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按分类查找All 其他智力游戏(86) 

[其他智力游戏] My_quiz_game

这个Quiz Game是一个基于Python的应用程序,旨在测试您对各种主题的知识。它提供了一种互动的方式来挑战自己和学习新事物。无论您是在寻找教育丰富或休闲娱乐,Quiz Game都有适合每个人的东西。
This Quiz Game is a Python-based application designed to test your knowledge on various topics. With engaging questions and multiple-choice answers, it offers an interactive way to challenge yourself and learn new things. Whether you re looking for educational enrichment or casual entertainment, Quiz Game has something for everyone. (2024-02-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] TankWar

This system aims to develop a set of stand-alone functions and network functions in one game- Battle City, the game allows the user to choose the game mode. Among them, the stand-alone mode for the user and computer gaming, network players online mode compared to other players via a network connection joint fight against the computer together to complete the entire game round. The use of design written in Java, the main use of Java in the Swing, GUI, Socket, threaded, object-oriented design, technology, simulation of the movement of tanks and shooting, bullets and explosions emitting functional modules. Among them, the different game modes with different rules of the game, making the game interesting enhancements, enhanced user experience, the whole system has good entertainment and interactivity (2013-08-09, Java, 61KB, 下载6次)


[其他智力游戏] vctkdz

VC++ Battle City, was a game Goes works with music, with a map editor games single play and double play. Do not believe you played this game in childhood, it is terrific fun! Map editor is written in VB, with which you are able to make the map into tanks in the game. The game source code in VC6 compile smoothly, needs attention, please put the generated files is the root directory, and sound resources and map the resources directory is flat level, so as to ensure the run. (2010-07-09, Visual C++, 347KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] TanChiShe

Snake game written with VB, as beginners, so many parts of the imperfect, we forgive. Press " 1" Start Normal mode, faced their own or the wall will fail, but the snake' s speed and length of time will increase year-old press " 2" began to entertainment mode, the red color of the beans to accelerate, green reverse, and only encounter his only defeat, but each will be eating 10 beans molt, shed the skin are also obstacles. (2009-11-09, Visual Basic, 11KB, 下载6次)


[其他智力游戏] huarongdao

软件名称: 华容道游戏源代码   软件语言: 简体中文 软件类型: 国产软件 / 免费版 / 游戏娱乐 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/ 软件大小: 33KB 软件等级: 软件更新: 2007-10-30 7:59:00 整理时间: 2008-10-9 17:10:37 开 发 商: http://www.moon-soft.com 联 系 人: webmaster◎moon-soft.com 软件添加: admin 下载次数: 994 软件简介: VB编写的华容道源代码,完整的源代码下载。
Software Name: Huarong Game Source Code Software language: Simplified Chinese Software Type: Domestic software/free version/game entertainment Runtime Environment: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/ Software Size: 33KB Software rating: Software Update: 2007-10-30 7:59:00 Finishing Time: 2008-10-9 17:10:37 Developer: http://www.moon-soft.com Contact: webmaster ◎ moon-soft.com Software add: admin Downloads: 994 Software Description: VB source code written in Huarong, complete source code for download. (2009-09-11, Visual Basic, 32KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] AIGreedSnake

本程序是我放假时写的一个贪吃蛇,电脑有AI,不过很可惜AI智能不高。不过我现在认为自己的代码已经比当年有所提高,对文件的组织,对一些简单模式的运用,包括基本的格式注释等都有很大进步。我想对于一些初学者还是有参看的价值。AIStrategyLevelB.java这个文件就是用来扩展实现更高AI的算法的,我虽然有些思路,未能实现,希望有想法的和我交流,qq是9468387,邮箱是cookie1984717cookie@yahoo.com.cn(不好意思,长了点的,呵呵) 在eclipse,jdk5.0的开发平台下完成的。
this procedure is a holiday when I wrote a huge memory, a computer AI, but sadly intelligent AI is not high. However, I now feel that their code has been improved than in the past, the organization of the document, some simple model of the application The basic format including the Notes have been made great progress. I think for some beginners still see value. AIStrategyLevelB.java this document is to achieve greater expansion of AI algorithms , although some ideas I failed to realize, with the hope of ideas and I exchange qq is 9468387. cookie1984717cookie@yahoo.com.cn mail is (sorry , marriage, Ha ha) in eclipse, jdk5.0 development platform for completion. (2006-11-07, Java, 31KB, 下载14次)
