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[系统编程] DataEngine

The a data VC++ engine controls to prepare and call the instance controls in a program, pick out so that we refer to, is a network-related data engine controls, accessible information data center data engine test module, with data downloads, automatic alignment, data maintenance and data correction, as well as the parameter settings and instructions for use (2013-04-30, Visual C++, 147KB, 下载69次)


[系统编程] JobObject

通过windows的内核对象JobObject实现对程序的运行时间和内存使用的控制,开发初衷是作为一个简陋的acm判题沙箱. 大致步骤: 1.通过CreateJobObject创建一个工作对象 2.通过SetInformationJobObject设置工作对象的参数,详见MSDN(http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms686216) 3.以CREATE_SUSPENDED方式启动进程,通过CreateProcessAsUser或者CreateProcess函数,可能还有其他函数,未做研究. 4.通过AssignProcessToJobObject将工作对象应用到指定进程中. 5.通过ResumeThread恢复已暂停的进程. 6.通过WaitForSingleObject等待正在运行的工作对象,设置好允许使用时间. 7.通过QueryInformationJobObject获取工作对象的最终状态.运行程序的退出状态可以通过GetExitCodeProcess获取. 8.扫尾工作(必须使用TerminateJobObject结束当前的工作对象,因为工作对象即便设置了PerProcessUserTimeLimit也无法使程序在超时后退出,没有研究原因). 编译时请包含Kernel32.lib.
By the windows kernel objects JobObject control program run time and memory usage, originally developed as a rudimentary the acm sentenced Title sandbox. Roughly steps: 1. Through CreateJobObject create a work object 2. Through SetInformationJobObject set object parameters, see the MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms686216) start the process to CREATE_SUSPENDED way through CreateProcessAsUser or CreateProcess function, may have other functions, without making research. by AssignProcessToJobObject work object applied to the specified process. 5. through ResumeThread recovery process has been suspended. 6. WaitForSingleObject to wait for running work object, set up to allow the use of time. through QueryInformationJobObject get the final state of the work objects run the program exit the state by GetExitCodeProcess get off the work (must use TerminateJobObject the end of the current work object, because the work object even set PerProcessUserTimeLimit can not make the prog (2012-09-15, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载35次)


[系统编程] 8643

不仅如此,世博会还是人类的聚会,人们从世界各地汇聚申城,那么作为东道主的你又是否准备好迎接海外游客、展现城市风貌呢? 领略世界技术文化也好,接待国外来宾来客也好,外语都是必不可少哒!你还不赶快趁机好好学习学习? 在【沪江世博英语学习专题】中,汇集了沪江小编精选的世博英语学习文章。 不仅有即时的新闻动态,还有名人访谈、世博专用口语和词汇栏目,更有独具特色的上海旅行潮人指南! 希望在世博之后,不仅上海的城市形象有提升,你的英语水平也跟着突飞猛进哦!
上海的城市形象有提升,你的英语水平也跟着突飞猛进哦! (2010-10-17, Windows_Unix, 1372KB, 下载3次)


[系统编程] qichexiaoshou

车销售集团网站是一个典型的数据库开发应用程序,由前台功能设计和后台功能设计部组成,规划系统功能模块如下:  前台管理模块 该模块主要包括:展台中心、订购中心、租赁中心、置换中心、客户服务中心、新闻中心、关于集团、联系我们和后台登录入口。  后台管理模块 该模块的主要包括:后台登录、销售车辆管理、租赁车辆管理、备件数据管理、订单信息管理、租赁信息管理、置换信息管理、新闻信息管理、集团信息管理、客户投诉管理、连锁企业管理和密码修改。
烦 (2010-01-04, VBScript, 2203KB, 下载5次)


[系统编程] qyejinxiaocun

Enterprise Invoicing management system is a typical database application development, from basic information modules, procurement management module, inventory management module, merchandise sales module, query statistics module, contacts management module, system settings module components. Produced by using the iis+ sql2003 \ (2010-01-04, VBScript, 1194KB, 下载20次)


[系统编程] kehu

IIs+SQL Server 2000制作的客户管理系统,客户关系管理系统是一个典型的数据库开发应用程序,由客户管理模块、库存管理模块、服务管理模块、报表管理模块、email管理模块、用户管理模块组成,规划系统功能模块如下: 客户管理模块该模块主要功能是对客户信息、客户联系人信息、合同信息进行添加、删除、查询等操作。 库存管理模块该模块的主要功能是管理入库、出库信息、产品信息进行管理,其中包括对库存信息、产品信息进行添加、删除、查询等操作。  服务管理模块 该模块主要功能是对客户反馈信息进行添加、删除、查询等操作。 报表管理模块该模块主要通过查询条件,对各种信息进行查询,并将得到的结果导出Excul表、进行打印报表等操作(其中信息包括:客户信息、联系人信息、反馈客户信息、库存信息)。 email管理模块该模块主要管理客户联系人email地址信息,对企业客户之间的email文件进行管理,向客户发送邮件。 用户管理该模块主要管理用户信息的添加、删除等操作,并设置用户的使用权限。
烦斯蒂芬是 (2010-01-04, VBScript, 257KB, 下载12次)


[系统编程] 20089225699

1、有全面的财务管帐功能 企业财务管理至少应包括钱流帐(出纳及会计)和物流帐(商品进销存)两部分,而这两个部分必须统一在一起才是企业的真实情况。《管家婆》软件不仅管理单项的钱流帐和物流帐,而且将钱流帐与物流帐自动关联在一起,实现资金、应收、应付、库存、费用、利润的浑然联结。 2、操作"智能"化,简单易学,不需要用户有太多的专业知识。 3、强大的进销存业务管理能处理任何客观存在的商业事实 4、及时为业务部门提供财务依据
1, there is a comprehensive financial management function of corporate financial management accounts should include at least the money flow account (cashier and accounting) and logistics account (goods Invoicing) two parts, which are the two parts must be unified with the real situation of enterprises . " Housekeeper" software not only to manage individual accounts and logistics, the money flow accounts, but will the money flow accounts and logistics account automatically associated with achieving capital, payables and receivables, inventory, costs, profits oblivious link. 2, the operation " smart" technology, easy to learn, does not require users to have too much expertise. 3, a powerful Invoicing business management can handle the existence of any objective fact that four of the business in time for the business sector to provide financial basis for (2009-12-09, SQL, 6585KB, 下载27次)


[系统编程] 200829225599

"Housekeeper" brilliant version of software is "Invoicing financial management integration" model of software to help managers account the overall management of goods, capital account, current account, fee revenue, to understand each sub-funds, each commodity, each a debt, each fee, and each of the ins and outs of income and profit and loss at any time and automatically generate the balance sheet profit and loss account and fully take into account small and medium enterprises small, understaffed, lack of adequate full-time accounting and other characteristics can be directly to business managers or bosses (not just accounting), to be intelligent to understand the operation of the business will control accounts to meet the owner can be personally involved in the mentality of management accounts, you can let anyone do not understand accounting, computers are not required to the completion of specialized training in management account functions. (2009-12-09, Java, 2618KB, 下载36次)


[系统编程] VC-Project

本书以Visual C++开发“医药企业综合信息管理系统”为背景,按照商业信息管理系统设计的实现过程,循序渐进的介绍商业信息管理系统开发的思路、方法和技巧。为使读者更好地学习和使用本书,本书光盘附带了书中范例的源程序和可执行文件。为保证正常使用,用户在使用本书光盘时,应按如下说明设置。
VC-Medical Information Project (2009-09-22, Visual C++, 44520KB, 下载32次)


[系统编程] computer

关机整人 小程序! 作者: 小卢 mail:359581807@163.com blog:http://blog.sina.com.cn/qiqi8 欢迎联系,共同学习! 功能: 利用 WinExec 实现cmd的调用。shutdown 关机命令! 代码说明: 1.界面用了CXPButton的系列菜单及按钮,引用的文件有XPButton 。 2.在定时器中 用FindWindow实现了 cmd的 关闭。禁止使用 shutdown命令! 编译平台: 1.该代码在Windows XP+VC 6.0平台下编译通过。 使用说明: 1.按下 alt+q 建 或者输入“小奇” ,可以退出该程序, 并且停止 关机! 2.该带代码。可以用来供研究学习,使用! 3. 此程序为练习之作,代码简单,高手莫笑,您可以随意的复制,传播,但是请保留该信息!
err (2008-09-07, Visual C++, 123KB, 下载37次)


[系统编程] EMS

Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System for Enterprise said that the system is mainly to support the realization of multi-criteria query, fill in quantities and sales of single-进货单with agents and suppliers, details of contacts book, does not even exist accounting, missed payments, bad debts, etc. Analysis of sales on the chart, when the external environment (power, network virus) interfere with the system, the system can automatically protect the safety of the raw data, powerful features such as print statements (2008-09-02, Visual C++, 2409KB, 下载59次)


[系统编程] USANIGRIASTO97968785F16plane

设计了一种可工作于井下高温环境 , 用于阵列声波测井的高速高精度多通道同步数据采集系统 , 提出了声波测井对交叉偶极模拟信号的处理要求以及采集电路的构成和采集数据处理的方法。分析计算 了采集系统的信噪比 S N R 。由数字信号处理器和复杂可编程逻辑器件组成采集控制处理器 , 采集参数和 命令由数字信号处理器通过串行命令总线发送 , 可程控 , 具有较好的通用性。分析测试表明 , 各采集通 道具有很好的一致性 , 动态范围可达 65dB 以上 , 完全能够满足对井下声波信息探测的要求。
err (2008-08-19, Visual C++, 326KB, 下载55次)


[系统编程] qcwxglxt

使用汽车维修管理系统可以大大地提高修车企业的工作效率,减少工作中可能出现的错误,为客户提供更好的服务,是提高修车行业自动化水平的重要手段之一。 后台数据库使用SQL Server,前台开发工具使用Visual C++。 本系统采用目前比较流行的ADO数据访问技术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,从而成功地将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到数据库应用程序设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势。
The use of vehicle maintenance management system can greatly improve the efficiency of the repair business, work to reduce possible errors, in order to better serve customers is to improve the automation level vehicle industry one of the important means. Back-end database using SQL Server, the prospects of development tools using Visual C++. This system is currently more popular ADO data access technology, and each database table fields and operation of packages to the class, which succeeded in the object-oriented program design thinking applied to database application design. This is also the system characteristics and advantages. (2008-03-25, Visual C++, 6246KB, 下载48次)


[系统编程] NetGouV25Beta

tGou商城购物系统是一款功能强大完善、操作界面友好、可扩展性好、专门针对个人和企业进行网上销售而开发的一套商城购物系统。 它具有完善的商品管理、订单管理、销售统计、新闻管理、结算系统、税率系统、模板系统、搜索引擎支持,可生成Html静态页面、数据备份恢复..... NetGou商城购物系统还支持多语言,系统内自带英文、简体中文、繁体中文,可在三种语言之间随意切换。系统采用Smarty官方模板引擎,模板文件可以实现在线/离线修改,不需要熟练PHP就可以轻松创建属于自己的个性化用户界面
tGou Mall Shopping System is a powerful sound, friendly user interface, scalability, and specific individuals and businesses on-line sales and the development of a shopping mall system. It is the perfect commodity management, order management, sales statistics, news management, clearing system, tax system, template system, Search engine, can generate static HTML pages. data backup and recovery ..... NetGou Mall shopping system also supports multiple languages and system onboard English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, in three languages, switching between random. The official system uses Smarty template engine, template files can be achieved online/offline changes no need for skilled PHP can easily create their own personalized user interface (2006-07-06, PHP, 1027KB, 下载51次)


[系统编程] carlengding

汽车租赁管理系统 随着汽车工业的发展和汽车的普及,汽车租赁成为近年来兴起的一个新兴行业。使用汽车租赁管理系统可以规范企业的管理和经营行为,减少企业的经营成本,提高工作效率。 后台数据库使用SQL Server,前台开发工具使用Visual Basic。术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,从而成功地将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到数据库应用程序设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势
car rental management system with the development of the auto industry and the popularity of car, car leasing has become in recent years the rise of a new industry. The use of car rental management system can standardize the management of enterprises and the business behavior and reduce the operating costs of enterprises, improve work efficiency. Background database using SQL Server, future development tools to use Visual Basic. Operation and each database table fields and operation of the Packaging category, thus the success of object-oriented programming design concepts applied to the database application design. This is also the system's characteristics and advantages, (2006-07-06, Visual Basic, 280KB, 下载90次)
