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[智慧办公] ibm-bus-workflows

Flujos de trabajo Reutilizables de Github Actions,para los procesos de devops de applicaciones de IBM App Connect Enterprise(IBM应用程序连接企业)
Flujos de trabajo Reutilizables de Github Actions, para los procesos de devops de aplicaciones de IBM App Connect Enterprise (2024-05-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] libreoffice-calc-table-templates

LibreOffice Calc中的通用电子表格汇编包括各种类型的电子表格,如工作场所、运营、学生、企业、会计、采购、家庭、公共事务、人员和杂项。
The Universal Spreadsheet Compilation in LibreOffice Calc includes various types of spreadsheets such as workplace, operations, student, business, accounting, procurement, household, public affairs, personnel, and miscellaneous. (2024-05-19, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] Webiu

建立和维护网站是任何企业或组织的基本任务。该项目旨在通过在Gatsby Js框架的帮助下开发“通用网站构建器”来简化网站建立和运行的工作流。个人将能够利用该通用平台来插入所需的插件
Building and maintaining a website is an essential task for any business or organization. This project aims to ease the workflow of getting a website up and running by developing a “generalized website builder”, with the help of the Gatsby Js Framework. The individuals would be able to utilize this generalized platform to plug-in required (2024-05-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] Microsoft-Office365-Free-Download

Microsoft Office是一套由Microsoft开发和销售的生产力软件。它是世界上使用最广泛的办公套房之一,满足个人和企业用户的需求。该套件包括各种应用程序,每个应用程序都是为与文档创建、数据管理相关的特定任务而设计的。
Microsoft Office is a suite of productivity software developed and marketed by Microsoft. It is one of the most widely used office suites in the world, catering to the needs of both individual and business users. The suite includes a variety of applications, each designed for specific tasks related to document creation, data management. (2024-04-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] ripwire-enterprise-office365-cis-assessment-rules

一系列PowerShell脚本用作Tripwire企业策略测试规则,以评估Microsoft Office 365 CIS评估(v1.0),
A series of PowerShell scripts used as Tripwire Enterprise Policy Test Rules to assess Microsoft Office 365 CIS Assessment (v1.0), (2022-05-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] SMBblueprint-Docs

SMB蓝图是合作伙伴将中小型企业迁移到Office 365和Azure的解决方案加速器。,
SMB Blueprint is a solution accelerator for partners to onboard Small to medium businesses to Office 365 and Azure., (2017-07-11, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] E5-renewal-tool

一个工具,可以帮助您为Office 365的开发人员续订E5企业版。它基于官方教程...,
A tool which could help you to renew the subscription of E5 enterprise edition for developer of Office 365. It base on official tutorial and it achieve by Outlool API and oAuth 2.0. (2020-03-12, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] varbase_workflow

Varbase Workflow包括一个用于强大、快速和企业内容调节功能的工具包。Varbase工作流i...
Varbase Workflow includes a toolkit for robust, quick, and enterprise content moderation features. Varbase Workflow is useful for small sites with simple publishing workflow to enterprise complex publishing workflows, all thanks to leveraging Drupal Content Moderation and Workflow modules. (2023-06-05, PHP, 60KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] wflow

workflow 工作流设计器,企业OA流程设计。表单流程设计界面操作超级简单!!普通用户也能分分钟上手,不需要专业知识。本设计器支持可视化拖拽表单组件,动态任意层级结构审批节点,支持复杂流程条件设置
Workflow designer, enterprise OA process design. The form process design interface is super simple!! Ordinary users can also get started in minutes without professional knowledge. This designer supports visual drag and drop form components, dynamic arbitrary hierarchy approval nodes, and complex process condition settings (2023-06-13, Vue, 571KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] Carto3D_projet_indus

Workspace que j ai utilisé pour la cartographie 3D, incluant la prise en charge des lidars RPLidar et Hokuyo. Caméras 3D: kinect, Kinect 2 (2017-10-05, C++, 182KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] service-workbench-on-aws-cn

AWS上解决方案Service Workbench的区域扩展。一个为研究人员提供一键访问的平台...
Region expansion for solution Service Workbench on AWS. A platform that provides researchers with one-click access to collaborative workspace environments operating across teams, universities, and datasets while enabling university IT stakeholders to manage, monitor, and control spending, apply security best practices, and comply with corporate ... (2023-05-04, JavaScript, 127207KB, 下载0次)
