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[其他] 插件包6.0

Survival Road RPG plug-in for entertainment, this plug-in is someone else's, not my own, is a mere scrap. (2019-08-10, WINDOWS, 15476KB, 下载2次)


[其他] CS对战源码

求生之路RPG插件用于娱乐,这个插件是别人的不是本人的,纯属凑数。主要用于CS 模式的对战用
Survival Road RPG plug-in for entertainment, this plug-in is someone else's, not my own, is a mere scrap. (2019-08-10, WINDOWS, 18KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] dlbook_cn_v0.5-beta

DeepLearning中文版 《Deep Learning》(深度学习)是一本皆在帮助学生和从业人员进入机器学习领域的教科书,由学界领军人物 Ian Goodfellow、Yoshua Bengio 和 Aaron Courville 合力打造。
DeepLearning Chinese translation (2018-03-22, WINDOWS, 27147KB, 下载8次)


[matlab编程] 基于时空情景的城市物流动态路径优化研究_王丹

The distribution of cold chain logistics is the research object of this paper for the A enterprises around the market, A market enterprises around the business process focused on product preservation degree and the surrounding customer service experience, consider the price factor for packaging products less, so the city of cold chain logistics is very important for the surrounding market. The following is the main introduction of the distribution process and the problems in the distribution process of the A peripheral market. (2018-03-19, WINDOWS, 645KB, 下载4次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] 修改代码

Because 2C customers with small demand, customer distribution is scattered, large customers, demand is not stable, A enterprise class 2C for customers using two grade distribution services, namely the enterprise to establish a number of distribution sites on the island, various distribution sites have the perfect product insurance equipment and terminal distribution equipment and delivery personnel, customer orders after the enterprise through the information system will be assigned to customer orders and distribution sites in the region, the distribution site timely delivery, and inventory enterprises to master the various distribution sites and timely replenishment. (2018-03-19, WINDOWS, 14KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 生产数据管理系统

Also found on the Internet, enterprise management code, try to find the practice code. (2018-03-14, WINDOWS, 142KB, 下载3次)


[其他] MQTT-3.1.1-CN

MQTT 协议 3.1.1 mqtt中文版协议
mqtt MQTT protocol 3.1.1 (2018-01-24, WINDOWS, 1051KB, 下载74次)


[其他] Airoha.AB1500G_FamilyConfigTool_2.5.13.0

Airoha AB15xx series Bluetooth System on Chip configuration tool
Airoha AB15xx series Bluetooth System on Chip configuration tool (2018-01-20, WINDOWS, 2126KB, 下载14次)


[其他] JDK_API_1_6_zh_CN

The API document on JDK6.0 can help the novice develop better (2017-12-26, WINDOWS, 35587KB, 下载0次)


[其他] b

haihhth hgyhnv jihen (2017-12-15, WINDOWS, 1245KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] cloudnote

The full version of the project 12 days (2017-11-16, WINDOWS, 6657KB, 下载9次)


[matlab编程] SVMmodel

Applying support vector machines to make reasonable classification and evaluation of enterprise loan ability (2017-11-14, WINDOWS, 10KB, 下载3次)


[代理服务器] VPN技术专题讲座[超级强的VPN讲解PPT]

VPN creates a secure private connection through a private channel, connecting the remote user, the company branch, and the business partner of the company with the enterprise network to form an extended enterprise network (2017-11-10, WINDOWS, 311KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] kemcmsbzgreen_3.5

Ke Mei Intelligent Enterprise website Management System Standard Edition is to + development of the Enterprise Web site system, including the creation of static page function, exquisite, simple, practical, will be used to type. (2017-10-16, WINDOWS, 3223KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] SX1278中文数据手册CN

LoRa芯片 SX1278的中文版数据手册
LoRa chip SX1278 Chinese version of the data sheet (2017-09-13, WINDOWS, 22929KB, 下载163次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] 1互联网背景下企业内部控制的困境及对策

较为方便的算法 希望人们能够有效的利用到这些东西
More convenient algorithm, hope that people can effectively use these things (2017-09-09, WINDOWS, 9730KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 广州用心软件企业版v1.3.5.7

Auto parts industry useful software, you can let peer reference (2017-08-19, WINDOWS, 13197KB, 下载2次)


[其他] webshd_1.2

Invoicing system, based on ASp, running on the windows, suitable for small and medium enterprises (2017-07-31, WINDOWS, 497KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] liang7768000

两 通 道 信 号 分别 采 集 并 显 示 可以学习的代码,推荐给大家
Two channel signals are collected and displayed, you can learn the code, recommended to everyone (2017-07-02, WINDOWS, 49KB, 下载1次)


[*行业应用] downbestbook

中华软件联盟--留言系统1.0 演示地址:http://bbs.on-line.cn/UploadFile/2004115213938136.html 下载地址:http://bbs.on-line.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=27&id=5032 程序由Asp+Access开发. 非常方便实用且界面美观的一个留言系统, 程序经过sql防注处理. 部份修改方法:顶部请修改head.js,底部信息请修改foot.js 如在使用中有发现BUG请与感觉联系.我将近一近改善。 后台帐号:admin 后台密码:downbest.net 为了安全,使用时请马上修改数据库名,修改在dbconnnect目录下的两个asp文件. 数据库文件为:db/gbook.mdb 希望你常来本站下载软件. 中国在线论坛(http://bbs.on-line.cn)
China Software Alliance-- voice mail system 1.0 demo Address : http://bbs.on-line.cn/UploadFile/2004115213938136.html Download Address : http://bbs.on-line.cn/dispbbs.asp boardid 27id = = 5,032 procedures Asp Access development. very practical and convenient interface of a beautiful voice mail systems, procedures after sql injection of anti-handling. some changes : Top head.js requested changes, the bottom foot.js information such as changes in use are found BUG please contact feeling . I nearly one recent improvement. Background : Account admin background Password : downbest.net sake of safety, please use immediately modify the database, and changes in the directory dbconnnect two asp document. Database File : db/gbook.mdb hope you often download software to the site. China's onlin (2004-11-05, WINDOWS, 427KB, 下载12次)
