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[企业管理] 1381


(2024-06-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] 3149

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的电脑公司财务系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的电脑公司财务系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。随着信息互联网购物的飞速发展,一般企业都去创建属于自己的管理系统。本文介绍了电脑公司财务管理系统的开发全过程。通过分析企业对于电脑公司财务管理系统的需求,创建了一个计算机管理电脑公司财务管理系统的方案。文章介绍了电脑公司财务管理系统的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析等,系 (2024-06-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] pejota

The ERP and CRM for freelancers and solo entrepreneurs. Task manager, timesheet, scheduler, invoice, cash flow and other features, build on top of PHP, Laravel, FilamentPHP, Livewire and Sqlite. (2024-05-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Gym-management-system

Gym Management includes a booking system, point of sale, banking, accounting, concessions and has a range of reports that help in the management of your club. Gym Management Software is a complete gym and recreation facility system program which looks after all of your members, memberships and activities. (2024-05-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] maureenflowersrepo

QuickBooks is a popular accounting software that is designed to help small businesses manage their finances efficiently. (2024-02-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] ailrepo

QuickBooks is a popular accounting software developed by Intuit, designed primarily for small and medium-sized businesses to manage their finances efficiently. (2024-02-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Agricultural-Supply-Chain-Using-BCT

The "Blockchain for Agribusiness" repository is a cutting-edge project focusing on the implementation of blockchain technology in the agriculture and agribusiness domains. It serves as a knowledge hub, offering valuable insights, code samples, and documentation to optimize transactions within the agribusiness sector. (2023-07-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] frappe-erpnext

An open-source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software built on the Frappe framework. It provides an integrated business suite that helps you manage accounting, inventory, sales, purchase, customer relations, projects, HR & Payroll and more. (2023-10-28, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] FinancialRiskJudgment

Using the approved text data and the marked financial risk label, select the appropriate algorithm and establish a model to judge whether the approval comments describe the financial risk of the enterprise., (2023-09-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] nyt_dding

Users do not need to register, no management, convenient, concise, less resources, this chat room is suitable for doing forum or website instant chat, (2018-12-19, Others, 230KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] WindowsApplication1

The personnel management system, written using VB.net, connecting to the database in the program has played a very good illustrative role. (2011-04-11, Others, 1390KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] Enterprise-Management

Enterprise Project Management Information System. The system uses three layers architecture, database access using sqlHelper, Editor FreeTextBox, layout by Div+ Css, data validation regular expressions, dynamically build sql query. (2011-01-21, Others, 485KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] hetongguanli

Occurring in the enterprise contract between the parties to the contract for scientific management, resulting in a contract management system. Based on B/S management system structure (2010-04-14, Others, 153KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] suncloudcomputing

将您的企业提高到 一个新的水平 Sun 公司云计算技术可顺利地扩展您的 基础设施,以抓住新的商业机会
Add your business to a new level of Sun' s cloud computing technology can be successfully expand your infrastructure in order to seize new business opportunities (2009-10-17, Others, 683KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] erp

一、概念篇 ·ERP的概念:ERP从“有限”向“无限 ·ERP的管理思想 ·ERP系统的概念及其管理思想 ·ERP的核心 ·ERP与业务流程重组 二、技术篇 ·ERP系统的技术实现 ·ERP系统与网络连接 三、管理篇 ·利用ERP实现管理目标 ·企业应用ERP系统的目标 ·ERP中的人力资源管理 ·ERP系统的成功应用模式 ·应用ERP与国情和厂情的关系 四、实施篇 ·ERP实施的项目管理 ·实施ERP系统的模式与方法 ·商品化ERP软件的选择、需求和实施 ·实施ERP系统的风险 ·ERP实施效果的评价 五、新方向 ·ERP与B2B,哪条路好走? ·制造企业电子商务和ERP整合应用探讨 六、论坛篇 ·专家意见 ·厂商意见 七、案例篇 ·打造EC企业——访北京第一机床厂 ·金融管理中的ERP ·ERP在商业管理中的应用 ·以财务为核心建立ERP系统——山东航空公司ERP系统的实施 ·上海广电金星电视机总厂实施ERP系统 ·ERP与财务系统的有机集成——烟台汽车制造厂现代企业管理信息系统
First, the concept of the concept of ERP articles: ERP from the "limited" to "unlimited ERP management thinking of the concept of ERP systems and their management thinking ERP core ERP and Business Process Reengineering II, technical papers ERP system technology the realization of ERP systems and network connections Third, management of articles using ERP enterprise applications to achieve the objective of managing the goal of ERP systems ERP Human Resource Management ERP system model of the successful application of ERP applications with the conditions and circumstances of the relationship between the four plants, (2009-01-22, Others, 718KB, 下载26次)


[企业管理] system4

023基于LOTUS的办公自动化系统的设计与实现 8680-毕业论文-库存管理 bs123_档案管理系统 企业工资管理系统
023 Based on LOTUS Office Automation System Design and Implementation 8680- Thesis- inventory management bs123_ file management system management system for enterprise wage (2008-05-04, Others, 158KB, 下载53次)


[企业管理] gozi1

Enterprise management system of wages is the main task of the computer information on a variety of wage routine management, such as query, modify, add, delete and storage and so on, quickly and accurately complete a variety of wage information and summary statistical computing work, fast print wage statements, for the system to serve the specific requirements, design of enterprise wage management system. (2008-03-28, Others, 133KB, 下载13次)


[企业管理] FORU(SMS)

库存管理系统,对企业仓库的产品进行管理,使用C#语句 .net 平台开发
Inventory management system for enterprise storage management products, the use of C# Statement. Net platform development (2008-02-24, Others, 3442KB, 下载50次)


[企业管理] tlwl

This is our enterprise management company for exclusive language of communication. Can be used for phone calls. For example, call. Onhook. Response. On behalf of Access. Is VXML language. Voice XML. (2007-12-10, Others, 12KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] mip2005xzbg3.0

《MIP2005行政办公管理系统》是一款完全按中国中小型企业事业单位办公习惯及办公事物管理需要设计的现代化行政办公事务管理的系统,适用于所有企业事业单位及个人办公管理的需要。软件符合中国人及中国企业办公管理需要的使用办公管理功能,软件主要包括以下八个方面: 1、人事管理:人事档案,员工生日提醒,劳动合同,福利保险,应聘人员登记; 2、资产管理:资产管理,资产维修记录,资产报修报废预警,资产报废,厂家及维修部门信息; 3、车辆管理:驾驶人员登记,车辆登记,用车管理,车辆投保信息,车辆年检记录; 4、办公管理:工作计划,一周工作安排,工作日志,记事本,会议记录本,客户投诉登记表,来访登记,往来信函管理,宿舍管理,出差管理; 5、文件管理:公文管理,行文管理,规章制度,文件管理; 6、费用管理:电话费用,报销费用管理,车辆费用支出管理; 7、辅助信息:通讯录,航班查询,手机归属地,常用网址,邮编大全,出行指南,国际电话代码及时差; 8、系统功能:事件提醒,用户管理,在线用户,信息发布,锁定应用,重新登录等。 系统支持用户二次开发(本系统是利用MIP2005开发完成的)。无需安装,绿色软件。 (2007-07-18, Others, 3541KB, 下载75次)
