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[DSP编程] AN898a_cn

目前 MOSFET 驱动器的主要用途之一是进行不同类型 电机的驱动控制。此应用笔记对一些基本概念进行讨论 以帮助用户选择适合应用的 MOSFET驱动器。 电机和 MOSFET 驱动器之间的电桥通常由功率晶体管 组成,如双极型晶体管、MOSFET或绝缘栅双极型晶体 管(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor,IGBT) 。在一 些小型无刷直流电机或步进电机应用中,MOSFET驱动 器可用来直接驱动电机。 不过,在本应用笔记中,我们 需要的电压和功率较 MOSFET 驱动器所能提供的要高 一些。
Currently MOSFET driver is one of the main purposes for different types of motor drive control. This application note discusses some of the basic concepts to help users select the appropriate application of the MOSFET driver. Motor and MOSFET driver usually consists of bridge between the power transistors, such as bipolar transistors, MOSFET or insulated gate bipolar transistor (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, IGBT). In some small brushless DC motor or stepper motor applications, MOSFET drivers can be used to directly drive the motor. However, in this application note, we need the voltage and power than the MOSFET driver can provide higher. (2013-07-04, PDF, 482KB, 下载10次)


[DSP编程] MC33035_cn

The MC33035 brushless DC motor controller uses bipolar analog process manufacturing, to ensure high-quality and high stability in harsh industrial environmental conditions. The controller contains can be used for the rotor position decoder of the correct timing of the rectifier, as well as of the temperature of the sensor to compensate for the reference level, while it also has a programmable frequency sawtooth oscillator, an error signal amplifier, a pulse modulator comparator, three open collector top drive output and three very suitable for high-current drive power field-effect transistor (MOSFET) the bottom of the totem pole output. In addition, MC33035 also owe lock function with selectable time delayed latched shutdown mode cycle-by-cycle current limiting characteristics, and internal thermal shutdown. Typical motor control functions include open loop speed, forward or reverse, and run enable. (2012-12-10, Visual C++, 35KB, 下载23次)


[DSP编程] Crack_Altera_6.0-9.1

DSP builder6.0-9.0和quartus ii6.0-9.0等版本的破解器,注意运行破解器时最好关闭杀毒软件,否则有可能会出错
DSP builder6.0-9.0 and quartus ii6.0-9.0 and other versions of the cracker, pay attention to when the best off running the cracker antivirus software, or they may be wrong (2011-07-24, C/C++, 134KB, 下载206次)


[DSP编程] BasedontheTMS320C64xhigh-definitionvideodecoderopt

论文设计了基于高性能通用DSP TMS320C64x的HDTV视频解码程序。该解码 程序针对C64的特殊架构做了多方面的优化。特别是对变长解码、IDCT和运动 补偿三个关键模块人工编写了汇编语言程序、调整了流水线操作。经过优化,显 著提高了解码效率。通过软件仿真可以得出如下重要结论:1)进行人工汇编优 化之后的程序效率相比于仅仅采用C语言优化之后的程序效率提高了将近七倍; 2)人工汇编优化之后,对标准清晰度视频进行实时解码时要求的时钟频率仅为 228.8MHz;3)对高清晰度视频进行实时解码时要求的时钟频率在1GHz左右。这 项研究对使用通用DSP实现高清晰度电视视频解码乃至实现整个信源解码器有 重要的价值,推动了通用DSP在消费电子领域多媒体技术方面的应用。 该文讨论了如何使用Matlab 的Complier 将*.m函数编译为动态链接库DLL, 提供给VC++ 调用的方法, 提供了一种VC++与Matlab 混合编程的快速实现。 (2008-06-06, C/C++, 441KB, 下载23次)
