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[电子书籍] c++编程思想2

C and C + + are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. C + + is an extension of C language, and the potential of both languages is immeasurable, which is why enterprises of any size can use them, because it has scalability and portability. With the continuous development of language, the number of people learning it is increasing. If you want to learn C and C + +, it is a good choice to start from a book. (2020-03-25, C/C++, 649KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Spring.in.Action.4th.Edition.pdf

第4版针对Spring 4进行了全面更新。 全书分为4部分。 第1部分介绍 Spring框架的核心知识。 第2部分在此基础上介绍了如何使用Spring构 建Web应用程序。 第3部分告别前端, 介绍了如何在应用程序的后端 使用Spring。 第4部分描述了如何使用Spring与其他的应用和服务进行 集成。 本书适用于已具有一定Java 编程基础的读者, 以及在Java 平台下进行 各类软件开发的开发人员、 测试人员, 尤其适用于企业级Java 开发人 员。 本书既可以被刚开始学习Spring 的读者当作学习指南, 也可以被 那些想深入了解Spring 某方面功能的资深用户作为参考用书。
The fourth edition is fully updated for Spring 4. The book is divided into 4 parts. Part 1 Introduction The core knowledge of the Spring framework. Part 2 introduces how to use Spring to build on this basis. Build a web application. Part 3 bid farewell to the front end, describes how to backend in the app Use Spring. Part 4 describes how to use Spring with other applications and services. integrated. This book is intended for readers who already have a basic Java programming foundation, as well as under the Java platform. Developers and testers of various software developments, especially for enterprise Java developers member. This book can be used as a study guide by readers who are just starting to learn Spring. For those who want to learn more about some aspects of Spring's features as a reference book. (2018-07-27, Java, 6900KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] G729

ITU-T G.729 Source codeITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-C Source CodeVersion 1.4 Last modified: November, 2000 */TITLE-----Fixed-point description of Recommendation G.729 with ANNEX BCoding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-StructureAlgebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP) withVoice Activity Decision(VAD), Discontinuous Transmission(DTX), and Comfort Noise Generation(CNG).SOFTWARE AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY----------------------------------This software package is provided as part of ITU-T Recommendation G.729B.Copyright (c) 1996, AT&T, France Telecom, Lucent Technologies, NTT, Rockwell International, Universite de Sherbrooke.All rights reserved.The copy of the source C code, version 1.4, is given under Copyright of the authors, only for the purpose of establishing the specification of a codec.VERSION-------This is version 1.4.
ITU-T G.729 Source codeITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-C Source CodeVersion 1.4 Last modified: November, 2000*/TITLE-----Fixed-point description of Recommendation G.729 with ANNEX BCoding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-StructureAlgebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP) withVoice Activity Decision(VAD), Discontinuous Transmission(DTX), and Comfort Noise Generation(CNG).SOFTWARE AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY----------------------------------This software package is provided as part of ITU-T Recommendation G.729B.Copyright (c) 1996, AT&T, France Telecom, Lucent Technologies, NTT, Rockwell International, Universite de Sherbrooke.All rights reserved.The copy of the source C code, version 1.4, is given under Copyright of the authors, only for the purpose of establishing the specification of a codec.VERSION-------This is version 1.4. (2011-06-03, C++ Builder, 113KB, 下载16次)


[电子书籍] bishiti

本文的写作目的并不在于提供C/C++程序员求职面试指导,而旨在从技术上分析面试题的内涵。文中的大多数面试题来自各大论坛,部分试题解答也参考了网友的意见。   许多面试题看似简单,却需要深厚的基本功才能给出完美的解答。企业要求面试者写一个最简单的strcpy函数都可看出面试者在技术上究竟达到了怎样的程度,我们能真正写好一个strcpy函数吗?我们都觉得自己能,可是我们写出的strcpy很可能只能拿到10分中的2分。读者可从本文看到strcpy函数从2分到10分解答的例子,看看自己属于什么样的层次。此外,还有一些面试题考查面试者敏捷的思维能力。
Purposes of this article is not to provide C/C++ programmer job interview guide, but to face questions from the technical analysis of the content. Most of the text face questions from the various forums, some questions answered also made reference to the views of users. Many face questions seem simple, but profound basic skills needed to give the perfect answer. Asked the interviewer to write a business simple strcpy function of the interviewer can see how the technical level, how far we can really written a strcpy function is it? We all think he can, but we write the strcpy is likely to receive only 10 points in 2 minutes. Readers can see from this article strcpy function assigned to 10 points from the two examples of answers to see themselves as what kind of level. In addition, there are some who face interview test questions quick thinking. (2010-04-06, C/C++, 564KB, 下载15次)


[电子书籍] VisualBasic6bianchengdaquan

Visual Basic 6 数据库编程大全》页数:758 (15.8MB) 格式:超星 本书是专门指导程序员如何用微软的Visual Basic企业版,进行设计和创建数据库应用程序。其内容覆盖了VB6程序员所要了解的八个方面,并为数据库程序员提供了经常会遇到的各种问题的必要解决方案。同时讲述了如何将这些技术结合在一起,创建正在蓬勃发展的客户机/服务器,以及基于Web的应用程序。附带的光盘含盖了书中例举的程序代码,极大方便读者学习和使用VB6进行程序开发和数据库编程。 本书适合于从初级到高级的程序开发人员,及对程序开发和数据编程有趣的业余爱好者
Visual Basic 6 Database Programming Book " Pages: 758 (15.8MB) format: Superstar This book is devoted to guiding programmers how to use Microsoft' s Visual Basic Enterprise Edition, design and create database applications. The content covered by the VB6 programmers to understand the eight areas, and provided for the database programmer will always be the need for the various problems solution. At the same time about how to combine these technologies to create booming client/server and Web-based applications. CD-ROM accompanying the book covers examples of program code, which greatly facilitate the reader to learn and use VB6 programming and database development. This book is suitable for beginner to advanced, from the developers of the program, and program development and data interesting amateur programming (2009-07-27, Visual Basic, 16200KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] VB6.0baodian

《Visual Basic 6 宝典》页数:857 (23.9MB) 格式:超星Visual Basic 6具有新的数据库编程和Web服务器编程功能,深受人们欢迎,被众多美国公司视为企业级重要应用程序开发的首选工具。本书内容涉及Active Data Object、IIS和ActiveX编程、Windows API的使用。本书还提供宝贵的专家建议和大量代码实例,帮助您从容迎接一切编程挑战,建立功能强大且性能可靠的解决方案。本书包含Visual Basic 6的各个方面:了解Visual Basic 6如何加入Visual Studio家族;掌握面向对象编程的基础知识-----窗口、类、对象;结合OLE DB使用新功能Active Data Objects,简化数据库编程;利用新特性WebClass建立IIS应用程序,避免开发Active Internet服务器时可能遇到的陷阱;学习使用Windows API,全面掌握Visual Basic,建立强大的出错处理机制,提高应用程序的可靠性
"Visual Basic 6 book" Pages: 857 (23.9MB) format: Chaoxing new Visual Basic 6 database programming and Web server programming function, by the people welcomed by many U.S. companies as an important enterprise-class applications the preferred development tools. Book cover Active Data Object, IIS and ActiveX programming, Windows API use. This book also provides valuable expert advice and a large number of code examples to help you easily programmed to meet all challenges, the establishment of a powerful and reliable solution. This book contains the Visual Basic 6 in all aspects: understanding of Visual Basic 6 How to join the Visual Studio family object-oriented programming to master the basic knowledge----- window, type, object combination of OLE DB functionality using the new Active Data Objects, to simplify database programming WebClass the establishment of the new features using IIS application, to avoid the development of Active Internet server traps that may be encountered lea (2009-07-27, Visual Basic, 13776KB, 下载13次)


[电子书籍] avrp

随着我国经济的迅速发展和信息技术的进步,物流行业已经被确定为我国国民经济的重要产业和经济发展的新增长点,其中物流配送路径的优化是物流系统中的关键一环,选择合理经济的配送路线可以极大的降低配送成本,提高配送效率,增加企业的经济效益。 本文以如何科学的解决配送路径的优化问题为出发点,分析比较了各种算法在解决VRP中的特点与利弊,由于蚁群算法有着良好的正反馈机制与较强的鲁棒性和灵活性,本文选择了蚁群算法作为解决VRP问题的算法,并结合VRP问题本身的特点,针对蚁群算法存在的过早收敛等不足进行改进,最后将改进的蚁群算法应用在本文所建立的VRP模型中,并通过仿真试验,证明了蚁群算法在解决大规模动态VRP问题中的有效性和可行性。 论文主要研究工作和创新性成果有以下几个方面: (1)设定了一类配送点位置不变,需求时间不定的动态带软时间窗的VRP问题。利用时间段的概念,将动态VRP问题转化为连续时间段内的静态VRP问题进行研究,构造了该问题的模型,提出了动态VRP问题的求解方案。 (2)结合VRP问题的特点,针对蚁群算法的早熟等不足,对蚁群算法进行改进,通过对伪随机概率公式的改进,配送点的二次...
Thanks for erevbody .ok,juest so so (2009-05-22, PDF, 84KB, 下载18次)


[电子书籍] GSM

基于 GSM 的远程家庭监控及报警系统的设计 】 该防盗报警器由热释电红外探头、 GSM模块和单片机最小系统组成。 热释电红外探头采集到防盗信 息 , 经单片机发给 GSM 模块 , 再由 GSM 模块发送给指定手机用户, 显示远程的报警情况。
GSM-based remote home monitoring and alarm system design] the burglar alarm from the pyroelectric infrared sensor, GSM module and the smallest single-chip system. Pyroelectric infrared probe collected security information, issued by the single-chip GSM module, GSM module and then sent to designated mobile phone users, showing the situation of a remote alarm. (2009-01-29, C/C++, 231KB, 下载481次)


[电子书籍] 网络环境下组态软件的研究与开发

硕士论文题目:网络环境下组态软件的研究与开发 主要内容:该文通过对网络技术和组态软件的研究与分析,提出了一种网络环境下组态软件的结构框架,并通过编程实现了基于Web的组态软件的开发.通过对计算机网络在工业信息监视系统上的应有物分析,我们将Internet技术与工业现场监视系统结合起来,从而形成了一种新的基于浏览器的工业信息监视系统 在课题的开发设计中,采用将工业现场自动化中各类实时信息,连接进入企业本地网络的服务器中,并以HTML文本的形式进行实时发布的设计方案,实现了动态画面的实时刷新 在实时任务处理中,引入了“任务控制块”(TaskControlBlock)的概念,针对系统的任务调度提出了一种基于高级语言的任务处理机制-任务轮转优先权调度机制(TaskCyclePriorityScheduling),同时采用了自定义消息以及多线程并行运行,提高了系统的响应速度 在系统实现中,通过对软件结构的分析,我们运用了面向对象的程序设计方法,完成了画面的设计与显示,实现了组态软件的开发.
master's thesis topic : network environment configuration software R & D main elements : the text of network technology and configuration software research and analysis, a proposed network configuration software environment, the framework, Programming and through a Web-based configuration software development. right through computer networks in industrial surveillance system the analysis should be on, we will Internet technology and industrial-site surveillance systems, thus, a new browser-based industrial surveillance system in the development of design issues, The adoption of the industrial automation field various real-time information to connect into the enterprise local network server, HTML and text in the form of real-time dissemination of design options achieving a dynamic s (2006-02-01, PDF, 6515KB, 下载153次)


[电子书籍] 2004年智能手机设计方略与平台扫描

right through long-term network communications and satellite communications equipment installation, system design and integration, in particular for a long time some of the world's leading telecommunications companies to provide services to network services has accumulated a wealth of experience with advanced network design and improve service management system designed to complete the network communications services management system. The system includes the networking business platform, customer management platform, network terminals and video communications network voice communication terminals through the network will enable people to achieve high quality visual and sound effects, and equipped with advanced networking platform for business customers and improve the management platf (2005-12-05, Visual C++, 76KB, 下载45次)


[电子书籍] rxdrd

人类出版史上第三畅销书你一生中最重要的一本书。 「人性的弱点」在世界各地至少已译成五十八种文字,全球总销售量已达九千余万册,拥有四亿读者。除圣经及论语之外,无出其右者。 原著者以人性的各种弱点为基础,提出了这一套令我们面红耳赤、怦然心跳人际关系学,使世界人类的相处之道为之一新。 雄心万丈的青年企业家、业务员、家庭主妇、学生、热恋中的情侣 不管你是什么人,这都是一本让你惊喜,使你思想更成熟,举止更稳重的好书。我们相信这将是你一生中最重要的一本书。
human history published the third best-selling book your life the most important one book. "Humanity weaknesses" in the rest of the world has been translated into at least 58 languages, global sales reached more than 10,000 9,000, with 400 million readers. Apart from the Analects of Confucius and the Bible, were second to none. The original works were a human weaknesses, based on a set of our red, the accompanying heartbeat interpersonal study, the human world as well as the one for the new. Ambitious young entrepreneurs, salesmen, housewives, students, a couple in love no matter what, this is a surprise for you, so you thinking of a more mature, more prudent behavior books. We believe this will be your most important life of a book. (2005-01-09, WORD, 163KB, 下载32次)


[电子书籍] wincvs操作手册和参考资料

CVS是目前比较流行与优秀的版本管理与控制工具,是用来管理其它日常文档(如word工作文档之类)的一个强有力的工具。 WinCVS是CVS的一个客户端软件,它运行在Windows上,采用图形化方式登陆CVS服务器和CVS相关的操作与管理,不要学习复杂的cvs命令。企业内部都采用Linux/Unix做服务器,用Windows做客户端,所以WinCVS与CVS服务器是目前应用最广泛的版本控制与管理的组合。
CVS is the more popular version with an excellent management and control tools, the other is used to manage the day-to-day documentation (such as word documents such as work) a powerful tool. WinCVS is a CVS client software, which runs on Windows, The graphical approach landing CVS CVS server and related operations and management, not learning complicated cvs orders. Enterprises are using Linux/Unix servers to do with Windows so the client, So WinCVS and CVS server is the most widely used version control and management of the portfolio. (2004-08-03, WINDOWS, 4090KB, 下载125次)
