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[图形图象] Urban

Urbani is a platform aimed at revitalizing urban areas impacted by conflicts and natural disasters by connecting businesses with visionary architects. Utilizing AI consultancy and advanced 3D mapping, it facilitates collaborative and sustainable urban planning, enabling community involvement and informed decision-making (2024-03-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Virtual-Fitting-Room

This project develops an AI-driven virtual fitting room using GANs for fashion retailers. It offers virtual try-ons, personalized 3D simulations, and integrates AR technology for a tailored online shopping experience. By leveraging advanced AI, the system aims to reduce returns, enhance user satisfaction, and boost sales for apparel businesses. (2024-03-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] Refrigerator-control

Sistema web para Solution nar a venda de bebidas de冰箱de微型企业para seu客户。O sistema teráO地籍簿通过QRCode,pagamento dos productos e por fim控制bebidas。要进行sistema teráno前端uma区域APP段落客户端e ADMIN段落管理员。
Sistema web para solucionar a venda de bebidas de refrigeradores de micro empresas para seu clientes. O sistema terá o cadastro do cliente e acesso via QRCode, pagamento dos produtos e por fim o controle das bebidas. Todo sistema terá no front-end uma area APP para clientes e ADMIN para o(s) administrador(es). (2024-02-10, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] 图像清晰度评价指标Matlab

图像清晰度评价函数说明 1、熵: 表示图像所包含的平均信息量的多少,嫡值越大则所含信息量越多。 文件名:entropy.m 结果:EN 2、交叉嫡:反映两幅图像的差异,交叉嫡越小,则融合图像和原图像的差别越小。 文件名:cross_entropy.m 结果:平均交叉嫡MCE,均方根交叉嫡RCE 3、峰值信噪比: PSNR越高,说明融合效果与质量越好。 文件名:psnr.m 结果:PSNR 4、Qabf: 评价边缘或梯度质量,越大边缘越明显 文件名:Qabf.m 结果:Qabf(QAB/F) 5、平均梯度(Average Gradient):也称为清晰度,反映了图像中的微小细节反差与纹理变化特征,同时也反映了图像的清晰度,越大越好。 文件名:avg_gradient 调用:outval = avg_gradient(img) 6、结构相似性指数: SSIM指原图像和融合图像的相似程度,值越大越相似 文件名:ssim.m 结果:SSIM 7、互信息:MI(mutual information) 8、NMI: Normalized mutual information
Image sharpness evaluation function (2018-09-30, matlab, 305KB, 下载126次)


[图形图象] tuxiang

The original image is changed into blurred image, and then restored by PSF, the larger motion length is restored, and the larger motion angle is restored. Noise is added, filtered and restored respectively, signal to noise ratio is restored, autocorrelation function is restored, and noise power is restored with 1-D autocorrelation function. (2018-07-18, matlab, 6KB, 下载15次)


[图形图象] cn24

CN24是一个完整的语义分割框架充分利用卷积网络。它支持多种平台(Linux,MAC OS X和Windows)和库(OpenCL,英特尔,AMD aCML……)同时提供免费的参考实现的依赖。软件开发的计算机视觉组和在耶那大学。
CN24 is a complete semantic segmentation framework that makes full use of the convolution network. It supports a variety of platforms (Linux, MAC OS X and Windows) and libraries (OpenCL, Intel, AMD aCML...) At the same time, it provides free reference to the implementation of the dependence. The software development Computer Vision Group and the University of Jena. (2018-03-06, C/C++, 380KB, 下载7次)


[图形图象] celianling

The project is a an entertaining app project source code, users can take pictures or choose your own or your friends' photos the local library, and then analyzed by age, sex, you can also analyze results and photo sharing to the map, other users You can see your shared photos and test it out age. Face recognition technology is used to provide the service of a face++ (2016-05-21, Java, 3365KB, 下载11次)


[图形图象] accurate-segmentation

This letter proposes an efficient two-step segmentation method for large-scale 3-D point cloud data collected by the mobile laser scanners. First, a new scan-line-based ground segmentation algorithm is designed to filter the points corresponding to the ground with high accuracy. (2015-01-24, Visual C++, 41KB, 下载14次)


[图形图象] xiaobobaoyuzhijiangzao

:提出一种基于对偶树复小波块阈值的信号降噪方法,并将其成功应用于机械故障诊断中。机械设备的振动信号都或多或少地含有噪声,导致弱故障信息的提取一直是故障诊断的难点和热点。提出的降噪方法充分利用对偶树复小波变换的平移不变性和块阈值法的更优估计特性,可以获得比常规的小波降噪方法以及基于常规离散正交小波变换的 NeighBlock 降噪法更高的信噪比, 不仅能有效抑制高斯白噪声, 还能够去除冲击信号中的脉冲噪声。
:A denoising method of block thresholding based on DT-CWT (Dual-tree complex wavelet transform) is proposed, aiming at the difficulty of extracting weak failure information in machinery vibration signals. The presented method can obtain higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) than NeighBlock and other common methods based on orthonormal discrete wavelet trans- form, because of improving asymptotic optimality of block thresholding estimator and shift invariance of DT-CWT. It can not only suppress white Gaussian noise, but also remove spike pulse noise in impulsive signal effectively. (2014-05-28, Others, 286KB, 下载18次)


[图形图象] tuxingxue

该程序包里包含了计算机图形学所学的各种算法的源程序: 1、直线算法(B算法、DDA算法和中点算法) 2、圆弧算法 3、多边形填充算法(有序边发、种子算法和图案填充算法) 4、二维变换算法 5、直线二维裁剪算法 6、三维变换算法 程序包中有各算法的源程序和可执行程序,另外还有的程序说明和解释,保证容易看懂。程序都是本人亲自编写,控制台C程序用 Turbo C 编写,图形界面程序用 VC 编写。并全部测试成功。 有任何问题可与本人联系: QQ:44452114 E-mail:lewsn2008@yahoo.com.cn
The program package contains a variety of computer graphics algorithms learned source: 1, straight line method (B algorithm, DDA algorithm and the mid-point algorithm) 2, 3 arc algorithm, polygon fill algorithm (ordered edge hair, Seed algorithms and pattern filling algorithm) 4, two-dimensional transform algorithm 5, line two-dimensional cutting algorithm is six, three-dimensional transform algorithm package has various algorithms source and executable programs, in addition to description and explanation of procedures to ensure easy read. Procedures are personally write console C program using Turbo C write, write GUI programs using VC. And they are all tested successfully. Can I have any questions contact: QQ: 44452114 E-mail: lewsn2008@yahoo.com.cn (2009-11-05, Visual C++, 306KB, 下载190次)


[图形图象] Ban-denoising

This code is based on Bandelet SAR image denoising with a hard threshold .the results were compared with the wavelet transform, and the results indicated that in the peak signal to noise ratio(PSNR)and edge-preserving index(EPI), there is a certain on the increase. There are procedures and SAR images in this compression package. (2009-10-26, matlab, 264KB, 下载356次)


[图形图象] project2

令人着迷的电影特效,到医学成像、电子游戏和更多的领域,3D图形所带来的冲击不亚于一场革命。这项从五年前(1996年)开始,带来了个人电脑消费风暴的技术,根源于学术界和军事。其实从某种程度上来说,我们今天在个人电脑上所享受的3D图形算是一种“和平红利”,许多最初设计军事模拟器的专家如今在从事3D图形芯片,电影和游戏开发产业的工作。 除娱乐之外,3D图形技术在计算机辅助设计(CAD)上为工业设计带
Fascinating film special effects, to medical imaging, electronic gaming and more areas, 3D graphics the impact of no less than a revolution. This from five years ago (1996), the consumption of personal computers has brought turmoil technology, rooted in academia and the military. In fact, to some extent, we are today in a personal computer enjoy 3D graphics is a (2008-10-19, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载5次)


[图形图象] CannyEdgeDetector

Canny认为一个优良的边缘检测算子应具有以下3个特性: ① 好的检测性能。不漏检真实边缘,也不把非边缘点作为边缘点检出,使输出的信噪比最大。 ② 好的定位性能。检测到的边缘点与实际边缘点位置最近。 ③ 唯一性。对于单个边缘点仅有一个响应。
Canny think a good edge detector should have the following three characteristics: ① good detection performance. Not missed a true edge, nor the non-edge points as edge points detected, so that the maximum output signal to noise ratio. ② good positioning performance. Detected edge point and the actual location of the edge recently. ③ unique. For a single edge point only one response. (2008-03-04, C/C++, 5KB, 下载11次)


[图形图象] dicomtobmp

几点说明: 第一、将DICOMTK里面的所有编译好的lib文件拷贝到\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\lib目录下 第二、将DICOMTK里面的lib库所对应的头文件考到\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include目录下 第三、改一下我程序里面的包含头,把那个多余的dicomtk目录删掉 第四、编译的时候建议使用RELEASE至于为什么嘛,大家可以怪我懒啦!懒得理会那些错误,如果您有兴趣处理完那些警告的话,那就谢谢您把处理方案发上来!谢谢! 第五,运行,运行的时候记信在当前目录下放一个test.dcm文件,然后点确定,会在当前目录下生成一个abc.bmp文件,打开那个bmp文件,就知道怎么回事了,至于为什么是test.dcm嘛就看代码吧!
points : First, to all of the DICOMTK compiled lib files are copied to the \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ VC98 \ lib directory second, DICOMTK inside lib for the first corresponding to the document examination \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ VC98 \ include directory third, changed my way the sequence contains the first inside, take the extra dicomtk fourth deleted directory, compile time recommended RELEASE As for why, but as you can blame me lazy! Bother those mistakes, if you are interested in dealing with those warnings, then it would Thank you to put onto the program! Thank you! Fifth, run, run when Hutchison letter in the current directory decentralization test.dcm a document, and then to determine, in the current directory abc.bmp generate a document to open bmp paper on the matter to know (2006-03-07, Visual C++, 2698KB, 下载57次)
