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[collect] hooBank-Responsive-Website

采用React JS和Tailwind CSS构建的具有现代UI UX的全响应网站。包括英雄部分、业务统计、功能部分、推荐信等。
Fully responsive website with modern UI UX built with React JS and Tailwind CSS. Includes a hero section, business stats, feature sections, testimonials, and more. (2024-05-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] E-Commerse-MERN

MERN Stack-基于MERN堆栈构建的一体式电子商务平台,具有多个页面、高级过滤功能和无缝用户体验,可用于强大的在线购物企业
MERN Stack - An all-in-one e-commerce platform built on the MERN stack, featuring multiple pages, advanced filtering functionality, and a seamless user experience for a robust online shopping venture (2024-04-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Movie_Rcommandation_App

欢迎来到我们的电影推荐网站!此web应用程序允许您根据您喜欢的类型来发现和探索电影。我们的平台由HTML、CSS、JavaScript和TMDB API提供支持,提供无缝的体验,以找到适合您娱乐的完美电影。
Welcome to our Movie Recommendation Website! This web application allows you to discover and explore movies based on your preferred genre. Powered by HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TMDB API, our platform offers a seamless experience to find the perfect movie for your entertainment. (2024-03-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] news-app

This Web Application is quite amazing because it s like a E-New-Paper where you can get all latest news and read them. It also provide you to filter news according to your favorite news category like Science, Health, Entertainment, Sports, and more. (2024-02-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] node-express-mysql-boilerplate

Node.js、Express和Sequelize ORM for mysql、postgresql或其他版本的任何企业rest api或服务的样板文件。
A boilerplate for any enterprise rest api or service with Node.js, Express and Sequelize ORM for mysql, postgresql or others. (2023-12-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] e-Commerce-website

An e-commerce website is an online platform where businesses sell products or services directly to customers, providing a digital marketplace for buying and selling. (2023-12-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] freeBrunch-discord-bot

与朋友一起娱乐Discord Bot,能够在自托管服务器上运行(例如覆盆子pi)。有关机器人程序功能的完整列表,请参阅自述文件!
Fun with friends Discord Bot capable of running on a self hosted server (e.g. raspberry pi). See README for full list of bot capabilities! (2023-11-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] kikimora-international-licensing

Kikimora的奢华Otherworld Living Art授权:通过精心设计的互动艺术提升顶级活动。探索独家系列,参与无缝授权旅程,并通过重新构思的活动娱乐来提升您的高端场合。
Luxurious Otherworldly Living Art Licensing by Kikimora: Elevate premier events with elaborate interactive art. Explore the exclusive collection, engage in a seamless licensing journey, and elevate your upscale occasions with reimagined event entertainment. (2023-09-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Bitrix-24-clone

Bitrix24 is a client management solution that provides a platform for businesses to organize and track interactions with potential or existing clients and partners. (2023-08-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Receipt3

MERN full-stack web3 application for businesses to create digital receipts that exist on the Ethereum blockchain (2023-08-14, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] daedalus_roster

Daedalus Roster是一款易于使用的应用程序,可以帮助自由职业者找到工作,并让企业雇佣熟练工人。自由职业者可以展示他们能做什么并找到工作,而企业可以寻找合适的人。该应用程序使双方谈话、查看报价和轻松完成工作变得简单。
Daedalus Roster is an easy-to-use app that helps freelancers find jobs and lets businesses hire skilled workers. Freelancers can show what they can do and find work, while businesses can search for the right people. The app makes it simple for both sides to talk, see offers, and get jobs done easily. (2023-08-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Hoja_Corte_App

Application designed to replicate the format of a physical process for local businesses with extras such as data management in a database, printing, and data validation. (2023-08-06, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] watch-together

Watch-Together is the ultimate platform for shared video experiences. Whether you re miles apart or just next door, our innovative product brings people together in a whole new way. Say goodbye to watching videos alone and hello to interactive entertainment! (2023-08-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] joke_app_with_AI

Welcome to joke_app_with_AI, where the laughs never end! Utilizing cutting- edge artificial intelligence, joke_app_with_AI generates jokes, puns, and witty one-liners to keep you and your friends entertained for hours. (2023-08-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] bring-every-business-online

Awesome aka Bring Every Business Online是一项开源计划,旨在为您的每个企业制作一个开源网页集合...,
Awesome aka Bring Every Business Online is an Open Source Initiative to make an open source collection of web-pages for every business out there. To contribute to the project, all you have to do is build a website for a store or business. (2023-07-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] ifast

Ifast, scaffolding for small and medium-sized enterprise project development, focuses on infrastructure and practicality. The code is concise and easy to understand., (2022-09-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] corporate-dashboard

?? A blazingly fast corporate dashboard single page web application, built with a focus on component oriented design with React, Relay & GraphQL (2017-10-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] R4_Resources

小型企业React.js应用程序,具有flex box和grid布局。利用SASS预处理器整合跨浏览器兼容性。,
Small business React.js app with both flex box and grid layouts. Utilizing SASS preprocessor to incorporate cross browser compatibility., (2021-06-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] getInsight

one of the problem of Entrepreneurs is finding clear usable data, and in many cases they tend to guess arbitrary numbers that might be quite far from the truth. the app is a Platform to allow easy access to data , (I ve used the data from INS.com). for example get an Insight on (your target market) : the number of people with certain specificati... (2016-10-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] map-email-scraper

A open source tool for collating publically available contact information for businesses. (2023-02-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
