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[Java编程] j_8423_easydbo

 EasyDBO是由简易java框架网(www.easyjf.com)开发的一个适合中小型软件数据库开发的java数据持久层框架,系统参考hibernate、JDO等,结合中小项目软件的开发实际,实现简单的Java对象到关系数据的映射。EasyDBO由于比较简单,比较适合于中小企业及个人开发使用,EasyDBO当前还处于测试阶段、是一个简易但不太成熟的对象-关系映射开源中间件。   EasyDBO的源代码非常简单,有一点Java知识的人基本上都能读懂,因此,选择EasyDBO作本文的示例主要目的在于让读者快速进入ORM系统的世界,理解对象-关系数据库实质及实现原理。    EasyDBO考虑的是最简单的对象-关系映射,简单到可以不使用任何配置文件就实现对象-关系的映射。EasyDBO源码主要包括com.easyjf.dbo、com.easyjf.dbo.config、com.easyjf.dbo.sql三个包。其中com.easyjf.dbo是框架的核心、实现了对象-关系的转换、JDBC API的封装以及用户接口支持等,com.easyjf.dbo.config实现配置文件的管理,com.easyjf.dbo.sql实现数据库的简单Sql语句的生成及多数据库支持的扩展。
EasyDBO is simple java framework Network (www.easyjf.com) opened made of a database for small and medium-sized software development java data persistence layer framework, System Reference Apache, JDO, combining small and medium-sized projects in software development practice, the simple Java objects to relational data mapping. EasyDBO as simpler, more suited to the development of SMEs and personal use, EasyDBO also present at the testing stage, it is a simple but not very mature object-relational mapping open-source middleware. EasyDBO the source code is very simple, it is knowledge of Java basically can understand, therefore, EasyDBO choice for the examples in this paper main purpose is to let readers quick access to ORM system in the world, understanding Object-relational database and re (2006-01-04, JavaScript, 2067KB, 下载7次)
