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[MySQL数据库] go-template-mysql

An enterprise GraphQL template application built using Golang showcasing - Testing Strategy, DB migrations and seeding, integration with an ORM, containerization using Docker, GraphQL Interface, MySQL, subscriptions, redis caching, paginated endpoints. (2023-04-17, GO, 203KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] point-of-sale

A demo application for budding programmers; also a DIY point of sale system for small business owners (2019-09-07, GO, 36KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] ts-Deployment-Docker-Login-OTP-Email-verification

A Login & Registration System with Enterprise level both way authentication with Honeypots Email and securing password with Bcrypt and token parsing. (2019-09-05, CSS, 320KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] -Application-Website-with-PHP-Bootstrap-and-MySQL

This very simple application can be used for small businesses or by students on their projects. On this system, candidates can send their information to apply for a specific job position. The Admin is able to see all the candidate’s information on the Resumes Management Application and download the resumes provided, also the admin is able to (2019-08-11, CSS, 2753KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] SSM-recruit

This system implements the basic process of the online recruitment system, using Java language as the development language and MySQL as the database management system; Implemented user login and registration, user information modification, and divided into job seekers and enterprise users, including job seekers modifying their resumes, viewing and submitting positions, enterprise users posting positions, and (2020-11-04, CSS, 12143KB, 下载0次)



PEIMS is an enterrpise manager which is platform dependent. It is a .NET software application which is developed for managing Pharmaceutical business operations. The application is an integrated software with features including CRM, IFS, HRM, product planning, inventory management, etc. Enterprise manager is developed using C# windows forms and ... (2015-09-01, C#, 5525KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] KeJian.Core

kejian企业官网配套后端接口,基于 core3 webapi 项目,重构版,架构封装完善,可作为模板项目
Kejian enterprise official website supporting backend interface, based on Core3 web API project, refactored version, fully encapsulated architecture, can be used as a template project (2021-08-25, C#, 59KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] stores

This is an e-commerce mall project, with the main technologies of springboot+bootstart+ajax+mybatis+mysql to achieve e-commerce shopping, login and registration, add shopping carts, place orders on the product page, query orders, favorites, modify account username and password, and request data through ajax (2021-11-30, HTML, 23648KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] GABS-AddressBookSystem

基于web的通讯录系统,适用于企业或个人使用 | A web-based address book system for enterprise or personal use
A web-based address book system for enterprise or personal use (2020-03-04, PHP, 1316KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] OnlinePizzaDelivery

An online food ordering system can be defined as software that allows restaurant businesses to accept and manage orders placed over the internet. (2022-10-03, PHP, 15174KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] sftnow

这是一个PHP企业门户网站(包括后台管理系统), 实现了新闻分类管理及发布管理, 角色菜单权限等系统管理
This is a PHP enterprise portal website (including a backend management system) that implements system management such as news classification and release management, role menu permissions, and more (2018-12-29, PHP, 19829KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Ignition-Go

Bootstrap4 Codeigner 3模块化(HMVC)应用程序构建框架-构建企业级web应用程序。。。诗句...
Bootstrap4 /Codeigniter 3 Modular (HMVC) App Building Framework - to build enterprise class web applications... Versions: CodeIgniter 3.1.9 AdminLTE 3.0.5 Bootstrap 4.5.0 (2023-03-04, PHP, 4594KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] learnSolr

A demo of using Solr as a search engine within enterprise applications; Currently, it can only achieve full-text retrieval of MySql database tables and rich text (PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, etc.) (2017-03-22, Java, 579KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] project-tracking-system-backend-app

Enterprise project tracker, tracks commits done by employees after getting assigned to a couple of projects by their managers (2021-09-15, Java, 9685KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] node-express-mysql-boilerplate

任何企业rest api或服务的样板,带有Node.js、Express和Sequelize ORM for mysql、postgresql或...
A boilerplate for any enterprise rest api or service with Node.js, Express and Sequelize ORM for mysql, postgresql or others. (2023-03-30, JavaScript, 31KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] spring-boot-enterprise-application-development

Spring Boot Enterprise Application Development.《Spring Boot 企业级应用开发实战》
Spring Boot Enterprise Application Development. Spring Boot Enterprise Application Development Practice (2018-10-11, Others, 45895KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] nestjs-mysql-api

NestJs CRUD for RESTful API使用nestjs+mysql+typeorm+jwt+swagger企业项目中的RBAC权限管理、实现单地方登录。
The NestJs CRUD for RESTful API uses RBAC permission management in Nestjs+MySQL+typeorm+jwt+swagger enterprise projects to achieve single place login. (2023-04-11, TypeScript, 271KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] oceanbase

OceanBase is an enterprise distributed relational database with high availability, high performance, horizontal scalability, and compatibility with SQL standards. (2023-05-26, C++, 45937KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] Themis-master

Themis is a database audit product developed by the DBA team of Yixin Company. It can help DBA and developers find database quality problems quickly and improve work efficiency (2019-05-16, SQL, 8157KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] j_12054_emlog

emlog 是一个基于PHP和mysql平台的功能强大的个人博客系统(blog)。致力于为您提供高效、稳定,且在使用上又极其简单、舒适的博客服务。
emlog is a platform based on PHP and mysql powerful system of personal blog (blog). Dedicated to providing you with efficient, stable, and also in the use of extremely simple, comfortable services to the blog. (2009-06-09, PHP, 432KB, 下载6次)
