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[企业管理] jit69

企业经营的目的是向社会提供产品和服务,同时为企业创造利润。为达到这一目的,企业必须投入人员、材料、设备、资金等资源,并通过对它们的有效使用和优化组合制造出社会所需要的产品。而利润的高低取决于投入和有效产出[ 有效产出是指被顾客或社会所认可和接受的产品或服务。]的比例,即生产效率,班组是使产品增值的基本单元,是提高生产效率的主战场
The purpose of business is to provide products and services to the society, and create profits for the enterprise to achieve this goal, the enterprise must put the equipment into the personnel material capital and other resources, and through the effective use and optimize the combination of them to create social needed products and profits high and low depends on the input and output [effective output refers to by the customer or social recognition and acceptance of products or services], the proportion of the production efficiency, team is the basic unit of the product added value, the main is to improve the production efficiency (2013-11-06, WORD, 170KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] MRP

MRP calculation principle, from a production instance to explain the MRP calculations Inversion principle (2013-04-11, WORD, 64KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] c51-Development-basic-knowledge(CN)-

keilc51开发系统基本知识教程 Keil C51系统概述/Keil C51整体结构/Keil C51安装/Keil C51/Keil C51软件使用详解/ Keil C51高级编程
keilc51 development system basics tutorial Keil C51 System Overview/Keil C51 overall structure/Keil C51 installation/Keil C51/Keil C51 software Detailed/Keil C51 high-level programming (2011-11-07, WORD, 33KB, 下载8次)


[认证考试资料] anfang

安防工程企业技术人员专业考试大纲 Ⅰ 考试性质 — 面向安防工程企业技术人员进行的一项专业考试; — 考试结果仅用于安防工程企业资质评定; — 中国安防产品行业协会组织策划、各省(市)安防协会具体实施。 Ⅱ 考试内容与试题结构 考试内容 安防工程专业基础知识 70 安防工程相关标准和规范 25 系统集成基本知识 5 试题结构 序号 题 型 数量 每题分值 分值小计 预计答题时间(分) 1 单选题 26 1 26 15 2 多选题 6 2 12 15 3 判断题 30 1 30 15 4 填空题 8 3 24 35 5 问答题 1 8 8 10 总 计 71题 100分 90分钟 【注】 考试时间:120分钟。 Ⅲ 参考书目 本考试主要参考书为: 1.《安全技术防范基础》 (内部培训教材 北京蓝盾世安信息咨询有限公司) 2.(GB50348-2004)《安全防范工程技术规范》
failed to translate (2011-08-02, WORD, 15KB, 下载4次)


[通讯编程] CU-music-manual

China Unico s Central Conservatory of Music music content production platform specification. Unicom s business standards. For access to the central music platform used by CP (2010-01-07, WORD, 55KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] unicomVACSpec-0120

China Unicom s value-added business systems VAC standard authentication center. China Unicom companies normative standards. For SP and contractors Reference (2010-01-07, WORD, 1121KB, 下载11次)


[网络编程] the_Data_of_Turning_from_ChinaSoft

中软培训资料 - 大企业内部培训资料,大家可有福了,赶快下载吧。
Training materials in the soft- big business in-house training materials, we may be blessed, and quickly download the bar. (2009-12-29, WORD, 8086KB, 下载9次)


[文件格式] CareerQuiz

Large enterprises are now in need for professional evaluation to examine the suitability of candidates test this post. This is just for reference Some of the questions inside. (2009-09-28, WORD, 15KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] qiyeguanlixitong

这是一篇软件工程课上的作业 是一企业系统管理分析报告 做的不是太好 请大家见谅
This is a software engineering class of operations is a management analysis of enterprise systems is not very good so please forgive me (2009-06-19, WORD, 147KB, 下载2次)


[搜索引擎] Googlecontestsubjects

google contest真题, programming their own ability to fit the challenge, or want to interview a large software enterprises and development of people go to think (2009-03-27, WORD, 6KB, 下载10次)


[软件设计/软件工程] qyrsxqfx

The document is the analysis of personnel needs of specific application can be doing a similar analysis of the needs of our compatriots have some help. (2008-12-29, WORD, 9KB, 下载1次)


[技术管理] bumenkaohe

Grass-roots assessment of a program like to share with you the state-owned large and medium-sized businesses how to carry out assessment, I hope everybody do so. (2008-09-03, WORD, 6KB, 下载30次)


[Windows编程] w

This paper described the construction of medium-sized local area network problem, based on office automation and resource sharing principles will enterprise organizations to become more computer a small office LAN. The program mainly uses a combination of star and tree topology of the mixed type of network build, will be the enterprise computer 100 is divided into five groups of twenty units, using multiple switches to connect the computer into five groups the composition of the internal LAN. And use dial-up approach to network connections. (2008-07-06, WORD, 1145KB, 下载17次)


[单片机开发] nRF24E1

In this paper, a wireless system-on-chip nRF24E1 chips, a framework for small and medium-sized enterprises in food and beverage a la carte system wireless. (2008-05-30, WORD, 562KB, 下载65次)


[WEB开发] TechnologyOfElectronicBusinessIn21thCentury

Into the twenty-first century, the global e-commerce applications will be a comprehensive, enterprise marketing mode will also be a revolutionary change. (2008-04-24, WORD, 10KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] IPPBX

IPPBX技术的应用 随着使用IPPBX技术不断成熟,企业及个人用户对使用IPPBX(或其他相类似的产品)的接受程度越来越高,因IPPBX通信在企业通话这一块的不断增长,同时带来了不少的商机。正是基于这样的背景与环境,产生了基于软件的IPPBX技术正在小企业中成了一种可替代传统PBX的新产品,正适合于小型和中等规模的公司使用
IPPBX technology with the use of technology continues to mature IPPBX, enterprises and individual users on the use of IPPBX (or other similar products) is becoming more accepted, because IPPBX communication in the enterprise call this a growing and at the same time bring a lot of business opportunities. It is against this background and the environment, and produced a software-based IPPBX technologies are small enterprises has become a new alternative to traditional PBX products, is suitable for small and medium-sized companies to use (2008-02-22, WORD, 5KB, 下载8次)


[文章/文档] ERP_core_theory

Real learning ERP management approach should be the first enterprise management and corporate finance business and have a certain understanding of ERP grasp the basic concepts, principles and methods, then we will proceed ERP software for exploration and learning, so as to quickly master the ERP software functions, At the same time, ERP management concepts and methods have a better understanding of (2007-12-26, WORD, 18KB, 下载61次)


[企业管理] CompiereERP

Compiere user manual for SMEs in the various aspects of the function. And all the functions are very good together, and very easy to operate. (2006-03-28, WORD, 2814KB, 下载45次)


[企业管理] 动态股权激励模型对按股分配缺陷的修正

the failure of many enterprises is not due to technical reasons, but management of the reasons, let us explore together. (2005-11-17, WORD, 10KB, 下载6次)


[文件格式] 制作印制电路板七种方法

总结了业余制作印制电路板的七种方法. 适用于小企业或个人做电路.
summed up the amateur production of printed circuit boards seven methods. It applies to small businesses or individuals do the circuit. (2005-06-01, WORD, 9KB, 下载26次)
