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[Redis] peripheral-frontend

基于 Spring Boot + React + Ant Design 组件库 + MySQL + Redis 的 企业级周边系统(前端),直观清晰地展示公司周边奖品、并且提高公司内部的周边申请和管理效率。
The enterprise level peripheral system (front-end) based on Spring Boot+React+Ant Design component library+MySQL+Redis can intuitively and clearly display the company s peripheral prizes, and improve the company s internal peripheral application and management efficiency. (2024-03-29, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] peripheral-backend

基于 Spring Boot + React + Ant Design 组件库 + MySQL + Redis 的 企业级周边系统(后端),直观清晰地展示公司周边奖品、并且提高公司内部的周边申请和管理效率。
The enterprise level peripheral system (back-end) based on Spring Boot+React+Ant Design component library+MySQL+Redis can intuitively and clearly display the company s peripheral prizes, and improve the company s internal peripheral application and management efficiency. (2024-03-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] toutiao

旨在设计开发一个类头条咨询网站集成评论,点赞,站内通知信等功能。采用SpringBoot + MyBatis + Redis + 消息队列 的大体框架完成。——牛客网中级项目学习总结
It aims to design and develop a headline like consulting website to integrate functions such as comments, likes, and notices on the site. The general framework of SpringBoot+MyBatis+Redis+Message Queue is adopted—— Learning summary of intermediate project of Niuke.com (2024-01-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] develop-accelerator

?? Platform example for Laravel application . Scalability, fault tolerance, and maintainability are considered by using coreos, circle-ci, amazon-s3, consul, consul-template, registrator, mariadb-galera-cluster, digital ocean floating ip, redis-cluster, elasticsearch-fluentd-kibana, nginx. (2023-05-14, Shell, 151KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] nest-admin

nest-admin,NestJs CRUD 使用 nestjs + mysql + typeorm + redis + jwt + swagger 企业中后台管理系统项目RBAC权限管理(细粒度到按钮)、实现单点登录等。
Nest admin, NestJs CRUD uses Nestjs+MySQL+Typeorm+Redis+jwt+Swagger enterprise backend management system project RBAC permission management (fine-grained to button), implementation of single sign on, and more. (2023-05-14, Shell, 287KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Kachuwa

Kachuwa is a enterprize ready application framework which is developed on a top of asp.net core.It is simply made to create a better application for better business.(Still in Development..)) (2023-05-14, C#, 3702KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] apevolo-api

apevolo-api,.Net 6.0 、SqlSugar、Vue、RBAC、前后端分离的开箱即用的企业级中后台权限管理系统
Apevolo API,. Net 6.0, SqlSugar, Vue, RBAC, and an out of the box enterprise level backend permission management system with front-end and back-end separation (2023-05-14, C#, 4899KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Meiam

Meiam.System,.NET 5 .NET Core 3.1 WebAPI + Vue 2.0 + RBAC 企业级前后端分离权限框架
Meiam. System,. NET 5. NET Core 3.1 WebAPI+Vue 2.0+RBAC enterprise level front-end and back-end separation permission framework (2023-05-14, C#, 1185KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Knower

Knower,Knower(知者):一个实用的的开源知识库管理平台。基于 Hyperf 实现,集成了权限管理、第三方登录(GitHub、QQ)、企业微信自建应用通知等功能,亦可作为 Hyperf 的开发脚手架。
Knower: A practical open-source knowledge base management platform. Based on Hyperf implementation, it integrates functions such as permission management, third-party login (GitHub, QQ), enterprise WeChat self built application notification, and can also serve as a development scaffold for Hyperf. (2023-05-14, PHP, 28057KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] projectoa

projectoa,华理网院本科毕业设计 - 企业OA后台管理系统 基于springboot amazeui等 开发于2018年,仅为学习使用。
Projectoa, a bachelor s degree project of Huali University of Internet Technology - The enterprise OA backend management system was developed in 2018 based on spring boot amazeui and others, and is only for learning purposes. (2023-05-14, JavaScript, 1378KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] skyeye

Skyeye, an intelligent office OA system [SpringBoot2- Rapid Development Platform], is suitable for the management of hospitals, schools, small and medium-sized enterprises, and other institutions. Activiti5.22+dynamic forms can implement complex business processes with zero Java code, including online file operations, logs, attendance, CRM, ERP inventory, and sales (2023-05-14, JavaScript, 309375KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] company-frame

company-frame,企业级前后端分离后端管理系统:thymeleaf、 layUI、 jQuery、 axios、 spring boot、 shiro、 redis、 jwt、 mybatis、 mysql、 阿里云centos系统
Company frame, enterprise level front-end and back-end separation management system: thymleaf, layUI, jQuery, axios, spring boot, shiro, redis, jwt, mybatis, MySQL, Alibaba Cloud Centos system (2023-05-14, Java, 11860KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] sms-backend

sms-backend,集信达是一个提供发送短信服务的短信聚合平台, 它聚合了包括阿里, 华为, 梦网, 飞鸽等各大短信服务商于一体, 减少重复对接成本的同时, 保证短信触达率.
SMS backend is a SMS aggregation platform that provides SMS sending services. It integrates various SMS service providers, including Alibaba, Huawei, Mengwang, Feige, etc., to reduce duplicate docking costs while ensuring SMS reach rate (2023-05-14, Java, 9133KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] readygo-mall-cloud

readygo-mall-cloud,莱蒂购商城,一个基于SpringCloud, SpringCloud alibaba的微服务商城系统,支持单商户,多商户。本仓库永久免费开源,不会收取任何费用,大家放心使用,欢迎关注,给些意见或建议,以便后续更好的服务大家,有不清楚的...
Readygo all cloud, a microservice mall system based on SpringCloud and SpringCloud Alibaba, supports both single and multiple merchants. This warehouse is permanently free and open-source, and will not charge any fees. You can rest assured to use it. Welcome to follow and give some opinions or suggestions for better service in the future. If you have any questions (2023-05-14, Java, 7226KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] beihu-boot

Beihu boot, an enterprise level rapid development framework set, provides template packaging for various components, simplifies usage costs, and provides reference for learning! (2023-05-14, Java, 687KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] SlcpBlog

SlcpBlog, 基于vue和SpringBoot的博客系统,不仅仅是一个文章分享项目,还有听歌、相册、烟花模拟器、动态诗歌等等娱乐功能。并且集成了图床功能、第三方QQ登录、QQ邮箱发送彩虹屁、支付宝付款、文章编辑Markdown、基于注解实现Redis...
SlcpBlog, a blog system based on Vue and SpringBoot, is not only an article sharing project, but also has entertainment functions such as listening to music, photo albums, fireworks simulators, dynamic poetry, and more. It also integrates the map bed function, third-party QQ login, QQmail sending rainbow farts, Alipay payment, article editor Markdown, and Redis based on annotations (2023-05-14, Java, 74826KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] ruoyi-mall

ruoyi-mall,一个基于若依框架,SringBoot2+MybatisPlus+SpringSecurity+jwt+redis+Vue+Taro的前后端分离的商城系统, 包含分类、sku、商户管理、分销、会员、适合企业或个人二次开发;
Ruoyi mall is a front-end and back-end separated shopping mall system based on the Ruoyi framework, which includes classification, sku, merchant management, distribution, membership, and is suitable for enterprise or individual secondary development; (2023-05-14, Java, 1178KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] KCloud-Platform-Alibaba

KCloud-Platform-Alibaba,KCloud-Platform-Alibaba(老寇云平台)是一款企业级微服务架构的云服务平台。基于Spring Boot 3.0.6、Spring Cloud 2022.0.2、Spring Cloud Alibaba 2022.0...
KCloud Platform Alibaba is an enterprise level microservice architecture cloud service platform. Based on Spring Boot 3.0.6, Spring Cloud 2022.0.2, Spring Cloud Alibaba 2022.0 (2023-05-14, Java, 21989KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] microservices-platform

The microservices platform is based on SpringBoot2. x, SpringCloud, and SpringCloudAlibaba, and adopts an enterprise level microservices multi tenant system architecture with front-end and back-end separation. And the concept of componentization is introduced to achieve high cohesion and low coupling. The project code is concise, annotated, rich, and easy to get started, making it suitable for learning and use in enterprises. Realizing (2023-04-09, Java, 93215KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] toBeBetterJavaer

ToBeBetterJavaer, an easy to understand, funny and humorous Java learning guide, covering core knowledge points such as Java basics, Java concurrent programming, Java Virtual Machine, Java enterprise development, Java interview, etc. To learn Java, identify your second brother s path to Java advancement (2023-05-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
