delphi7 \ Bin " folder within) to open the the corresponding SocketServer program. 2, run the program to ensure that the network connec (2012-11-12, Delphi, 201KB, 下载4次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] caisuzi1

单击“产生数字”或“开始新游 戏”后软件将随机产生一个无重 复 的4位数,使用者在对应输入框 内输入猜测的一组无重复4位数 ,单击“确认数字后”软件就会根 据这个数字给出几A几B,其中A 前面的数字表示位置正确的数的 个数,而B前的数字表示数字正 确而位置不对的数的个数。 如:正确答案为 5234,而 猜的人猜 5346,则是 1A2B,其 中有一个5的位置对了,记为1A ,而3和4这两个数字对了,而位 置没对,因此记为 2B,合起来 就是 1A2B。接着猜的人再根据 出题者的几A几B继续猜,直到 猜中(即 4A0B)为止。 注意事项:请在5 分钟之内完成,且 输入次数不得超过50 次不然 算失败 本产品纯属智利游戏,仅供娱乐
Click the "generation number " or "start a new tour Play "after the software will randomly generate a non-re- Complex 4-digit, the user input box in the corresponding Enter a group of non-repetition guess 4-digit , Click "confirm figures, " the software will root According to this figure shows a few A few B, where A The numbers indicate the correct position in front of the number of The number of digits before the number of B is The number of correct and incorrect number of locations. Such as: The correct answer is 5234, and Guess who guess 5346, it is 1A2B, its There is a 5 position of a, denoted 1A , While 3 and 4 of these two figures, while the bit Did not set right, so remember to 2B, together Is 1A2B. Then, according to people who guess A few questions were a few B keep guessing until Guess (that is, 4A0B) so far. Note: Please be completed within 5 minutes, and Enter no more than 50 times or else Operator failure This product is pure (2010-12-21, Delphi, 384KB, 下载2次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] student

开发工具: Delphi+SQL2000 功能模块:(1)学生学籍档案的管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生学籍档案信息 ,学生档案里包括学生基本情况(姓名、性别、身高……等等)、学生简历情况、学生奖励情况、学生处 分情况、学生家庭信息、学生奖贷学金情况、学生注册、学生毕业情况。 (2)学生成绩管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生入校成绩,各学期、 各门课程的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。 (3)班级管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出各班级的信息。 (4)学生注册管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出每个学生每学期的注册信 息。 (5)课程管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出每门课程的信息。 (6)用户管理,可添加新用户,修改已有用户密码。 (7)登录窗口,在使用本系统前都要进行身份验证。并可增加、删除用户,可修改用户 密码。
Functional modules: (1) Student Student Files, you can add, modify, under certain conditions the query and output student record files of information, the students, including students basic information on file (name, sex, height ... ... etc), Student Resume circumstances, students reward situation, student punishment cases, students Family Information, Student Scholarship situation, student registration, student graduation situation. (2) student achievement management, can add, modify, under certain conditions into a query and export student grades, the semester, the results of various courses of information and support by grade, class and other conditions of statistics, query, report output. (3), class management, can add, modify, under certain conditions the query and output information for each class. (4) Student Registration, you can add, modify, query, and under certain conditions the output of each student per semes (2010-05-04, Delphi, 3792KB, 下载8次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] StudentMIS

开发工具: Delphi+SQL2000 功能模块:(1)学生学籍档案的管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生学籍档案信息 ,学生档案里包括学生基本情况(姓名、性别、身高……等等)、学生简历情况、学生奖励情况、学生处 分情况、学生家庭信息、学生奖贷学金情况、学生注册、学生毕业情况。 (2)学生成绩管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出学生入校成绩,各学期、 各门课程的成绩信息,并支持按年级、班级等条件的统计、查询、报表输出。 (3)班级管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出各班级的信息。 (4)学生注册管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出每个学生每学期的注册信 息。 (5)课程管理,可添加、修改、特定条件下的查询和输出每门课程的信息。 (6)用户管理,可添加新用户,修改已有用户密码。 (7)登录窗口,在使用本系统前都要进行身份验证。并可增加、删除用户,可修改用户 密码。
Functional modules: (1) Student Student Files, you can add, modify, under certain conditions the query and output student record files of information, the students, including students basic information on file (name, sex, height ... ... etc), Student Resume circumstances, students reward situation, student punishment cases, students Family Information, Student Scholarship situation, student registration, student graduation situation. (2) student achievement management, can add, modify, under certain conditions into a query and export student grades, the semester, the results of various courses of information and support by grade, class and other conditions of statistics, query, report output. (3), class management, can add, modify, under certain conditions the query and output information for each class. (4) Student Registration, you can add, modify, query, and under certain conditions the output of each student per semes (2010-05-04, Delphi, 1021KB, 下载12次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] 4a27c356f05a5_EmailServer090604

附件為修改自Alexander J. Fanti先生的POP3/SMTP伺服器程式(含SourceCode) 此次為第二次改版,修正了下列問題 1.防止OpenRelay 2.ESmtp的Bug修正 3.解決和OutLookExpress/2003/2007的認證Bug 4.加強內寄/外寄等郵件的分類和管理,清楚記載送(來)信人/時間等資訊 降低網管人員面對其他MailServer亂數分類的負擔 輕鬆完成郵件管理 5.加強Forword-Mail/MailList的分類管理 6.加入匯入文字檔帳號密碼的功能,快速轉移你的舊EMail Address(Ps:文字格式:帳號稱謂,帳號,密碼,) 7.加入針對垃圾郵件進行過濾的功能,並可設定關鍵字 並對垃圾郵件進行分類管理 8.修正郵件收件日期與時區錯誤的問題 9.(2009/06/07)更新原程式在POP3認證錯誤時會新增帳密的漏洞
Attached modified from Alexander J. Fanti Mr. POP3/SMTP server programs (including SourceCode) This for the second revision, amendment of the following issues 1. To prevent the OpenRelay The Bug amendment 2.ESmtp 3. OutLookExpress/2003/2007 authentication solutions and Bug 4. To strengthen within the Send/outgoing messages such as the classification and management, a clear record of delivery (to) the letter person/time information Reduce network managers face other MailServer random classification burden easy to complete the e-mail management 5. Forword-Mail/MailList classification to enhance the management 6. Join the account password to import text file function, quickly transfer your old EMail Address (Ps: Text Format: account title, account number, password,) 7. Add filtering for junk e-mail functions, and can set the keywords and junk e-mail to classified management 8. To amend the date of receipt e-mail with the time zone wrong question 9. (2009/06/07) upd (2010-01-28, Delphi, 1633KB, 下载32次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] delphi+sql1

该章文件夹Chap1下存放的以下4个文件:CreateTable.txt、CreateDB.sql、PERSONNEL_SYS_Data.MDF和PERSONNEL_SYS_Log.LDF。 其中CreateTable.txt存储了创建数据表脚本的文本文件; CreateDB.sql用来创建数据库,方法是在sql查询分析器中执行CreateDB.sql文件; PERSONNEL_SYS_Data.MDF和PERSONNEL_SYS_Log.LDF为附加数据库文件,附加方法:打开SQL Server企业管理器,在左侧窗格中展开服务器组和要创建数据库的服务器实例。右击“数据库”节点,然后选择“所有任务”下的“附加数据库...”命令,打开如图1所示的对话框,在“…”按钮中单击,选择part02文件夹下的PERSONNEL_SYS.MDF文件确认即可。
The chapter Chap1 folder stored in the following four documents: CreateTable.txt, CreateDB.sql, PERSONNEL_SYS_Data.MDF and PERSONNEL_SYS_Log.LDF. CreateTable.txt which stored data tables to create a text file script CreateDB.sql used to create the database, methods in the sql query analyzer to perform CreateDB.sql document PERSONNEL_SYS_Data.MDF and PERSONNEL_SYS_Log.LDF for additional database files, additional methods : Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager, in the left pane expand the server group and want to create a database server instance. Right-click on Database node, then select All tasks under the Additional database ... command, open the dialog box as shown in Figure 1, in the ... button, click, select part02 folder PERSONNEL_SYS . MDF file can be confirmed. (2008-01-16, Delphi, 211KB, 下载7次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] WWW.Ahaoz.CoM__del5315889335

delphi7企业人力资源管理系统 目 录 1、绪论 4 1.1 选题背景 4 1.2 本系统所采用的技术 5 2、系统分析 6 2.1 系统框架及功能模块 6 2.2 系统流程 7 2.3 系统的功能模块分析 8 2.3.1机构编制管理 8 2.3.2职员信息管理模块 9 2.3.3薪资福利管理模块 10 3、系统设计 12 3.1 系统的数据库设计 12 3.1.1组织机构编码表 12 3.1.2职员基本信息表 12 3.1.3个人所得税表 13 3.1.4职员奖励表 13 3.1.5月工资统计表 14 3.2 系统界面设计 15 3.2.1程序运行界面展示 15 3.2.2界面具体设计 16 结束语 17 参考文献 18
delphi7 Enterprise Human Resource Management System Contents 1. Introduction 4 1.1 4 1.2 topics background of the system used by the technical 5 2, System 6 2.1 framework and functional modules 6 2.2 7 2.3 system flow system analysis module 8 2 .3.1 producing eight management staff of the Information Management 2.3.2 modules 9 2.3.3 pay and benefits management module 10 3. System Design System 12 3.1 12 3.1.1 database design organizations Code 3.1.2 Table 12 staff basic information table 12 Table 3.1.3 personal income tax incentives staff of 13 3.1.4 3.1.5 Table 13 on wages TAB 14 3.2 15 interface design system running 3.2.1 interface to display specific interface 15 3.2.2 Design 16 1985 17 18 References (2007-05-21, Delphi, 371KB, 下载74次)


[Windows编程] sqllogclear

讯鑫 Sql Server 日志清理工具(免费源码) 1.0.0 清除、压缩 SqlServer 的日志,支持多日志文件的SQLSERVER数据库日志,能将十几G的日志文件清理成十几兆。 SQL SERVER 修复,SQL恢复,误删除表,SQL 数据恢复,SQL SERVER 数据库恢复修复,SQL 找回业务   使用数据库的过程中,由于断电或其他原因,有可能导致数据库出现一些小错误,比如检索某些表特别慢,查询不到符合条件的数据等.   出现这些情况的原因,往往是因为数据库有些损坏,或索引不完整.   在ACCESS中,有个修复数据库的功能可以解决这个问题,在SQL企业管理器,没有这个功能,要用语句来完成,下面就介绍如何用 SQL 语句完成数据库的修复,需要注意的是,在进行下面的操作时,必须断开所有用户的连接
appear Xin SQL Server log cleaning tools (free source) 1.0.0 clearance, Compression SqlServer log, support the log file SQLSERVER database log, 10 G can log files liquidation over a dozen Katherine. SQL SERVER repair, SQL recovery, ESO table, SQL Data Recovery, SQL Server Database Recovery repair business use SQL database to retrieve the process, Due to power outages or other reasons, it might lead to some database errors, such as retrieval of certain forms particularly slowly, Inquiries not meet the requirements of data and so on. All these reasons, it is often because the database some damage, Index or incomplete. In ACCESS, a repair database functions can solve this problem, SQL Enterprise Manager, and without this function, complete with the phrase, Now, how to use SQL database to comp (2006-09-04, Delphi, 334KB, 下载12次)


[医药行业] shoper

1 本软件可用于商业用途,但是要email给我 wwei168@sohu.com 2 开发环境 d6 up2,sqlserver2000, win2000 server 1024*768(笔记本电脑) c/s 3 第三方控件,ehlib2.1,fastreport2.45,xpmenu,snccurrency ,(有可能用到express bar 但是可以在umain删除引用单元,因为没用到)可到51delphi ,cakk.delphibbs.com下载 4 数据库配置方法,在sqlserver2000新建yd数据库,关闭数据库服务器,用压缩包中的数据库文件覆盖原文件 5 编译,首先检测第三方控件是否安装完全,改变udm模块中的adoconn的connstring,使其与yd联接 6 不足 1。无并发控制。多客户端操作容易出错, 2。无社保购药接口,无ic卡,扫描仪接口,出款方式简单,不支持欠帐 3。数据库设计不太理想 4,库存采用加权移动平均法,用先入先出法更合理, 5。程序有些处理方法采用了非正常手段,不易维护 6。报表没有采用票据打印机, 7。统计功能还要完善 8。所在与库存操作都采用一个tcr(tdataset)不合理, 9。没有处理药品折扣 10。。。。。。 观迎来信讨论程序问题!
a software can be used for commercial purposes, but to email me wwei168@sohu.com 2 development environment d6 up2, sqlserver2000, WIN2000 server 1024* 768 (notebook computer) c/s three third-party controls, ehlib2.1, fastreport2.45, xpmenu , snccurrency (some might use express bar but it is invoked in umain delete modules, as unused) to 51delphi, four cakk.delphibbs.com download configuration database, the database sqlserver2000 new yd closed database servers, which use compressed database the original paper documents covering five compiler, the first third-party testing controls installed completely change udm Module of the connstring adoconn, it yd connection with a six under. Without concurrency control. Multi-client operation, prone to error, 2. Overplay interface without social sec (2006-03-23, Delphi, 422KB, 下载11次)


[数据库系统] 2003919548009

这是一个药店连锁系统,1 本软件可用于商业用途,但是要email给我 dhlbbs@163.net 2 开发环境 d6 up2,sqlserver2000, win2000 server 1024*768(笔记本电脑) c/s 3 第三方控件,ehlib2.1,fastreport2.45,xpmenu,snccurrency ,(有可能用到express bar 但是可以在umain删除引用单元,因为没用到)可到51delphi ,cakk.delphibbs.com下载 4 数据库配置方法,在sqlserver2000新建yd数据库,关闭数据库服务器,用压缩包中的数据库文件覆盖原文件 5 编译,首先检测第三方控件是否安装完全,改变udm模块中的adoconn的connstring,使其与yd联接 6 不足 1。无并发控制。多客户端操作容易出错, 2。无社保购药接口,无ic卡,扫描仪接口,出款方式简单,不支持欠帐 3。数据库设计不太理想 4,库存采用加权移动平均法,用先入先出法更合理, 5。程序有些处理方法采用了非正常手段,不易维护 6。报表没有采用票据打印机, 7。统计功能还要完善 8。所在与库存操作都采用一个tcr(tdataset)不合理, 9。没有处理药品折扣 10。。。。。。 观迎来信讨论程序问题!
This a drugstore chain system, a software can be used for commercial purposes, But I dhlbbs@163.net email to the two development environment d6 up2. sqlserver2000, WIN2000 server 1024* 768 (notebook computer) c/s three third-party controls, ehlib2.1, fastreport2.45, xpmenu. snccurrency. (may use express bar but it is invoked in umain delete modules, because unused) to 51delphi. 4 cakk.delphibbs.com download configuration database, in sqlserver2000 yd new database, the database server shut down, using compressed database of the original paper documents covering five compiler, the first third-party testing controls whether or not to install a complete, change udm Module of the connstring adoconn. it yd connection with a six under. Without concurrency control. Multi-client operation, pr (2006-01-08, Delphi, 425KB, 下载36次)


[医药行业] 医院管理系统(hmis)

方法一: 1.运行SQL Server 2000的查询分析器,单击“装载SQL脚本”快捷按钮,打开例程目录下SQL目录里的SQL_HMIS.sql文件,单击“执行查询”快捷按钮运行打开的SQL语句,这样就建立了医院信息系统的数据库结构。 2.输入初始数据,参见表9-27到表9-29。 方法二: 1.运行SQL Server 2000的企业管理器,新建一个数据库,命名为HMIS。 2.选中HMIS数据库单击右键,在弹出菜单中选择“所有任务”子菜单下的“还原数据库”菜单项,打开“还原 数据库”窗口,选上“从设备”单选框,单击【选择设备】按钮,打开“选择还原设备”窗口,再单击【添 加】按钮,选择Data_HMIS文件后,一直单击【确定】按钮就可以完成数据库的还原操作。
one way : 1. Running SQL Server 2000 inquiries analyzer, click "load SQL scripts" fast button, the SQL routines directory directory SQL_HMIS.sql the document, click the "Executive Search" button fast running open SQL, so the establishment of a Hospital Information System database structure. 2. The initial input data in table form 9-27 to 9-29. Method 2 : 1. Running SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager, a new database, called HMIS. 2. Selected HMIS database Right-click the pop-up menu, select "all tasks" submenu under the "resurrection database" menu item to open a "resurrection database" window of the election "equipment from the" single-Sonic, click choice of equipment-- a button, the "election Optional reduction equipment &q (2005-05-09, Delphi, 1848KB, 下载127次)
