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This project is a mobile version of the UITC-CRM-FRONTEND project, built mainly for use by enterprise students. As you understand, this is not a complete mobile view of the UITC-CRM-FRONTEND project, only the student part! (2024-05-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Project

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day activities such as accounting, leave management , project management, resource management , salary management etc. (2023-12-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Meta-API-Get-Instagram-Data

这是一个使用Instagram Graph API检索企业客户Instagram的关注者计数和印象指标的程序,
This is a program that uses the Instagram Graph API to retrieve the follower count and impression metrics of a business account s Instagram, (2023-10-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] the-counter

accounting trial balance software for small business accountants and CPAs. Mostly using this to learn as i am a beginner in React. (2021-01-06, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Bizplus-Enterprise-v

Bizplus is a accounting software to help small and large businesses managing their sales, expenses, inventory etc all under one roof. (2022-12-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] HRMIS

This is a corporate Human Resource Information Management System with sub modules like: Leave Management, Payroll Reports, Recruitment, Performance Appraisal and Employee Information. It has a Dynamics Nav ERP 2016 backend. It has been successfully deployed in AAS - KAREN by francnjamb@gmail.com (2020-11-27, JavaScript, 30883KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] ERP-MicroService

这是一个基于微服务的企业资源规划(ERP)web应用程序,使用React Js、Node Js...
This is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) web application based on microservices developed with React Js, Node Js and Spring Boot. (2022-10-26, JavaScript, 110678KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Frainlar-ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning Software built using Node.js Platform. The ERP Modules include CRM, Inventory Management, Material Management, HCM, Expense Management, and Finance & Accounting. (2023-01-23, JavaScript, 10526KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] kols-client

Sistema de gest?o empresarial (ERP), com fun??es de controle de estoque, relatórios, calculadora de impostos. Front-end construído com Next.js e Tailwind CSS. (2022-03-11, JavaScript, 2752KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] ERP-kidream

The enterprise management system built on the basis of SSM has three functions, including login and logout. Changxiang Education ERP is divided into three departments, one of which includes warehouse management, addition, deletion, modification and query of inventory product information. The project is not perfect and will be updated continuously (2022-12-16, JavaScript, 4794KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall

EBestMall is a new brand of domestic e-commerce system and service solutions. It provides traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with products and solutions such as retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP, etc. (2016-11-06, JavaScript, 5043KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] mybizna

Mybizna is an open-source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution for Laravel. It is developed using laravel which is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. (2023-06-08, JavaScript, 7282KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] eBestMall-Django

EBestMall is a new brand of e-commerce systems and service solutions in China. Provide traditional enterprises and entrepreneurs with retail online store system, online mall system, distribution system, B2B2C mall system, WeChat distribution system, industry ERP and other products and solutions. (2017-11-08, JavaScript, 19786KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] CRMEB_server

CRMEB商城系统是基于ThinkPhp6.0+Vue开发的一套新零售移动电商系统,CRMEB系统就是集客户关系管理+营销电商系统,能够快速积累客户、会员数据分析、智能转化客户、 有效提高销售、会员维护、网络营销的一款企业应用,包含商...
CRMEB Mall System is a new set of retail mobile e-commerce system developed based on ThinkPa6.0+Vue (2022-06-10, JavaScript, 62829KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] zhglxt

本系统(基于SpringBoot+MyBatis+Apache Shiro+Bootstrap+Thymeleaf) 可用于开发所有企业级WEB应用系统(如:各种后台管理系统、CRM、ERP、CMS、OA、博客、论坛等...)。响应式...
This system (based on SpringBoot+MyBatis+Apache Shiro+Bootstrap+Thymeleaf) can be used to develop all enterprise level WEB application systems (such as various background management systems, CRM, ERP, CMS, OA, blogs, forums, etc.). Responsive (2023-05-27, JavaScript, 21446KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] UUcli

UUCLI is built in combination with the latest vue2.0+Webpack (v3.8.1) to support single and multiple entries, extract public js and css files, redefine static resource directories and public dependent resources; Suitable for SPA, MPA, PWA, CRM, enterprise station and other projects (2018-02-09, JavaScript, 542KB, 下载0次)



新鲜出炉基于EasyUI开发的「VIEWUI FOR EASYUI 管理系统UI界面」,分开源基础版和商业版;可应用于各种企业级管理系统、和非企业级管理系统、OA、ERP、CRM等等,欢迎意见或加入我们共同发展, 大佬请轻拍:[http...](https: github.com View-UI VIEWUI-FOR-EASYUI tree master)
The "VIEWUI FOR EASYUI Management System UI Interface" developed based on EasyUI is newly released, separating the source basic version and the commercial version; It can be applied to various enterprise level management systems, and non enterprise level management systems, OA, ERP, CRM, etc. Welcome to comment or join us for common development. Please tap [http...] (https: github.com View-UI VIEWUI-FOR-EASYUI tree master) (2018-05-18, JavaScript, 2423KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Enterprise-Management-System

Enterprise personnel management system, including personnel management and treatment management of the two functional modules used to provide personnel and treatment of employees and accessibility management system, including system maintenance and user management is used to provide system maintenance and the security of the system also includes a System Tools module, be used to quickly run the calculator and the Excel spreadsheet. (2012-05-23, JavaScript, 4379KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] BrioEnterprise

Front companies and other industries to carry out the development of information, can be used to understand the report development process and other operations (2010-05-11, JavaScript, 2067KB, 下载84次)
