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[WEB开发] wwse77top

www.se77.top color Kiki, Kiki Movie Network, Kiki color original site, Se Mimi, the color for a long time, the color of heaven, Japan Rise personality, color yo theater (2016-06-26, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] offer

" Wins the Offer" in 2012 Electronics Industry Publishing House published books, the author is Haitao. The book featured Google, Microsoft and other well-known IT companies 50 Yu Daodian profile questions, systematically summarizes how to write high-quality code in the interview, how to optimize the efficiency of the code, as well as analysis, solutions to common problems. (2016-06-06, Visual C++, 21368KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] thinkphp_v5.0.0.RC3

ThinkPHP是一个免费开源的,快速、简单的面向对象的轻量级PHP开发框架,遵循Apache2开源协议发布,是为了敏捷WEB应用 开发和简化企业级应用开发而诞生的。拥有众多的优秀功能和特性,经历了三年多发展的同时,在社区团队的积极参与下,在易用性、扩展性和性能方面不断优化和 改进,众多的典型案例确保可以稳定用于商业以及门户级的开发。
ThinkPHP is a free, open source, fast, simple object oriented lightweight PHP development framework, following apache2 open source protocol releases is born to agile web application development and simplify the development of enterprise application. Has many outstanding features and characteristics, after three years of development, at the same time, with the active participation of the community team, in ease of use, expansion and performance of continuous optimization and improvement, a large number of typical cases to ensure stability for commercial as well as the development of the portal. (2016-04-25, Visual C++, 301KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 1000y

欢迎你来到正安千年开始你的武侠之旅! 中央添加了奖品兑换员随机兑换装备和武器! 正安千年神武奇章版本 网站 http://Gzza.com 新增加血魔女 黄泉将军 钩魂使者 死神 和尚 扶桑忍武 扶桑武士 新增加祭天魔女 祭天死神 祭天使者 祭天忍者 祭天武士 祭天将军 祭天僧侣 新增血魔套装。新增梦游岛、人间仙境、血魔塔、聚贤庄、神秘岛、绿林峡谷、祭天城
Welcome to Zhengan millennium your martial arts journey! Central adds random prizes cashiers exchange equipment and weapons! N An odd thousand brilliant chapter http://Gzza.com new version of the website increases blood witch lives generals hook soul messenger of death monk Fuso Fuso Samurai Ninja martial additional Witch Heaven Heaven messenger of death Heaven Heaven Heaven ninja warrior monks Heaven Heaven General Gorefiend new suit. New Island sleepwalking fairyland, Gorefiend tower, Juxian village, Myst, Greenwood Canyon, Heaven City (2016-02-29, Visual C++, 4588KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] thinkphp_v5.0.0.beta

ThinkPHP是一个免费开源的,快速、简单的面向对象的轻量级PHP开发框架,遵循Apache2开源协议发布,是为了敏捷WEB应用 开发和简化企业级应用开发而诞生的。拥有众多的优秀功能和特性,经历了三年多发展的同时,在社区团队的积极参与下,在易用性、扩展性和性能方面不断优化和 改进,众多的典型案例确保可以稳定用于商业以及门户级的开发。
ThinkPHP is a free open source, fast and simple object-oriented lightweight PHP development framework, followed by the release of Apache2 open source protocol, is the development of agile WEB application development and simplify enterprise application development and the birth of. With many outstanding features and characteristics, it has been through three years of development, with the active participation of the community team, in the ease of use, scalability and performance optimization and improvement, a large number of typical cases to ensure that the stability for the development of commercial and portal. (2015-12-14, Visual C++, 1619KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] pageadmin_v3.0_build20151103

Pageadmin website management system is a support multi station and multi lingual, integrated content publishing, information release, custom form, custom model, membership system, business management functions in one of the web site management system, released in 2009, at present the user has by more than 50 million or more, is widely used in enterprises, schools, universities, government website to build. (2015-11-05, Visual C++, 11345KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Shop7zwsgwxt_v4.9

Shop7z online shopping system set the atmosphere super beautiful page+ Assortment Package+ limit buy spike+ Mobile+ Online payment+ new order email automatically notify+ Image Batch Upload+ Taobao packets Import+ pop-classification menu+ different specifications in different price+ Logistics tracking print query+ Member Points and coupons+ mass-mailing+ pictures online sales statistics report management+++ gift vouchers five kinds of price system and so powerful in one, it is business or personal online shop of the best shopping platform. (2015-10-24, Visual C++, 4907KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Zhicm_v6.6.0

智睿企业视频版网站系统具有强大的系统功能,支持中繁任意切换,拥有文章/新闻、图片/产品、资源下载、人才招聘、订单系统、问答/留言、友情链接、广告系统、自定义模型、等众多丰富的功能模型。 个人站长完全免费,代码全开放源码,用户可在官网下载,免费使用,免费升级,而不需要支付任何费用,请仔细查看用户许可协议。 系统管理说明: 网址/admin/admin_login.asp 帐号:admin 管理密码:123456 认证码:zhirui 配置文件/include/config.asp 数据文件/include/conn.asp 首页新闻调用:25指分类的ID号 首页扩展调用:4指扩展的ID号
Zhirui enterprise video version of the site system has a powerful system, numerous arbitrary switching support, with articles/news, pictures/products, download resources, talent recruitment, order system, Q/message, Links, advertising system, custom models, and many other rich function model. Individual stationmaster is completely free, fully open source code, the user can be in the official website to download, free to use, free upgrades, and do not need to pay any fees, please carefully check the user license agreement. System management instructions: Web site: admin /admin/admin_login.asp account password management: 123456 authentication code: Zhirui The /include/config.asp configuration file The /include/conn.asp data file The front page news calls: 25 refers to the classification of ID signals Home extended call: 4 refers to the extension of the No. ID (2015-02-01, Visual C++, 2229KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zhient_v7.3.0

智睿多语企业网站系统说明: /admin/admin_login.asp 帐号:admin 管理密码:123456 认证码:zhirui 配置文件/include/config.asp 数据文件/include/conn.asp 首页新闻调用: 25指分类的ID号 首页扩展调用: 4指扩展的ID号 首页FLASH横幅:Images/bcastr.xml 修改即可
That wisdom multilingual business web site system: /admin/admin_login.asp account management: admin Password: 123456 authentication code: Zhirui The /include/config.asp configuration file The /include/conn.asp data file Front page news call: 25 refers to the classification of ID signals Home extended call: 4 refers to the extension of the No. ID FLASH home page banner: Images/bcastr.xml modification (2015-01-14, Visual C++, 1795KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] bjgs_v2.1

XYCMS搬家公司建站系统模板 系统栏目功能介绍 公司信息管理:包括基本信息管理,添加,在线咨询信息管理,在线回复咨询信息 新闻资讯管理:管理新闻信息内容,管理相关分类,添加或者删除 服务项目管理:对服务项目,领域进行管理,发布信息,管理信息。 网页广告管理:包括一些图片广告管理。生成JS调用,增加了对联广告管理和漂浮广告,可以控制是否显示(关闭),功能非常强大 其他信息管理:查看管理员登录记录,可以进行修改操作 系统信息管理 系统设置:进行系统相关基本信息设置,如网站名称,企业信息等基本信息。可以管理是否关闭网站,留言咨询是否审核等。 LOGO/形象图片管理:首页LOGO管理,可以设置长宽大小 安全管理:看相关违规操作记录,查询攻击IP地址,封闭IP,管理SQL信息 安全设置:根据需要设置一些安全过滤信息 首页菜单管理:可以添加,删除菜单信息,打开窗口,是否显示,是否为头部导航或者底部导航栏 管理员管理:对超级管理员信息管理,可以进行添加,删除,修改等操作
Template XYCMS station system moving company System column function introduction Company information management: including basic information management, add, information management, online consultation, online enquiries. News information management: the management of news content, management related classification, add or delete Project management services: the service project, field management, information release, information management. Webpage advertising management: including some image advertisement management. To generate the JS call, an increase of poetic couplet advertising management and advertising, can control whether to display the (closed), very powerful Other information management: view the administrator login record, can be modified to operate Information management system System settings: basic information system related settings, such as the name of the web site, the basic information of the enterprise information etc.. Can manage whether to close the site, a (2015-01-14, Visual C++, 5718KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] wzqywz_ls_v1.7

网展企业网站系统功能: 1、具备传统企业网站基本、高级用户交互功能;(公司介绍、新闻、产品、案例、下载、营销网络、客户留言、人才、订单、会员、站内搜索、邮件订阅等); 2、提供公司Google地图设置接口,可在后台进行公司方位标注,在前台同步显示您所设置的公司方位地图; 3、多项为系统优化而设置的功能接口:站内链接(站内链接的合理建造是搜索引擎优化的重要技术之一,它的优化能使网站整体获得搜索引擎的价值认可,这个优化措施主要是建立方便、直接、全面的浏览导航链接,使每一页有次序地首尾相接。 4、独有精心设计的前台产品展示模块,可方便地在后台进行开启、关闭子功能;后台采用产品属性管理接口,使产品添加、管理更加智能化; 5、全新开发产品数据批量修改接口; 6、幻灯片后台管理接口,并提供多个Flash幻灯片管理参数设置接口; 7、前台用户搜索统计功能,让您更清楚地知道用户对产品的关注程度、关注点; 8、内置会员、邮件订阅用户独立群发接口; 9、内置会员邮件群发、短信群发接口,并可根据需要自定义群发会员类型; 10、内置全Flash产品相册模块,全自动的处理机制让您无须任何手工干预。
Net exhibition enterprise website system function: 1, with the traditional enterprise website basic, senior user interaction (company introduction, news, product, case, download, marketing network, customer message, talent, order, membership, station search, email subscription etc.) 2, company Google map settings interface, can the company range annotation in the background, synchronous display company range map you set in the foreground 3, a number of system optimization and set up the function interface: the station link (stations linked reasonable construction is one of the important technology of search engine optimization, it can make the whole website optimization to obtain search engine value recognition, the optimization measures are mainly to establish convenient, direct, comprehensive navigation links, so that each page order and head. 4, the unique front product display module design, can be easily opened, Seki Beko function in the background the background using the (2015-01-14, Visual C++, 2660KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] gtcms_v1.06

GTCMS好文本网站内容管理系统   GTCMS是由好文本网总结之前WEB开发经验,秉承简单、易用、轻巧、快速的理念以PHP5+MYSQL为基础,应用GTPHP(MVC框架)进行开发,可用于搭建各种网站,其中众多设计方便灵活,可满足各种特色企业或门户网站的设计需求。   好文本网创建于07年,长期从事专业的网站内管理系统的开发与建设,经过长期研究与实践,成功开发出多套网站应用系统。好文本网始终秉承简单、易用、轻巧、快速的理念,为广大站长提供操作简单,部署灵活,界面简洁的建站工具。   GTCMS是由好文本网总结之前WEB开发经验,秉承简单、易用、轻巧、快速的理念开发出的一套优秀的网站内容管理系统。GTCMS可用于搭建各种网站,其中众多设计方便灵活,可满足各种特色企业网站的设计需求。
GTCMS good text in web content management system GTCMS is preceded by good text network Summary of WEB development experience, adhering to simple, easy to use, lightweight, fast to the concept of PHP5+MYSQL based application, GTPHP (MVC framework) is developed, which can be used to build various websites, many design is convenient and flexible, and can satisfy the design requirements of various characteristic enterprise or portal website. Good text network founded in 07 years, has long been engaged in the development and construction of professional website management system, through long-term research and practice, successfully developed several sets of web application system. Good text network always uphold the simple, easy to use, fast, lightweight concept, providing for the webmaster has the advantages of simple operation, flexible deployment, simple interface development tools. GTCMS is preceded by good text network Summary of WEB development experience, adhering to simple, eas (2015-01-06, Visual C++, 712KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ischool_exam_v3.6.7

ISchool random pumping test system positioning school or business units for the strict requirements of the random pumping test, the system adopts the test item database independent way, although adopted the ACCESS database, but can support long-term examination requirements, can support at least 2000 times more than 5000 scale (not at the same time the exam) of the online examination task. (2012-11-20, Visual C++, 330KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] FocusSNS_net

FocusSNS 是一个开源的主题社会化网络软件(SNS),可以用于构建各类主题社区、企业社区、协作平台等。并采用 AGPL3 授权协议。 关于主题SNS: 进入主题SNS后将呈现的是一些特定主题,比如技术,产品,商务,文化等。 人们基于这些兴趣主题进行社交,交流。 而论坛,wiki, 博客,文档等技术表现手段都是为更好的表现这些主题服务。 论坛,wiki等将不再出现在主菜单。典型的主题SNS网站如QQ群空间,豆瓣,搜房网, linkedin, Google group等
FocusSNS theme is an open source social networking software (SNS), the theme can be used to build various types of community, business community, collaboration platform. And using AGPL3 license agreement. On the theme of SNS: SNS will be presented into the theme of some specific themes, such as technology, product, business and culture. Based on these topics that people interested in social, communication. The forum, wiki, blog, documentation and other technical means of expression are the themes for the better performance of these services. Forums, wiki, etc. will no longer appear in the main menu. A typical theme group SNS sites such as QQ Space, watercress, SouFun, linkedin, Google group, etc. (2011-06-09, Visual C++, 17952KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] 857x

1、自动更新无需维护。 2、打开Config.asp配置(网站名称、网站地址、备案号、统计代码、QQ号码)
1, the automatic update without maintenance. 2, open Config.asp configuration (site name, site address, filing number, statistical code, QQ number) (2011-01-28, Visual C++, 25KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] CJJPQ_XL.exe

新浪斗地主记牌器 使用前请您先阅读以下条款: 1) 本站仅对原软件包“依样”打包,但不保证所提供软件或程序的完整性和安全性。 2) 请在使用前查毒 ,这也是您使用其它网络资源所必须注意的事项 。 3) 软件安装过程谨慎点击下一步操作,以免误安装你可能不需要的第三方插件或恶意软件。 4) 由本站提供的程序对您的网站或计算机造成严重后果的本站概不负责。 5) 转载本站提供的相关资源请勿删除本声明文件。 6) 本站提供的程序均为网上搜集,如果该程序涉及或侵害到您的版权请立即写信通知我们。 7) 欢迎再次到ZDNet下载频道(download.zdnet.com.cn)下载您所需要的软件。 ZDNet China(至顶网)下载频道是国内最早成立的专业软件下载网站,国外分站也遍及美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本等国家,为软件开发者提供了无可比拟的专业传播渠道,目前 ZDNet China 已在国内设立了高速独立下载服务器,经历多年来的高速发展,现已成为国内影响力最大的软件资源中心。
err (2007-11-17, Visual C++, 285KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] welcome_qywzxm

Dotnet版1.0(C#+Sql server) 介绍: 1.基于微软.net framework 1.1架构,C#+sql server 2.新闻发布系统 3.产品发布系统 4.人才招聘发布 5.企业留言系统 6.公司介绍内容 7.其它内容 安装说明: 1.首先将DB文件夹下数据库文件附加到sqlserver数据库服务器 2.修改webconfig文件为您的数据库连接信息!
Dotnet version 1.0 (C#+ Sql server) Introduction: 1. Based on Microsoft. Net framework 1.1 framework, C#+ Sql server 2. Press Release System 3. Product Distribution System 4. Recruitment Release 5. Enterprise Message System 6 . Company Introduction 7. other elements of the installation instructions: 1. First, under the DB folder database file attached to sqlserver database server 2. webconfig modified files for your database connection information! (2007-09-06, Visual C++, 1826KB, 下载16次)


[WEB开发] 200642920353600

国际互联网(Internet)是使用公共语言进行通讯的全球计算机网络,它的出现是二十世纪末人类社会最伟大的成就之一。Internet的迅速普及化,使其逐步地从大学、科研机构走向企业和百姓家庭,其功能也已从信息共享演变为一种大众化的信息传播工具,将我们带入了一个新的信息化的时代。 Web是Internet上发展最快、应用最广泛也最实用的超文本信息通信系统,它以客户机/服务器(B/S)模式进行数据通信。
Internet (Internet) is a language for the use of public communications global computer network, Its appearance is the end of the 20th century mankind's greatest achievements. The rapid popularization of the Internet, it gradually from universities, research institutes and enterprises to people's homes, its function from information sharing evolved into a popular means of disseminating information, We will be ushering in a new era of information technology. Internet Web is the fastest-growing, most widely used and most useful hypertext information and communication system, its client/server (B/S) model for data communications. (2007-01-16, Visual C++, 2629KB, 下载1次)
