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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(169) 

[JavaScript/JQuery] Joke-Generator

该存储库包含一个Random Joke Generator,这是一个有趣的web应用程序,它可以生成随机笑话,为用户带来笑声和娱乐。该生成器使用JavaScript、HTML和CSS开发,从预定义的集合或外部API中获取笑话,并在网页上动态显示它们。
This repository houses a Random Joke Generator, a fun and entertaining web application that generates random jokes to bring laughter and amusement to users. Developed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, this generator fetches jokes from a predefined collection or an external API and displays them dynamically on the webpage. (2024-04-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Fun2shot

Welcome to my collection of small games built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! This repository showcases a variety of simple yet engaging games that I ve developed as part of my learning journey in web development. From classic favorites to innovative twists, these games offer entertainment for players of all ages. (2024-04-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] frontend-hard-mode-interview

Frontend Internal Reference "provides knowledge sharing on JavaScript, programming paradigms, design patterns, and the art of software development in various frontend fields, aiming to help front-end engineers solidify their technical foundation and pass frontline internet enterprise technology interviews. (2023-01-21, JavaScript, 7740KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 6qh.ykzywla.cn

Wechat promotes web pages, scans two-dimensional codes, adds Wechat friends, and jumps to the Wechat interface on the mobile phone, but can not automatically add friends, the page has its own copy function, two-dimensional codes (2019-04-04, C#, 1920KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 5

JQuery click menu wide screen slide switch effect based on jQuery.1.7.2.js production, click menu button picture rotation effect, concise atmosphere, suitable for enterprise website homepage production. (2019-01-18, Java, 810KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 4

JQuery's audit form is based on jquery.2.1.4.min.js. Enterprise qualification information submits audit form, including name, mobile phone number, qualification picture, promotion content, business license and other forms. (2019-01-07, Java, 39KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 企业内部应用的核心与灵魂---工作流管理系统

Workflow is the core and soul of enterprise internal system, and approval is the most basic application scenario in workflow. In the management and operation of the company, the approval workflow is introduced to replace the original paper application and approval, so as to improve the efficiency of the company's operation, standardize the management system and file, and facilitate the traceability of environmental protection. (2018-11-20, C#, 61KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 后台模板

Using PHP programming language and yii2.0 framework, the backstage system template developed by web is implemented, which is suitable for the backstage operation of various enterprises, including the functions of background interface, data addition, deletion, checking and modification. (2018-01-13, PHP, 121KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] qiyetuwen

jQuery drop-down corporate website graphic navigation menus based on jquery-1.9.1.min.js production, including about us, the industry study, Products, technical services, information centers, etc. Contact us Menu Bar. (2016-06-25, HTML, 251KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jituangongsi

Group website two full-screen navigation menu based jquery.1.7.2.min.js production, full screen display, mouse navigation through a menu, pull-down menu to display two, there are Home, innovative technology, product centers, projects, services support, Contact us menus columns, for enterprises and other sites use. (2016-06-21, HTML, 37KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jQuery_gaizhang

jQuery seal production line based generator jquery-1.7.1.min.js widget making, is a process of approval by the online simulation stamped page code, corporate red seal. (2016-06-13, HTML, 48KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] selectArea

Js National City three linkage code, web pages commonly used components, but I feel it a cascading menu JavaScript cities across the country did not use Ajax asynchronous loading technique is entirely achievable with traditional JS, National City information written in area.js file , the page just call this the data inside. But this is also good, eliminating the need to read the resource consumption caused by the , the client calls also accelerated the display speed. (2014-11-14, Java, 22KB, 下载7次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScript_sljj

JavaScript实例讲解.zip 本教程将教你怎样建造你梦中的浏览器。
This tutorial will teach you how to build your dreams browser.撤消修改Alpha 新! 点击上方的字词可修改和查看其他翻译。 删除 “”的用法示例:由 Google 自动翻译 字典Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。 将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。 我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。 我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。 (2013-02-02, JavaScript, 389KB, 下载15次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JSP013

From recruitment of employees-> Trial-> positive- the management of the whole process of resignation or retirement, the ability to record the basic information of the employees (support photos) family information, prize information, work experience, training, information and contract information. Extended functionality to provide statistical analysis and birthday reminders. (2012-11-14, JavaScript, 3045KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] wuziqi

本程序开发采用快速原型模型,其理由在于此模型的特点,即有助于获取用户需求,加强对需求的理解,支持需求的动态变化。结合自身对游戏开发是一个逐步学习的过程,起初对功能需求了解不多,但是随着开发的深入会逐步明确功能需求,进而可以不断完善,此特点符合快速原型模型的特点。 可供玩家娱乐 ,一款智力游戏。
This program developed the rapid prototype model, and the reason for this lies in the character of the model, which helps to obtain users demand, to strengthen the understanding of the requirements, and support the dynamic change of demand. According to its own to game development is a progressive learning process, and at first to the function demand not know, but with the depth of the development will gradually clear functional requirements, and can be perfect, with the characteristics of rapid prototyping model features. For you entertainment, a intellectual games. (2012-04-13, Java, 236KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JQuery-easyui-demo

JQuery easyui做的可以更换皮肤的界面,共有五种皮肤,让页面变得更加漂亮。
JQuery easyui do can change the skin interface, a total of five kinds of skin, make the page more beautiful. (2011-09-08, Windows_Unix, 962KB, 下载168次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] XMLHTTP_cn

XmlHttp is set in Javascript, VbScript, Jscript scripting languages such as transmission through the http protocol or from receiving a set of XML and other data API. XmlHttp best use is part of the page can be updated without refreshing the entire page. (2010-09-08, Visual C++, 18KB, 下载21次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] liuxing1.0

Iron Man download system is the iron man technology web team developed the JSP version download system for markets other languages site security inadequate, the download system uses JAVA+ MySQL development, inherited his strong, stable, secure, efficient, cross- platform, and many other advantages, this system is suitable for individual software download site, download the document management business applications. (2010-04-27, JavaScript, 4065KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScriptHelp_cn

Recently due to the often need to write javascript code, but no research in this area, I had to go all out to find the Internet a pity that people feel online can also be too little reference to the javascript, which I find a more comprehensive and rigorous and include many Chinese part of the (2009-09-19, JavaScript, 519KB, 下载4次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] StudentsRecruitmentetwork

人才招聘系统是为广大的在校生与需招聘员工的企业提供一个双向交流的平台, 此系统是一个独立的系统,达到信息共享的目的
Recruitment system is the large number of students and demand in the recruitment of the enterprises to provide a two-way communication platform, This system is an independent system to achieve the purpose of sharing information (2009-08-24, Java, 18220KB, 下载37次)
