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[项目管理] plm

iBiz产品生命周期管理(iBiz Product Lifecycle Management,简称iBizPLM)作为新一代的研发管理平台,其设计宗旨在于通过简化操作界面,实现研发管理流程的自动化、数字化及智能化,以此帮助企业加快研发进度。该平台充分汲取pingcode项目管理软件的核心思想,覆盖了软件生产过程中的产品、项目、文档、测试等领域。
As a new generation of R&D management platform, iBiz Product Lifecycle Management (iBizPLM for short) is designed to automate, digitize and intelligentize the R&D management process by simplifying the operation interface, so as to help enterprises accelerate R&D progress. The platform fully absorbs the core idea of pingcode project management software, covering the product, project, document, test and other fields in the software production process. (2024-03-16, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] business-task-manager

Open task_manager.py to view. A python program that allows a business to assign tasks more efficiently to members of a team. The program uses 2 text files, 1 for storing usernames and passwords and the other for storing the tasks for each user team member. (2024-01-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] vue3-admin-l

用于学习,也可用于企业项目,管理系统页面鉴权,路由守卫,axios 等实现基本封装,可在其基础上再次封装,加入了 i18n 国际化,目前可满足基本管理系统条件。,
It can be used for learning and also for enterprise projects, management system page authentication, routing guard, axios, etc. to achieve basic encapsulation. It can be re encapsulated on its basis, and i18n internationalization has been added. At present, it can meet the basic management system conditions., (2023-08-04, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] jvs-teamwork-ui

任务管理是企业内部事务协同的重要工具。包含 项 目 管 理 (任务看板)、个人待办(to do list)、目标管理(OKR)三大核心功能。通过项目- 任务的管理方式,在公开透明的任务看板,随时掌握项目进展,多级任务分配到人,知道「谁」在「何时」「做什么」。,
Task management is an important tool for enterprise internal transaction collaboration. It includes three core functions: project management (task kanban), personal to do list, and objective management (OKR). Through project task management, we can keep track of project progress at any time on an open and transparent task board, assign multi-level tasks to people, and know who is doing what when., (2023-01-14, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)
