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[Java书籍] LDAP-bible

轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP)是用于访问目录信息的标准是各种电子邮件系统,网络系统和企业的基础协议应用。 LDAP使中央管理用户,组,设备和其他数据,从而简化了目录管理和降低总拥有成本。 LDAP目录服务,由创作者的书面理解和部署 作为LDAP圣经和协议,被称为是学习有关LDAP的经典文本,以及如何 有效地利用它。第二版在此成功建立一个详尽的 资源的设计,部署和维护LDAP目录服务。如专题 实施的缺陷,建立和维护用户获取信息, 故障排除后,将深入探讨和现实世界的情景。
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is the standard for directory information access and is the underlying protocol for a variety of email systems, Web systems, and enterprise applications. LDAP enables central management of users, groups, devices, and other data, thereby simplifying directory management and reducing the total cost of ownership. Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services, written by the creators of the protocol, is known as the LDAP bible and is the classic text for learning about LDAP and how to utilize it effectively. The Second Edition builds on this success by acting as an exhaustive resource for designing, deploying, and maintaining LDAP directory services. Topics such as implementation pitfalls, establishing and maintaining user access to information, troubleshooting, and real-world scenarios will be thoroughly explored. (2012-03-13, Java, 4980KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] PhoneRecord

系统介绍 随着市场竞争的日益激烈,各个企业都想尽办法完善对客户的服务,电话客户服务便是企业推出的一项举措,通过电话与客户联系业务,为客户解答问题,但是在客户过多的情况下,难免出现问题,为了避免这种情况的发生,需要对所有的客户电话都录音,通过录音可以更好的了解客户的需求,也可以避免员工在工作中出现差错。 本系统在设计时应该满足以下几个目标: 采用人机对话的操作方式,界面设计美观友好、操作灵活、方便、快捷、准确、数据存储安全可靠。 系统可以进行来电显示和来电接听等功能。 提供电话拨出功能,可以通过程序拨出电话。 提供客户管理功能,记录客户信息,并可以在拨出电话时以电话簿的形式显示客户信息。 提供电话录音功能,当电话接通时开始录音,当电话挂断时结束录音。 提供录音管理功能,可以通过程序修改录音文件的存储位置。 系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。 系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
AppWizard has created this PhoneRecord application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your PhoneRecord application. PhoneRecord.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. PhoneRecord.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CPhoneRecordApp application class. PhoneRecord.cpp This is the main application source file that contains the application class CPhoneRecordApp. PhoneRecord.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the (2010-04-07, Java, 3811KB, 下载41次)


[Java书籍] SpringFramework

即使有好工具和好技术,开发软件仍然是比较困难的。有一些平台,它们包打天下, 但实际上很沉重、难以控制,在开发过程中效率不高,却让开发软件变得更加困难。 Spring为编写企业应用程序提供了轻量的解决方案,同时仍然支持使用声明式事务、 用RMI或web service远程调用、以及使用多种方式来将数据持久化到数据库。Spring提供了全功能的 MVC framework, 以及透明集成AOP到你的软件中的能力。
Even if there is a good tool and good technology, software development is still more difficult. Some platforms, they are conquering the world, but in fact is very heavy, difficult to control, in the development process efficiency is not high, yet leaving software development has become more difficult. Spring for the preparation of enterprise applications provides a lightweight solution, while still supporting the use of declarative transaction, using RMI or web service remote calls, as well as the use of a variety of ways to the data persistence to the database. Spring provides a full-featured MVC framework, and transparent integration of AOP into your software capabilities. (2010-02-12, Java, 2129KB, 下载7次)


[Java书籍] kaifazhongwenjiaocheng

本书是讲解MyEclipse 6开发Java EE企业应用的入门图书。该书不但讲解了目前最流行的SSH(Spring、Struts、Hibernate)、JSF、JPA的开发,同时还对SOA实现的基石--Web Service的开发进行了探讨。缺点就是偏于实践操作,相关的理论详细介绍部分比较少,对于具有一定开发经验的读者没有吸引力,因此只适合作为初学者使用MyEclipse时的参考书,或者从事技术转型的开发人员,也可作为培训机构的辅助教材,或高校学生的自学教材,手把手的视频辅导方式可以确保入门。
This book is to explain MyEclipse 6 Enterprise Application Development Java EE introductory books. Book not only explained the most popular SSH (Spring, Struts, Hibernate), JSF, JPA development, but also the cornerstone of SOA implementation- Web Service development is discussed. Drawback is that indulge in practical operation, the relevant part of the theory of less detail, for readers who have some development experience is not attractive, so only suitable for beginners to use as a reference when MyEclipse, or persons engaged in the development of technology transition can also be teaching aids as a training institution, or college students self-study materials, hands-on video Guidance to ensure entry. (2010-01-11, Java, 4362KB, 下载34次)


[Java书籍] jsp_kj

讲师:张 冰 原中关村软件园实训基地讲师 原新东方职业教育(新东方IT培训)高级讲师 原德国西门子培训讲师 IBM软件工程师项目讲师 政府653工程信息安全专家组成员 教育部NIT-pr考试命题专家组成员 国家安全局特聘讲师 铁道部特聘讲师 信息产业部国家信息化工程师讲师 长年为总参、总装、二炮、中国软件行业协会、全国各地的软件公司以及各大高校等做企业培训或师资培训 计算机犯罪司法鉴定专家
Instructor: Zhang ice Zhongguancun Software Park training base of vocational education lecturer at the former New Oriental (New Oriental IT training), senior lecturer in the original German Siemens trainers IBM software engineer project engineering lecturer at the Government Information Security Group 653 members of the Ministry of Education, NIT-pr test Proposition members of the Group National Security Agency, Distinguished Lecturer, Distinguished Lecturer, the Ministry of Railways Ministry of National Lecturer for many years as the General Staff of engineers, assembly, Second Artillery, China Software Industry Association, the country' s software companies as well as major colleges and universities to do business training or teacher training in computer crime forensic experts (2009-10-18, Java, 1119KB, 下载37次)


[Java书籍] MyEclipse6Java

本书适用于希望了解如何使用 MyEclipse 6.0 进行 Java 企业应用开发的 Java 初学者。如果有一定 Java 语言基础或者 Eclipse 使用经验,对阅读本书有很大帮助。 由于 MyEclipse 更新非常快,作者在时间充裕的情况下,将推出最新版本的教程。 本书配有高清讲解视频 500MB ,几乎绝大多数章节均配有视频,特别适合于没有条件深造的在校学生,有一定编程基础但期望转向 Java 开发的技术人员使用,也可用于培训机构作为辅助教材。作者模拟培训课堂推出的专业手把手视频,深受广大读者欢迎。 本书虽然主要集中在 MyEclipse 自身使用,但是并非仅限于 HelloWorld ,而是让您切实接触到前沿的开源技术如 SSH , Struts 2 , EJB3 ,文件上传下载,乱码解决等实用案例,让您熟悉环境同时又能拥有一定的实战开发经验。 这本书理论与实践相结合。在你掌握理论的基础上,在结合具体的例子,使你掌握企业中最实用的技术
This book applies to want to know how to use the MyEclipse 6.0 for Java enterprise application development Java beginners. If you have a certain Java-based or Eclipse experience, reading this book very helpful. As the MyEclipse update very quickly, the authors have plenty of time cases, will launch the latest version of the tutorial. This book talks with high-definition video 500MB, almost the vast majority of chapters are equipped with video, in particular, there is no condition for further studies in school, there are certain basics of programming but are looking for Java developers turned to the use of the technical staff, but also can be used for training institutions as a supplementary teaching materials. By introduction of simulation training of professional hands-on classroom video, well received by readers welcome. Although the main focus of this book MyEclipse own use, but not limited to HelloWorld, but to give you practical exposure to leading-edge open source technologies su (2009-09-22, PDF, 4343KB, 下载132次)


[Java书籍] J2ME_webbook

据市场进一步细分为针对企业网应用的J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition)、针对普通PC应用的J2SE(Java 2 Standard Edition)和针对嵌 入式设备及消费类电器的J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)等3个版本(如图1所示)。J2 ME推出之后,Motorola公司作为J2ME的主要支持者,第一个在自己生产的手机上移植了 KVM(千字节虚拟机),又领导全球手机厂家制定了MIDP(移动信息设备框架)规范
It is further broken down into the market for enterprise network applications J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition), general PC applications for J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) and for embedded devices and consumer appliances J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) 3 version (as shown in Figure 1). J2 ME after launch, Motorola as the main supporters of J2ME, the first production in their own mobile phones transplant KVM (kilobyte virtual machine), the world' s leading mobile phone manufacturers also developed a MIDP (Mobile Information Device Framework) specification (2009-07-17, Java, 335KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] J2ME

名称:程序天下:J2ME手机游戏案例精编 随书光盘/电子教程 版本:随书光盘/电子教程 作者:龚剑 出版日期:2008年1月 出版社:电子工业出版社 地区:大陆 语言:普通话 本书的读者对象要求有J2ME语言基础,已经基本掌握用户界面、媒体播放和记录存储的概念和技巧。主要为从事J2ME平台移动增值业务开发的工程技术人员、高校学生和相关技术的爱好者。本书可作为大专院校嵌入式程序开发课程的教材,也可作为J2ME程序开发人员的入门书籍和参考书,比较适合手机游戏中高级开发人员。 图书目录: 第一章 J2ME手机游戏开发基础 第二章 益智猜谜游戏-数独的设计与实现 第三章 射击策略游戏-坦克大战的设计与实现 第四章 棋类游戏-五子棋的设计与实现 第五章 休闲娱乐游戏-连连看的设计与实现 第六章 飞行射击游戏-雷电游戏的设计与实现 第七章 蓝牙游戏-五子棋对战游戏的设计与实现 第八章 角色扮演游戏-剑神的设计与实现 (2008-05-23, Java, 17302KB, 下载452次)


[Java书籍] shu_ju_yuan_JDBC

众所周知,JDBC(Java数据库连接)是Java 2企业版的重要组成部分。它是基于SQL层的API。通过把SQL语句嵌入JDBC接口的方法中,用户可以通过Java程序执行几乎所有的数据库操作。JDBC只提供了接口,具体的类的实现要求数据库的设计者完成。通过生成这些接口的实例,即使对于不同的数据库,Java程序也可以正确地执行SQL调用。所以对于程序员来说,不必把注意力放在如何向数据库发送SQL指令,因为程序员需要了解和用到的只是JDBC的接口,只有在极少数情况下会用到面向特定数据库的类,例如程序员希望使用ORACLE的扩展API。
known, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a Java 2 Enterprise Edition of the important components. It is based on SQL API layer. Through JDBC embedded SQL interface method, Java users can implement procedures almost all of the data base. JDBC interface provides only a specific category of demands on the database designer to complete. Interface generated by these examples, even for the different databases, Java programs can also correct implementation of SQL calls. So programmers, we do not have to focus on how to send SQL database directive because programmers need to understand and use the only JDBC interface Only in very rare cases, will use the database for specific categories, For example, programmers hope to expand the use of Oracle API. (2006-08-16, Java, 758KB, 下载11次)


[Java书籍] Java游戏开发StepbyStep系列之一

 游戏,看看今年游戏的火爆劲头,大家可体会到它的无穷魅力。越来越多的程序员加入到游戏开发这个行业中来。而且游戏开发本身是种很大的乐趣与挑战。   本系列就是利用 Java 这门语言教大家一步一步学习游戏开发,领会 Java 游戏开发的每一个技术要点。让大家都能灵活使用 Java 这门语言工具,都能用 Java 打造属于自己的游戏。是本系列的最终目的。   有过 Java 经验的朋友一定会奇怪,在 Java 企业级应用(J2EE)和 Java 移动应用(J2ME)横行 Java 天下的时候,我们为什么选择了 Java 游戏开发?原因很简单,游戏开发主要是利用 J2SE 技术,而 J2EE、J2ME 都是在 J2SE 的基础上发展起来的,也必须依托 J2SE 而存在,三者是相辅相成的。J2SE 是基础,万丈高楼平地起,只要你的基础打好了,有什么程序不能做呢?而在 J2SE 上也有很多成功的应用开发。你甚至能很方便的把你开发的游戏程序移植到上面两个应用方向中去。   好了,带上你的信心和决心,和我们一起走向这奇妙之旅吧。
games, look at the game hot momentum, we can understand its infinite charm. More and more programmers to join the game development to the industry. But the development of the game itself is a kind of great fun and challenges. This series is the use of the Java language that teaches the step-by-step learning games, Java game developers understand the technical elements of each one. They can use flexible Java language tools that can use Java to create their own game. This series is the ultimate goal. Java experience had friends will be surprised, in Java enterprise applications (J2EE) and Java mobile applications (J2ME), the world's rampage Java when, why do we choose the Java game development? The reason is very simple, game development is the use of J2SE technology, and J2EE, J2ME are (2006-02-10, Java, 48KB, 下载53次)
