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[界面编程] warehqvme

自己看吧哈哈仓库管理系统简介 仓储在企业的整个供应链中起着至关重要的作用
A brief introduction oneself see ha ha warehouse management system Storage in the enterprise plays an important role in the whole supply chain (2017-06-18, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] oodb

企业人事信息管理系统源码sql 这是基于sql数据库利用vb编写的一个小小的系统程序,,
Enterprise personnel information management system source code which is based on SQL database SQL using vb to write a small system program,, (2017-06-12, Others, 175KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] gangcai2.9

启航钢材企业建站系统,该系统做到企业站动态模版化,代码界面分离,是一套为网站用户提供无技术门坎、操作简单、维护方便、功能强大、 安全可靠的建站工具。网站模版丰富,可任您满意选择,让您在几分钟内快速掌握并拥有自己理想的网站。
Steel sail Build systems that do business stand dynamic templating, code interface separation is to provide a non-technical threshold for site users, simple operation, easy maintenance, powerful, safe and reliable website builder. Website template rich, can choose any of your satisfaction, allowing you to quickly grasp and over have their own website in minutes. (2016-05-18, ASP, 3072KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] XiorkFlow

Based on B/S architecture, graphical interface, a common workflow custom software, this software supports dynamic reorganization of business processes. (2014-03-25, Java, 2405KB, 下载8次)


[界面编程] UserManager

The system uses the interface layer, class layer, database access layer standard framework to achieve the enterprise information management staff salaries (2013-12-16, Java, 4816KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] userManager

The system uses an interface layer, class layer, the database access layer to achieve a standard framework for enterprise information management staff salaries (2013-06-17, Java, 1116KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] ttt

VB automatically change the control once and for all so that the size, when the form is resized, how to dynamically change the size of the control of many VB programmers headaches. Some people set Resizable form the size of the control but do not change some people are under the control of absolute position and window size with addition and subtraction approach to re-position the control and change the size, this approach is relatively more complicated and can not be reused Of course, some people are limited not to change the window altogether. Is there a simple way? The answer is yes, give a permanent solution to the following (2010-09-11, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载10次)


[界面编程] CBM_CN

Chinese materials business component framework, describes the basic principles of business component framework, composition and other related content, is ideal for those who study business component framework. (2010-05-23, Others, 7KB, 下载5次)


[界面编程] customer

企业电话客服系统 系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。 对用户输入的数据,进行严格的数据检验,尽可能的避免人为错误。 客户在拨打企业电话客服时,系统会自动接收、识别并记录来电的主叫号码并显示相应的客户信息。 客户电话打入时系统自动播放已设定好的欢迎词。 用户在拨打企业电话客服后,系统会进行自动语音引导,客户通过按键选择,从而可以听到预先设置好的语音咨讯,如企业简介、信息、最新产品等……。所有咨讯信息通过按键即可获得。 外线电话转接到座席电话功能,使来电者可以根据系统提示,转入人工服务,与座席人员直接进行交流。 座席电话转接到座席电话功能。
Business telephone customer service system System is the way human-computer interaction, interface, beautiful and friendly, and information query flexible and convenient, safe and reliable data storage. User input data, testing data strictly as possible to avoid human error. Business telephone customer service customer call time will automatically receive, identify and record the caller s Caller ID and displays the corresponding customer information. Customer phone into play automatically when the system has set a good welcome. (2010-04-20, C#, 605KB, 下载23次)


[界面编程] cangku_mis

一个基于c++的仓库管理信息系统 实现了对进出货物的管理 有利于企业的信息化建设
One based on c++' s warehouse management information system for the management of incoming and outgoing goods are pro-business information technology (2010-04-02, Visual C++, 5153KB, 下载13次)


[界面编程] knnAlgorithm

delphi (2009-06-23, Delphi, 4KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] ntv_1.0

网络极速寻呼的增强版 > 可扫描当前电脑上所有的TCP端口状态 > 支持完全自控的聊天服务 > 支持中国联通,河北国信,万声寻呼,中铁寻呼,斯壮寻呼,国讯寻呼等主要干线
WEB (2009-03-18, Visual C++, 142KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] vensite

Source file from the Internet, a useful enterprise website management system, for study purposes, use the original author, please contact. (2009-03-09, ASP, 349KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] Schedulemanagementsystem

Enterprise registration, user registration, user login, the electronic calendar system, notebook features, booking functions, the user s information modification, since the definition of rest days (2008-12-12, Java, 14573KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] ManageSystem

数据库课程设计 企业人事管理系统 具有基本信息填加删除修改功能
Database of curriculum design enterprise personnel management system has the basic information plus delete modify features filled (2008-10-19, Visual C++, 5808KB, 下载67次)


[界面编程] qyrsglxt

企业人事管理系统 系统默认的用户名:Admin;密码:1111。 数据库要求:Access 2000或者更高的版本。 系统要求:Windows系列操作系统。
Personnel management system default user name: Admin Password: 1111. Database requirements: Access 2000 or higher version. System Requirements: Windows family of operating systems. (2008-06-11, Visual Basic, 123KB, 下载12次)


[界面编程] IFELanguage_pinyin_cn

这篇文档是讲如何利用IFELanguage接口实现对中文语句的分隔,并对词语和字加注拼音的方法。其源代码我在C++ Builder 2007上测试通过。
This document is talk about how to use interface IFELanguage realize the separation of the Chinese language, and spelling words and add the word method. Its source code I C++ Builder 2007 on the test. (2007-10-12, C++ Builder, 258KB, 下载78次)


[界面编程] 企业自动建站系统

一款很不错的软件 可以实现自动建站 呵呵提供了源码下载
one very good software can automatically provide the establishment of the station Oh download FOSS (2005-11-25, C#, 3255KB, 下载54次)


[界面编程] www.类似QQ聊天界面.cn

the source code for a similar QQ chat interface source code for the procedure to prepare VC (2005-08-25, Visual C++, 114KB, 下载380次)


[界面编程] meiguanxingmingpian.zip

beautiful- card templates, the application and advertising companies and medium and small enterprises to produce business cards, simple and easy to operate. Markets look good. (2005-07-06, Java, 2332KB, 下载17次)
