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[Windows编程] d2-admin-pm-master

D2Admin 是一个完全 开源免费 的企业中后台产品前端集成方案,使用最新的前端技术栈,已经做好大部分项目前期准备工作,并且带有大量示例代码,助力管理系统敏捷开发。
D2Admin is a completely open source and free front-end integration solution for enterprise backstage products. Using the latest front-end technology stack, it has done most of the pre-project preparations, and has a large number of sample codes to help the agile development of management system. (2019-06-19, Others, 5654KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Xmanager 5 企业版+注册码

Xmanager 是一款小巧、便捷的浏览远端X窗口系统的工具。在工作中经常使用Xmanager来登录远端的Solaris系统,在X窗口系统上作图形化的操作。但是,Xmanager默认并不提供对于中文的支持,为了能够浏览远端的中文Solaris系统,就必须对Xmanager作一些定制化操作,提供中文的浏览能力。
Xmanager is a compact and convenient tool for browsing remote X window system. (2019-02-17, Others, 55589KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] finalyy_systam

A MIMO system with two transmitters and two receivers, the receiver adopts QR detection, and finally parses the curve of bit error rate and signal-to-noise ratio. The channel is known at the receiving end. (2018-08-04, Others, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] GET-MT4-DATA

本指标能实时导出MT的行情数据,供Advanced GET8使用,以下是注意事项: 1、只测试了GET8 2、本指标附加到行情图表后,能导出当前周期的数据保存到MTexpertsfiles目录里面,从M1,M15,,,一直到MN周期均可 3、将GET的数据目录指定到MTexpertsfiles,并且将日期格式设定为YYYY,MM,DD 4、至于股票数据,那更简单,启动通达信(或者以通达信为核心的股票软件,如中信证券的股票软件),选定股票,尽量缩小K线图,然后34回车,将数据导出到GET数据文件目录后,可直接用于GET,不用修改. 5、本指标纯粹用于学习交流,无商业目的. 以下为指标源代码
#include <stdlib.mqh> #property indicator_chart_window extern string GET_PATH = C:\Program Files\GET8\TEXT\ int last_write_period=0 extern int MAX_ROWS = 300 extern string START_DATE = 2008-1-1 int init() { writelog() return (0) } int writelog() { int i, cnt, hlog, tm string s = Symbol() s = StringSubstr(s, 0, 1)+StringSubstr(s, 3, 1) string fname = s+ _ cnt = Period() if (cnt==PERIOD_M1) fname = fname+ M1.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_M5) fname = fname+ M5.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_M15) fname = fname+ M15.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_M30) fname = fname+ M30.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_H1) fname = fname+ H1.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_H4) fname = fname+ H4.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_D1) fname = fname+ D1.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_W1) fname = fname+ W1.txt if (cnt==PERIOD_MN1) fname = fname+ MN.txt cnt = CurTime()/(cnt*60) if (cnt!=last_write_period) { hlog = FileOpen(fname, FILE_CSV | FILE_WRITE, ) if (hlog<=0) { Pr (2015-03-09, Others, 1KB, 下载38次)


[Windows编程] bookp_danfangban

启明星会议室预定系统是一套会议室管理的软件,他可以更好的协助企业管理好会议室。目前,企业开会通常需要会议室、笔记本和投影仪。传统都是用手工登记,不仅麻烦,而且容易冲突。 启明星会议室预定系统是电子化的会议室管理系统,在用户预定时,可以查看会议室的状态(例如十分支持会议会议,会议室人数使用是否冲突等),而且还可以和Outlook集成,通过邮件通知,让参与者第一时间了解会议的详情。 启明星会议室预定系统同时只是ipad调用。本系统是基于B/S结构,服务器段运行在win2003/2008上,客户端只需要一个浏览器即可随时查看。
Venus meeting room reservation system is a meeting room management software, he can better assist enterprises to manage conference rooms. Currently, corporate meetings usually need a meeting room, laptop and projector. Traditional by hand registration is not only cumbersome and prone to conflict. Venus meeting room reservation system electronic meeting room management system, user a predetermined time, you can view the status of the conference room (for example, very supportive of the Conference, the number of conference rooms whether conflict), but can also be integrated with Outlook, The e-mail notification, allow participants time to understand the details of the meeting. Venus meeting room reservation system at the same time just call ipad. This system is based on B/S structure, server segment running on win2003/2008 on client need only a browser can view at any time. (2013-01-13, Others, 1835KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] 006

《程序员修炼之道》由一系列独立的部分组成,涵盖的主题从个人责任、职业发展,直以用于使代码保持灵活、并且易于改 编和复用的各种架构技术,利用许多富有娱乐性的奇闻轶事、有思想性的例子以及有趣的类比,全面阐释了软件开发的许多不 同方面的最佳实践和重大陷阱。无论你是初学者,是有经验的程序员,还是软件项目经理,本书都适合你阅读。
" The Pragmatic Programmer" by a series of separate parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, career development, straight to the code used to maintain a flexible and easy to adapt and reuse a variety of architecture technology, the use of many rich entertainment of anecdotes, thoughtful examples, and interesting analogies to fully explain the many different aspects of software development best practices and major pitfalls. Whether you are a beginner, an experienced programmer or a software project manager, this book is for you to read. (2010-10-30, Others, 914KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] TuxedoTraining_PasswordIs(xiebj)

tuxedo培训教程.密码是(xiebj).pdf BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层 结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和 应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开 发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。 BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台。它提供了一个开放 的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式。
tuxedo training curricula. password is (xiebj). pdf BEA TUXEDO at the enterprise, Internet, distributed computing environment, such a development and management of three-tier architecture client/server-based mission-critical applications, a powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and application of communication functions, and to provide better services to build, run and manage mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to build across multiple hardware platforms, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO is the enterprise, Internet-based distributed applications platform for the backbone. It provides an open environment to support a wide range of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems, and communication. (2009-11-12, Others, 346KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] softhy326h

1,分为单个的 [文件管理] 和 文件集合的[项目管理]。 2,文件上传有进度条显示。 3,结合人事数据库,对企业内人员上传,修改,删除,查询文件有严格的权限控制。 即不同权限的人看到的文件和项目数目不同。权限越高,看到的自然越多。如果是你的下属员工上传的文件,自然可以看到。 4,签核机制。同样,结合人事架构,员工新上传的文件,由主管,经理,总经理等等,一级一级签核(也可以选择不需下面的签核)。签核过的才能被下载。 5,邮件通知功能。每一个签核流程,系统都会自动邮件通知相关人员。 其他: 文件和项目需要选择的属性,都可以自己设定。 更新文件和更新项目 不同于修改。更新文件只是更新现有文件的版本,原来填写的信息可以自动带出,只要上传新文件,上传后可以选择原来文件 废止或者保留。 选择作者和 合作者时,可以自动从企业人事架构中选择,也可以自己填写。 文件上传成功时,会自动填入文件大小,类型,文件名等数据。 [查询管理中心]中的 清除上传缓存,可以清除 由于网络或者上传了文件忘记填写信息而放弃等等各种原因造成的垃圾文件。 友情提示:本系统自动邮件通知需要Jmail组件支持。 非原创
aaaa (2009-07-31, Others, 620KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] web

PageAdmin网站管理系统 系统自带了目前网站常用的功能模块,完全可以满足普通企业类,学校类或政府类网站的需要。现在就下载使用,您将会体验到系统带来的全所未用的自由布局功能。
PageAdmin Site Management System System comes with the current Web site commonly used function modules, fully meet the general business category, school or government sites needs. Download now, you will experience a system-wide by the free distribution of unused functions. (2009-02-17, Others, 5070KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] howtoword

花一天时间学好Word排版,绝对是一劳永逸的事。 Word不是最重要的,但绝对是影响建模表达、写作效率和修改方便性的关键。 所有与内容无关的排版工作都交给Word去完成吧。
Flower a day to learn Word Publishing, is a matter for once and for all. Word is not the most important, but is the expression of the impact of modeling, writing and revision of the efficiency of the key convenience. All unrelated to the content of the typesetting work to complete it to the Word. (2008-08-22, Others, 4KB, 下载38次)


[Windows编程] cprintf

For general printing procedures, documents, accounting documents, invoices, statements, any complex form, the merger contract forms such as industrial and mining enterprises can be provided by the system several default target portfolio print print (2008-04-17, Others, 128KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] LastDate

This book is talking about is: how top companies in difficult circumstances to complete an impossible mission. The author thus demonstrating to readers the real art of management , that is, how extremely effective management to complete the seemingly impossible task, he passed to people at the same time a profound concept: the timetable is sacred and inviolable! (2007-12-17, Others, 376KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] aaa

本业务技术规范在信产部行标和中国电信相关规范基础上,根据相关具体需 求,结合软交换试商用工程的实际情况,制定软交换网络上各类业务的业务技术 实现方式和流程,包括业务描述、业务规范和呼叫流程。 参照PSTN 业务体系,软交换体系应实现基本业务、补充业务、IP Centrex、 传统智能业务;同时应满足试商用阶段新型增值业务的要求。在PSTN 业务体系 的基础上,根据软交换网络和终端的业务特性,结合市场需求,扩充了业务种类, 修改了相关的技术要求,并提供了较详细的技术实现流程。 随着技术和市场的发展,软交换新型增值业务的需求更加具体明确,相关业 务规范将得到发展和完善。 本规范可作为软交换业务的研发、测试、业务受理的技术依据和参考。 (2007-10-24, Others, 998KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] 200772121321146

系统测试(System Test, ST)的目的是对最终软件系统进行全面的测试,确保最终软件系统满足产品需求并且遵循系统设计。 系统测试过程域是SPP模型的重要组成部分。本规范阐述了系统测试的规程,该规程的“目标”、“角色与职责”、“启动准则”、“输入”、“主要步骤”、“输出”、“完成准则”和“度量”均已定义。 本规范适用于国内IT企业的软件研发项目。建议用户根据自身情况(如商业目标、研发实力等)适当地修改本规范,然后推广使用。 (2007-09-25, Others, 13KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] xingneng

校园一卡同方案。  "一卡通信息管理系统"是在多年智能卡应用基础上,按照一卡多用、一卡通的方向研制的拳头产品,是经国家信息产业部核准注册的高科技产品。本项目汇集了各智能系统的优势,从系统结构规划、确定应用标准,采用SQL server数据库管理技术,具有标准统一、结构合理、运行效率高,投资成本低、适用面广的特点,并可根据用户需求实现与银行的圈存转帐、交易结算。自1998年投入市场以来,已广泛应用于企业、院校、社区等大型智能化应用项目。
Campus One card with the program. (2007-09-15, Others, 289KB, 下载159次)


[Windows编程] qqys

在查询窗口中输入要查询的QQ号码( 不超过12位,因为我感觉好像QQ好像还没 有那么多位数的号码^_^),当返回的状 态为彩色图片时说明为在线(包括隐藏), 当返回状态为灰色时说明不在线. 本程序仅供娱乐,不得用于任何非法 途径及商业途径,否则后果自负!
In the query window enter QQ number (not more than 12, because I feel like QQ seem not so much the median number ^_^), When they returned to the state when the note for the full-color photographs, online (including hidden) When the return status is gray when the note is not online. This procedure is for entertainment, shall not be used for any illegal channels and commercial channels,否则后果自负! (2007-08-20, Others, 311KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] hjglxt

户籍管理系统行 2: 控件 DataEnvironment1 的类 {C0E45035-5775-11D0-B388-00A0C9055D8E} 不是一个已加载的控件类。 行 0: 不能加载文件 D:\户籍管理系统\www.xpcode.com.cn\DataEnvironment1.Dsr 。
Household registration management system line 2: control DataEnvironment1 class (C0E45035-5775-11D0-B388-00A0C9055D8E) is not a type of control has been loaded. Line 0: Can not load the file D: the household registration management system www.xpcode.com.cnDataEnvironment1.Dsr. (2007-08-03, Others, 281KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] ColdFusion_Study

ColdFusion is a Web server, as well as a Web scripting language, Java-based, very suited to the business website. Origin early, probably in 1994, the original of a small company's products, after the acquisition of MacroMedia. Adobe now. Application few domestic and foreign enterprises with a lot of Coldfusion. If Symantec, ESRI, and so on. (2007-05-09, Others, 316KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] OPCFiles

OPC接口技术在企业综合自动化中的应用 OPC技术介绍与OPC开发技术 过程控制系统中的OPC技术
OPC interface technology in enterprise integrated automation of OPC and OPC Technology Development Process Control System of OPC (2006-12-16, Others, 90KB, 下载19次)


[Windows编程] bea_quick_start

BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台(见图1)。它提供了一个开放的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式。
BEA TUXEDO in enterprises, Internet the Distributed Computing Environment development and management structure of the three-tier client/server-based mission-critical Application System powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and application of communication, and to provide better services to create, Operation and management of mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to establish a number of cross-platform hardware, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO enterprises and the Internet distributed applications based on the trunk platform (see figure 1). It provides an open environment, and supports a wide variety of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems and means of communication. (2006-12-13, Others, 401KB, 下载12次)
