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[交通/航空行业] 745

基于SSM+Layui+MySQL的在线景区旅游管理系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SSM+Layui+MySQL的在线景区旅游管理系统(附论文),包含普通用户,管理员角色。整体功能包含个人中心,用户管理,景区线路管理,飞机火车管理,酒店门票管理,门票类型管理,景点没事管理,旅游论坛管理,系统管理,订单管理,购物车管理,个人信息修改,订单管理。源码乐园专注提供优质源码,访问地址http://code51.cn (2024-07-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] ev-market-size-analysis

This repository provides a guide and Python code to perform a market size analysis for the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Market size analysis helps businesses understand the potential of a market, assess competition, and identify growth opportunities. (2024-05-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] Recovery-of-gold-from-ore-

Prepare a prototype of the machine learning model for the "Figure". The company develops solutions for the efficient operation of industrial enterprises. The model should predict the recovery rate of gold from gold-bearing ore. Use data with extraction and purification parameters. (2024-04-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] blast

Blast Engine是一个企业NIO web代理服务器,用于在节点或Kubernetes入口上运行,提供节流、安全和速度流量分析控制
Blast Engine is an Enterprise NIO web proxy server for running on Node or Kubernetes Ingress which provide Throttling, Security and Speed traffic analysis control (2024-04-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] WeVehicle

车辆出入(车辆入园)申请小程序,适合各大工业园区,学校校园,大型企业集团的车辆驶入登记与审批流程, 通过数字化的手段进一步提升相关单位安全保障水平,规范运输和车辆管理,驾驶员通过手机小程序可以方便快捷的提交申请资料,后台管理人员可以进行审批并将结果发送至驾驶员微信,从而大大...
The application procedure for vehicle entry and exit (vehicle entry) is suitable for the registration and approval process of vehicle entry in major industrial parks, school campuses, and large enterprise groups. Through digital means, the safety assurance level of relevant units can be further improved, and transportation and vehicle management can be standardized. Drivers can easily and quickly submit application materials through the mobile phone applet, and backstage management personnel can approve and send the results to the driver s WeChat, thereby greatly (2024-01-14, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] ProductsalesManagementSystem

The design system simulates the management content of enterprises in the process of product sales activities, including product and customer management, ordering, invoicing, credit status query, post sales query, statistics, etc (2022-09-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] air-ticket-reservation-system

机票预订系统:分为管理员、客户、订票代理三种角色 管理员细分为运营部管理员和系统管理员,包含:用户管理、航班查询、业绩管理、航线信息管理、舱位信息管理、会员服务管理、公告管理、员工管理、订票代理管理和统计分析(出票率、上座率)等功能。 客户细分为客户和会员客户,包含:个人信...
Air ticket reservation system: divided into three roles: administrator, customer, and booking agent, administrator is subdivided into operation department administrator and system administrator, including user management, flight query, performance management, route information management, class information management, member service management, announcement management, employee management, booking agent management, statistical analysis (ticket issuance rate, seat occupancy rate) and other functions. Customers are subdivided into customers and member customers, including: personal letters (2023-09-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] Satellite-Analysis

一个为企业Java开发级(CSCI 420)校准NASA卫星数据的小组项目。这个代码是写的...
A group project to callibrate NASA satellite data for Enterprise Java Development class (CSCI 420). This code was written by myself, Joseph Acosta (jracosta@email.wm.edu) and Sean Maydwell (sgmaydwell@email.wm.edu) (2014-01-06, Java, 1124KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] lantianjipiao

Blue Sky Network website ticket program, the theme of the blue ticket website, fresh atmosphere. Powerful, using the latest flight information interfaces, integrated real-time ticket query interface. Website minute domestic flights, international flights, order inquiries, ticket booking function, the query is completed. Non-members can book direct and automatic registered members. Guests order is finished automatically send text messages to mobile phone users orders. Member Center management orders points. (2016-05-15, ASP, 5277KB, 下载6次)


[交通/航空行业] Vehicle-Maintenance

使用汽车维修管理系统可以大大地提高修车企业的工作效率,减少工作中可能出现的错误,为客户提供更好的服务,是提高修车行业自动化水平的重要手段之一。 后台数据库使用SQL Server,前台开发工具使用Visual C++。 本系统采用目前比较流行的ADO数据访问技术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,从而成功地将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到数据库应用程序设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势。
Use of vehicle maintenance management system can greatly improve the efficiency of repair businesses, reduce errors that may occur, to provide better service, level of automation is to improve the vehicle industry is one important means. Background database using SQL Server, front development tool Visual C++. The system uses the more popular ADO data access technology, and the fields for each database table and operation of packages to the class, which successfully design object-oriented programming applied to database application design. This is also the characteristics and advantages of this system. (2011-04-20, Visual C++, 1727KB, 下载5次)


[交通/航空行业] 456

民航订票系统; 任务:通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 1.录入 可以录入航班情况(数据可以存储在一个数据文件中,数据结构、具体数据自定) 2.查询 可以查询某个航线的情况(如,输入航班号,查询起降时间,起飞抵达城市,航班票价,票价折扣,确定航班是否满仓); 可以输入起飞抵达城市,查询飞机航班情况; 3.订票 (订票情况可以存在一个数据文件中,结构自己设定) 可以订票,如果该航班已经无票,可以提供相关可选择航班; 4.退票 可退票,退票后修改相关数据文件; 客户资料有姓名,证件号,订票数量及航班情况,订单要有编号。 5.修改航班信息: 当航班信息改变可以修改航班数据文件。
民航订票系统; 任务:通过此系统可以实现如下功能: 1.录入 可以录入航班情况(数据可以存储在一个数据文件中,数据结构、具体数据自定) 2.查询 可以查询某个航线的情况(如,输入航班号,查询起降时间,起飞抵达城市,航班票价,票价折扣,确定航班是否满仓); 可以输入起飞抵达城市,查询飞机航班情况; 3.订票 (订票情况可以存在一个数据文件中,结构自己设定) 可以订票,如果该航班已经无票,可以提供相关可选择航班; 4.退票 可退票,退票后修改相关数据文件; 客户资料有姓名,证件号,订票数量及航班情况,订单要有编号。 5.修改航班信息: 当航班信息改变可以修改航班数据文件。 (2011-04-07, Visual C++, 966KB, 下载9次)


[交通/航空行业] ITSandTrafficManagement

国外Handbook in OR & MS机构最新的关于城市交通信号控制研究手册,包括:研究现状,主要研究方法、主要研究城果及发展趋势综述,涉及领域包括城市路网交通控制和高速公路的交通控制。对从事交通控制邻域的学者具有很高参考价值
Abroad Handbook in OR & MS organizations the latest research on the Urban Traffic Signal Control Handbook, including: research status, the main research method, the main research results and development trend of the city review in the areas of urban network traffic control and highway traffic control. Traffic control in the neighborhood of the scholars have a high reference value (2010-10-15, PDF, 594KB, 下载20次)


[交通/航空行业] 200812214532660

一款适用于汽车维修行业的管理软件,适合中小企业对维修汽车进行计算机管理。数据库采用 SQL SERVER2000。 主要功能模块包括:职员基本信息、前台客户管理、定损报件单、配件采购单、维修用配件、维修用工时、采购管理、材料领用管理、查询管理以及用户权限等级管理。 程序界面采用传统多窗体控制台模式,比较标准化。但功能还有待于完善,希望能有完善的版本发给本站一份,以于大家共享。 在原有基础上增加了为每个会话添加自己独立的UDP会话。
A suitable vehicle repair industry, management software, vehicle maintenance and repairs for SMEs to computer management. Database using SQL SERVER2000. Main function modules include: basic information staff, front desk customer management, will be reported loss of a single piece, accessories purchase orders, maintenance, spare parts, repair labor, the procurement management, Consuming management, query management and the level of user rights management. Program interface using the traditional multi-form console, more standardized. But the feature has yet to be perfect, hope to have a perfect version of the given site to the share. Increase the original basis for each session to add their own independent UDP sessions. (2010-07-10, Visual Basic, 899KB, 下载14次)


[交通/航空行业] softhy27e

系统特点:1.真正访问中航信数据库。保证数据实时准确2.机票预订功能。查询完成。可以直接预订。管理员后台查看管理3.后台管理强大。可定制航空公司.航空城市.运价管理.常规航位.机型管理.星期表.会员管理.燃油附加等等。 极大提高了系统灵活性!4.包括国内航班查询。国际航班查询。以及单程.返程查询5.会员积分中心,购买机票换积分 航空机票管理系统
System Features: 1. Real freedom to access the letter in the database. To ensure accurate data in real time 2. Airfare booking capabilities. Query to complete. Direct booking. Administrator Back View management 3. Admin powerful. Airlines can be customized. Airways cities. Tariffs. Conventional Air-bit. Model Management. Week table. Member. Fuel surcharges, etc.. Greatly improved the flexibility of the system! 4. Including domestic flight check. International Flight Information. And one-way. Return query 5. Member Points Centre, buy tickets for airline management system integration (2010-06-01, ASP, 1757KB, 下载20次)


[交通/航空行业] AutomotiveSalesManagementSystem

Automotive Sales Management System (2010-05-30, Visual C++, 922KB, 下载1次)


[交通/航空行业] the_mending_system_of_cars

This procedure is a vehicle maintenance enterprise management system. The function of the completion of the following areas: (1) information management system, including user password changes, add users, etc.. (2) the management of basic information, including the management of parts, cars and other types of settings. (3) purchase of information management, including storage management, as well as single query, such as information进货单. (4) maintenance of information management, including management and maintenance of a single query, such as maintenance information. (5) the management of inventory information, including the transfer of management of warehouse receipts, spare parts inventory and warehouse information to inquiries. (6) the financial information management, including accounts receivable management information to meet the information management. (2009-07-04, Visual Basic, 202KB, 下载27次)


[交通/航空行业] vehicle

A simple vehicle management system, can be used in the management of small and medium-sized vehicles. It can also allow beginners to practice with hands down. (2008-07-21, ASP, 109KB, 下载22次)


[交通/航空行业] wu_liu

皓月物流系统 采用asp卡开发的,本系统使用者为一家局域性物流企业,主要为航空物流,应用可扩展为海陆空的综合物流。系统功能包括出入港货物的记录、统计、汇总,实现对出、入货单的动态生成打印,并根据货物目的地分派货物到达站点。
Haoyue logistics system uses asp development of the card, users of the system to a local logistics enterprises. mainly for aviation logistics, applications can be extended to integrated land, sea and air logistics. System functions include access to cargo records, statistics, collected, and the realization that the invoices are dynamically generated Print, Under the destination of the goods and distribute the goods have arrived at site. (2007-04-23, ASP, 118KB, 下载65次)


[交通/航空行业] CarSale_five

This is a VB and SQL-based development of the management system, after a simple modifications can be used in practical applications, applicable to small car sales business. (2006-05-11, Visual Basic, 170KB, 下载54次)


[交通/航空行业] current10.59

PB实现的交通运输管理 系统 1.运输企业系统管理人员通过该系统来管理用户资料,备份,恢复数据库。 2.运输企业系统应用人员通过该系统来管理车辆,司机,运营信息,事故信息,完成日常应用。 有设计文档
PB transport management system 1. Transport enterprise systems management through the system to manage user data, backup and restore the database. 2. Transport systems through the application of the system to manage the vehicles, drivers and operational information, accident information, the completion of daily use. A design document (2006-03-30, SQL, 3428KB, 下载110次)
