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按分类查找All 前端开发(75) 
按平台查找All Vue(75) 

[前端开发] handel-pos

Web-based point-of-sale system for people running small, temporary businesses - such as garage sales and pop-up shops (2024-05-14, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] healthyCheckUi

HealthCheck is an open source medical examination management system suitable for Internet enterprises. It can be directly used for health examination, occupational examination, and occupational examination. It is suitable for individual medical examination centers. It can interface with various hospital equipment, LIS, PACS, and HIS systems to facilitate data entry and issuance of medical examination reports. This project is a back-end code project. (2024-03-18, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] lxms-admin-antdv

凌夕管理系统(LXMS)前端工程,基于 Ant Design Vue 前端框架开发。 凌夕管理系统(LXMS)基于SpringBoot3.0的权限管理系统, 企业级快速开发解决方案,采用前后端分离架构,支持 RBAC 动态权限,核心设计目标是开发迅速、容易上手、功能强大、轻...,
Lingxi Management System (LXMS) front-end project is developed based on Ant Design Vue front-end framework. Lingxi Management System (LXMS) is based on the rights management system of SpringBoot3.0. It is an enterprise level rapid development solution. It adopts a front end and back end separation architecture and supports RBAC dynamic rights. Its core design goal is to develop quickly, easily, powerful and light, (2023-09-23, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue3-amap

基于 vue3 封装的高德地图组件集合,配合猎鹰轨迹服务搭建了简易的电子围栏管理系统与企业签到 demo,
A simple electronic fence management system and enterprise sign in demo were built based on the collection of Gaud map components encapsulated in vue3 and in cooperation with Falcon Track Service, (2023-08-19, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue3_admin_template

尚硅谷Vue项目实战硅谷甄选! 本项目采用最新的Vue3版本+组合式API开发方式,使用主流技术栈,设计精妙,环环相扣,让你从0到1一站式掌握企业级项目开发!(在数据大屏可视化模块中借鉴了当前优秀的前端框架Geeker- admin中的部分源码,也推荐小伙伴们直接使用该开源免费框架,
The Vue Project in Shangxi Valley is selected for the actual combat in Silicon Valley! This project adopts the latest Vue3 version+combined API development method, uses the mainstream technology stack, with exquisite design and interlocking links, so that you can master enterprise level project development from 0 to 1 in one stop! (In the data big screen visualization module, some source codes in the current excellent front-end framework Geeker admin are used for reference, and it is also recommended that young partners directly use the open source free framework, (2023-06-05, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-manage-system-plus

采用Vue3 + Element Plus 搭建的后台管理系统解决方案,基于vue-manage- system开源系统升级改造而成,企业级定制,注释清晰,快速上手,开箱即用。,
The background management system solution built by Vue3+Element Plus is based on the upgrade and transformation of the vue management system open source system. It is enterprise customized, with clear notes, quick start, and out of the box use., (2023-03-27, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] keras_mall

Keras-Mall是一个 Nodejs 企业级电商中台,基于全栈技术组合(koa、Sequlize & vue、vuex、vue- router、element-UI),内置模块如:国际化支持、换肤、菜单及按钮授权、数据库备份、权限及...
Keras Mall is a Nodejs enterprise level e-commerce middle platform, based on the full stack technology combination (koa, Sequalize&vue, vuex, vue router, element UI), with built-in modules such as international support, skin changing, menu and button authorization, database backup, permissions, and (2020-09-22, Vue, 388KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-tao-admin

Tao Admin 是一套企业级的高颜值、高性能的通用型中后台前端解决方案,它基于 vue2.5开发,并内置了element ui,使用最前沿的前端技术栈,支持各类型产品,比如典型的中后台应用(类阿里云后台、七牛云后台,各类 to B...
Tao Admin is a set of enterprise class, high beauty, high-performance, general-purpose mid back end front-end solutions. It is developed based on vue2.5, and has built-in element ui. It uses the most cutting-edge front-end technology stack to support various types of products, such as typical mid back end applications (Alibaba Cloud like background, Qiniu Cloud like background, various to B (2020-12-21, Vue, 2056KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] easyink_Dashboard

One of easynk s front-end services, the enterprise WeChat one-stop private domain traffic operation management platform based on Vue and Element UI, makes operation easier. (2023-06-09, Vue, 12016KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] qv-vue-ui

qv-vue是基于现有的element- plus库进行的二次封装,简化一些繁琐的操作,核心理念为数据驱动视图,主要的组件库针对table表格和form表单场景,同时衍生出更多企业常用的组件,达到高复用,容易维护和扩展的框架
Qv vue is a secondary encapsulation based on the existing element plus library, which simplifies some tedious operations. Its core concept is data-driven view. The main component library aims at the table and form scenarios, and derives more commonly used components for enterprises to achieve a framework of high reuse, easy maintenance and expansion (2022-10-31, Vue, 635KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] paascloud-mall-web

模拟商城,完整的购物流程、后端运营平台,使用 spring cloud + vue 全家桶实现快速搭建企业级微服务项目
Simulate the mall, complete shopping process, back-end operation platform, and use spring cloud+vue whole family bucket to quickly build enterprise level micro service projects (2018-08-05, Vue, 802KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] avue

Avue.js2.0是基于现有的element- ui库进行的二次封装,简化一些繁琐的操作,核心理念为数据驱动视图,主要的组件库针对table表格和form表单场景,同时衍生出更多企业常用的组件,达到高复用,容易维护和扩展的框架,同时内...
Avue.js2.0 is a secondary encapsulation based on the existing element ui library, which simplifies some tedious operations. The core concept is data-driven view. The main component library aims at the table and form scenarios, while deriving more commonly used components for enterprises, achieving a framework that is highly reusable, easy to maintain and expand, and at the same time (2023-05-25, Vue, 2551KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ruoyi-mall-vue

一个基于若依框架,的前后端分离的商城系统, 包含分类、sku、商户管理、分销、会员、适合企业或个人二次开发。管理端采用:Vue,客户端采用:Taro
A front-end and back-end separated shopping mall system based on the Ruoyi framework, including classification, SKU, merchant management, distribution, membership, suitable for enterprise or individual secondary development. The management end adopts Vue, and the client adopts Taro (2023-03-16, Vue, 1553KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] SnailAspNetCoreFramework

定位为asp.net core中小企业快速开发框架,包含完整的后端和前端的代码。backend:asp.net core 3.1,cap,swag,ef core code first,autofac,automapper,nlog,...
Positioned as an asp.net core rapid development framework for small and medium-sized enterprises, including complete backend and front-end code. Backend: asp.net core 3.1, cap, swag, ef core code first, autofac, automapper, nlog (2021-06-04, Vue, 629KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] PandaUi

PandaUi 是PandaX的前端框架,PandaX 是golang(go)语言快速开发平台, 基于gin go-restful+ Vue3 + pinia + vite3 + Element-Plus的前后端分离企业级系统开发脚手架
PandaUi is the front-end framework of PandaX, which is a rapid development platform for Golang (go) language. Based on gin go restful+Vue3+pinia+vite3+Element Plus, the front-end and back-end separation of enterprise level system development scaffolding (2023-05-31, Vue, 3381KB, 下载0次)
