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按分类查找All Java书籍(190) 

[Java书籍] Library_System

Book_Library like a library. Implementing this with the learning of Java Enterprise technology JSP and Servlet., (2020-11-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] 达内 MyBatis 核心_扫描版_2.42M

The book about MyBatis that you must read (2020-04-11, Java, 2383KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] Java-EE2

书籍名称:Java EE 7权威指南 作用: 运行企业 bean示例 企业bean入门 java持久化api介绍 运行持久化示例 创建和使用基于字符串的Criteria查询 总共30章我就不一一打出来了 内容超级详细 第2版本
Book Name: Java EE 7 Authoritative Guide Role: Running Enterprise Bean Sample Enterprise Bean Getting Started java Persistence API Introduction Running Persistent Example Creating and Using String-based Criteria Queries for a total of 30 chapters I do not play out one by one Content Super Details Version 2 (2017-05-17, Java, 59156KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] thkingInJava3E_cn

这个是thinking in Java的第三版中文版,如果看英文比较恼火的话,看这个会感到很不错的。
This is the thinking in Java in the third edition of the Chinese version, if more annoying to see the English, then see this will feel very good. (2010-04-18, Java, 3919KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] JavaSE6

Java SE6 技術手冊(林信良) 電子書及完整範例 課程共有16章 完整教學用書
Java SE6 technical manual (Hsin-liang) e-book and complete example of a complete teaching program consists of 16 chapters of books (2010-03-27, Java, 4139KB, 下载25次)


[Java书籍] DHEEjsp

大连华信计算机技术股份有限公司培训j2ee的材料 主要是odbc 和 数据库连接 以及一些struts的材料
Dalian Hi-Think Computer Technology Co., Ltd. j2ee training materials are mainly odbc and database connections as well as a number of struts of the material (2010-03-27, Java, 2678KB, 下载18次)


[Java书籍] JDK_API_1_6_0_CN.CHM

JAVA SE API,THE BEST JAVA USER GUIDE,it is definitely useful to look up this dictionary occationally. (2010-03-19, Java, 35967KB, 下载5次)


[Java书籍] spring2.0-reference_final_zh_cn

spring is a powerful Java framework, which the plant design can help software developers to solve many problems, the document is a good learning documents. (2009-12-09, Java, 2186KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] javaEnterprise

java enterprise development projects classic books (strong top), containing Ajax Chinese Manual, JavaScript source code as well as the struts to learn manual ... ... (2009-11-19, Java, 1537KB, 下载99次)


[Java书籍] J2EEStrutsSpringHibernate

J2EE 企业应用实战:Struts Spring Hibernate 整合开发J2EE Enterprise Application combat: Struts Spring Hibernate Integration Development
J2EE Enterprise Application combat: Struts Spring Hibernate Integration Development (2009-11-02, Java, 21241KB, 下载126次)


[Java书籍] Enterprise_Java_2_Security_Building_Secure_and_Rob

Enterprise Java Security: Building Secure J2EE Applications,企业级Java安全:编写安全J2EE程序
Enterprise Java Security: Building Secure J2EE Applications, Enterprise Java Security: Security J2EE programs to prepare (2009-09-17, Java, 3981KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] OReilly.Java.Enterprise.in.a.Nutshell.3rd.Edition

这本书是一本实用指南和一张快速参考的Java ™ 程序员写的企业应用。世界企业发展中的Java环境中包括各种API和服务的标准化和事实上的标准工具和API已制定的Java社区。
This book is both a practical guide and a quick reference for Java™ programmers who are writing enterprise applications. The world of enterprise development in the Java environment consists of a mix of standardized APIs and services and de facto standard tools and APIs that have been developed in the Java community. (2009-05-27, Java, 3253KB, 下载5次)


[Java书籍] ThinkInEnterpriseJava

学习企业级java必备,是同Think in Java相匹配的资料,需要的朋友不要错过哦
Essential enterprise-class learning java, Think in Java with the information to match the need of a friend Oh, do not miss (2009-05-21, Java, 183KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] iBATIS-SqlMaps-2-Tutorial_cn

IBATIS application is those of us older generation of software engineers love, hope that we can from this document gradually like him. (2009-02-12, Others, 68KB, 下载1次)


[Java书籍] SOA_introduce

SOA enterprise training course, the tutorial on the SOA to do some basic introduction, suitable for junior developers to learn to master. (2008-11-03, Java, 1198KB, 下载119次)


[Java书籍] JDK_API_1_6_zh_CN

本文档是 Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 6.0 的 API 规范。
This document is a Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 6.0 of the API specification. (2008-08-15, Java, 35680KB, 下载24次)


[Java书籍] thebestbookforCprogrammer

程序员面试宝典 超级经典的书,一般小型企业招人必考
Programmer interview Baodian super classic book, attract many small businesses in general compulsory (2008-06-03, Visual C++, 4222KB, 下载53次)


[Java书籍] SOA_info_cn

JAVA of SOA on the classic information, SOA professionals essential guides, including: SOA architecture and data standards, SOA professionals guide towards SOA and so on. (2008-01-10, Java, 2287KB, 下载211次)


[Java书籍] Effective.Enterprise.Java

Introduced a J2EE-related content of books, put forward a number of enterprise-class applications, solutions and techniques (2007-12-26, PDF, 1743KB, 下载2次)


[Java书籍] persistenceLayer_cn

Scott W. Ambler在1998年写的关于ORM Persistence Layer的详细设计论文,本文档张笑猛翻译的中文版.
Scott W. Ambler wrote in 1998 on the ORM Layer persistence in the detailed design papers, the documentation Zhang Xiao Meng translation of the Chinese version. (2005-02-24, Java, 484KB, 下载17次)
