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[数据库系统] 3089

The recruitment information management system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (with paper attached), users, administrator roles, etc. (see the demo video for details). Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, every field of our life involves the application of computers, including the network application of the recruitment information management system, which has been a common way in foreign recruitment information management systems, but the domestic online management system may still be in its infancy. The recruitment information management system has the selection of recruitment information management functions. The recruitment information management system adopts java technology, is developed based on the spring boot framework and mysql database, and realizes home page, personal center, user management, enterprise management, work type management (2024-05-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] imu_migrationtool

This system is mainly designed and implemented as a customizable database table migration system with basic functions for the needs of enterprise and individual users database table migration. Users can specify the database tables to be migrated and the FTP server to be stored according to their own needs. The system will automatically complete the migration of data in the database tables on a scheduled basis. This system has the following (2018-06-02, Java, 6937KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] JSH_ERP

Huaxia ERP is based on the SpringBoot framework and aims to provide open-source and user-friendly ERP software for small and medium-sized enterprises. Currently, it focuses on purchasing, selling, and storing financial functions. The main modules include retail management, procurement management, sales management, warehouse management, financial management, report query, basic data, system management, etc. Support prepayment, revenue and expenditure, warehouse transfer, assembly (2022-06-21, Java, 10239KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] JSH_ERP

Huaxia ERP is based on the SpringBoot framework and aims to provide open-source and user-friendly ERP software for small and medium-sized enterprises. Currently, it focuses on purchasing, selling, and storing financial functions. The main modules include retail management, procurement management, sales management, warehouse management, financial management, report query, basic data, system management, etc. Support prepayment, revenue and expenditure, warehouse transfer, assembly (2019-08-06, Java, 54448KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 星宇软件

一、技术先进, 安全稳定 采用大型数据库MS SQL 2000及复制技术,数据处理快速、准确、数据之间关系紧密,远程连接方便。 多层次的分布式网络体系结构设计,很好的支持商业企业的连锁经营模式。 系统自动定时备份,确保企业数据安全。 前台自动连网、断网模式,全自动切换不需要人工干预。前台断网数据自动上传。 采用最新的通讯监控手段,后台可以实时监控前台的收银状况和设态。 集进货、销售、仓库、零售、财务、金卡、配送、人事工资诸多管理功能于一身,业务与帐务实现一体化的链接。 强大的权限管理,不同操作员只能处理不同的业务,确保数据安全。
251/5000 Go to Baidu Home Page Simple and easy to use, easy to operate. A large number of humanized design, 30 minutes can learn. Vivid navigation icon, simple and intuitive interface, so that operators can easily use. Has nearly 1 million standard commodity library, and support in the purchase or front desk sales, scan the bar code automatically and quickly file. The front desk has its own practice cashier mode, convenient for cashiers to practice using. Convenient and flexible front cashier mode, support the combination of keyboard operation and mouse operation, greatly accelerate the cashier speed. The system provides scientific, perfect and strict inventory business process and scientific inventory method, which can truly realize the non-shutdown inventory and improve the efficiency and accuracy of inventory. The system supports all kinds of barcode collectors to carry out inventory entry, and at the same time supports the front POS machine inventory function. (2021-03-10, Java, 222KB, 下载0次)
