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[VC书籍] 6

C and C++ programmers interview collection of books, frequently asked questions and answers included corporate staff interview skills. This is the content of the sixth chapter. (2016-05-08, Visual C++, 277KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] 5

C and C++ programmers interview collection of books, frequently asked questions and answers included corporate staff interview skills. This is the content of thefifth chapter. (2016-05-08, Visual C++, 374KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] 4

C and C++ programmers interview collection of books, frequently asked questions and answers included corporate staff interview skills. This is the content of the fourth chapter. (2016-05-08, Visual C++, 494KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] 3

C and C++ programmers interview collection of books, frequently asked questions and answers included corporate staff interview skills. This is the content of the third chapter. (2016-05-08, Visual C++, 249KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] 2

C and C++ programmers interview collection of books, frequently asked questions and answers included corporate staff interview skills. This is the content of the second chapter. (2016-05-08, Visual C++, 459KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] 1

C and C++ programmers interview collection of books, frequently asked questions and answers included corporate staff interview skills. This is the content of the first chapter. (2016-05-08, Visual C++, 637KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] Beyond_STL_cn

boost library tutorial. If you are interested in generic programming, database design, as well as C++ standard library, then this book is for you. The book is intended for intermediate to advanced C++ programmers, but also covers a little of the basic concepts of C++. (2012-04-30, Visual C++, 336KB, 下载6次)


[VC书籍] 02073055

关于邮件控制的DDoS的研究,代码以及试验报告技术报告出来的大三做的网络对抗试验大作业(感谢LP童鞋,虽然找到的不是最终版本) ,,(顺便提醒下,做胡建伟的大作业不要直接用,他那里都有底子,被发现没学分拿的,信抗的 你们懂的)
About DDoS of message control, code and test report out of junior technical reports against the test network to do great work (thanks to LP children' s shoes, although not found in the final version),, (By the way, the do a big job Seizing Do not directly, he has a base there, was found not to take credit, the letter of you understand anti) (2010-11-12, Visual C++, 7057KB, 下载13次)


[VC书籍] Algorithmbonusprogram

企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I)低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10 ;利润高    于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10 提成,高于10万元的部分,可可提    成7.5 ;20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5 ;40万到60万之间时高于    40万元的部分,可提成3 ;60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5 ,高于    100万元时,超过100万元的部分按1 提成,从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数?
thank you (2010-10-31, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] 200SampleInCApplicationPrograming

Given 200 C language application programming paradigm, including the common and not a lot of common features, there are some examples of similar corporate interview questions (2010-04-28, Visual C++, 233KB, 下载8次)


[VC书籍] OGRE_Manual_CN

OGRE中文手册 chm版 OGRE(Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,即:面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用C++开发的面向场景、非常灵活的3D引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用硬件加速的3D图形系统开发应用。这个类库隐藏了底层系统库(如:Direct3D和OpenGL)的所有细节,提供了一个基于世界对象和其他直观类的接口。
OGRE Manual (2010-02-06, Visual C++, 424KB, 下载95次)


[VC书籍] CLearningSourcebook

本资料大全致力于收集一切关于C语言的文章、技巧、教程、源代码和辅助工具软件。适合所有层次的C语言学习者。本资料大全免费下载,如您手头也有C语言相关资料,敬请分享,另外如您对本资料大全有任何建议或者意见希望能告诉我,以便以后继续改进。本人联系方式见下: Email: yaoz@163.com QQ:15987743 网站:http://www.programfan.com http://www.pfan.cn 更新日志: 1.0版(2004年11月16发布):首批增加了一本C语言教程、C语言函数大全、C语言经典程序100例及技术文章若干篇,更多资料内容请期待1.1版本。
The Sourcebook is committed to collect all the articles on the C language, tips, tutorials, source code and supporting tools. Suitable for all levels of C-language learners. The Sourcebook for free download, if you do have C-related information, please share, also on this Sourcebook If you have any suggestions or ideas will hopefully be able to tell me that in order to continue to improve the future. I contact see below: Email: yaoz@163.com QQ: 15987743 Website: http://www.programfan.com http://www.pfan.cn update log: version 1.0 (2004 November 16 release): The first increase in a C language tutorial, C language function Da Quan, C language program 100 cases of classical number of articles and technical articles, and more information please look forward to version 1.1. (2010-01-10, Visual C++, 311KB, 下载5次)


[VC书籍] congxiaogongdaochengxuyuan

" Pragmatic Programmer" by a series of separate parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, career development, until used to make the code flexible, and easy to adapt and use a variety of framework technologies, using a number of highly entertaining unheard-of different things, there are examples of thoughtful and interesting analogies, comprehensively explained the many different aspects of software development best achieved and major pitfalls. Whether you are a beginner, there are experienced programmers, or software project manager, this book is suitable for reading. (2009-12-28, Visual C++, 10957KB, 下载6次)


[VC书籍] visul

[visual.c++ .6.0. English Enterprise Edition.+ vc Assistant v6.0.0.1079 cracked version]. Visual.Assist.v6.0.0.1079 (2009-11-22, Visual C++, 2361KB, 下载7次)


[VC书籍] 200350080533

摘 要 考勤管理是企业管理中非常重要的一环。作为公司主管考勤的人员能够通过考勤管理系统清楚的看到公司员工编号,姓名,部门以及签到时间、签离时间以及是否迟到、早退等诸多信息。还能够通过所有员工的出勤记录比较来发现企业管理和员工作业方面的诸多问题。更是员工工资及福利待遇方面重要的参考依据。正是基于如此多的优点和作用,本文课程设计分析并设计了这个公司员工考勤管理系统。 此考勤管理系统基于Visual C++的MFC以及Micosoft Acess 2000,根据客户需求和实际软件发展情况设计而成。界面友好,操作简单。软件投入使用后更是能够根据客户新的需求而不断的添加和更新其功能。
failed to translate (2009-06-11, Visual C++, 125KB, 下载25次)


[VC书籍] MFRC500_cn

MF RC522是应用于13.56MHz非接触式通信中高集成度的读写卡芯片,是NXP公司针对“三表”应用推出的一款低电压、低成本、体积小的非接触式读写卡芯片,是智能仪表和便携式手持设备研发的较好选择。 MF RC522利用了先进的调制和解调概念,完全集成了在13.56MHz下所有类型的被动非接触式通信方式和协议。支持ISO14443A兼容应答器信号。数字部分处理ISO14443A帧和错误检测。此外,还支持快速CRYPTO1加密算法,用语验证MIFARE系列产品。MFRC522支持MIFARE系列更高速的非接触式通信,双向数据传输速率高达424kbit/s。 作为13.56MHz高集成度读写卡系列芯片家族的新成员,MF RC522与MF RC500和MF RC530有不少相似之处,同时也具备许多特点和差异。它与主机间通信采用连线较少的串行通信,且可根据不同的用户需求,选取SPI、IIC或串行UART模式之一,有利于减少连线,缩小PCB板体积,降低成本。
asdfasdf asdf (2009-06-09, Visual C++, 1392KB, 下载141次)


[VC书籍] Capona

capon算法波束形成的实现-VC程序 capon是阵列信号处理的一个经典算法。本程序用VC6.0实现了Capon波束形成算法 ,基于MFC开发了个一界面,输入参数包括期望信号入射角度、干扰噪声角度和信 噪比,以图形方式显示了估计的结果。
capon (2009-06-03, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载76次)


[VC书籍] shenruqianchuVC

深入浅出Visual C++入门进阶与应用实例 随书光盘 作者 何志丹,网名he_idan,2002年6月加入CSDN社区(http://www.csdn.net),2003年3月任CSDN专题开发大版主,2003年7~月任CSDN VC/MFC版的大版主至今,擅长Visual C++技术,从事多年windows平台下的开发,项目经验丰富,现任职于一家大型软件开发企业。关于作者和本书的更多信息可以访问作者个人技术网站(http://www.vcshare.net)或博客(http://blog.csdn.net/he_zhidan/)
In layman (2008-08-23, Visual C++, 3396KB, 下载20次)



本书特色: 基本入门:输出、输入、对话方块 对Unicode的介绍 图形处理:绘图、文字与字体、点阵图形与metafile 系统核心与印表机 声音与音乐 动态连结程式库 多工与多执行绪 多重文件介面 网际网路与企业内网路程式设计
This book features: the basic entry: output, input, a dialogue box on the Unicode introduction of the graphics processing: graphics, text and fonts, dot matrix and metafile graphics core of the system with voice and music printer dynamic link library to implement multi-tasking and multi- multiple document interface thread Internet and intranet programming (2008-03-06, Visual C++, 2913KB, 下载13次)


[VC书籍] WindowsProgramDesgin

一本学习Win32编程的好书。本书特色: 基本入门:输出、输入、对话方块 对Unicode的介绍 图形处理:绘图、文字与字体、点阵图形与metafile 系统核心与印表机 声音与音乐 动态连结程式库 多工与多执行绪 多重文件介面 网际网路与企业内网路程式设计 (2007-08-03, Visual C++, 11671KB, 下载12次)
