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[WEB开发] 9

易通企业网站系统 别名CmsEasy 是国内唯一免费微信+手机端+微网站+手机短信+在线销售+多语言网站组合的企业营销管理平台,易通企业网站系统也称易通企业网站程序,是易通公司开发中国首套免费提供企业网站模板的营销型企业网站管理系统,系统前台生成html、完全符合SEO、同时有在线客服、潜在客户跟踪、便捷企业网站模板制作、搜索引擎推广等功能的企业网站系统。
CmsEasy is the only free WeChat + mobile terminal + mobile phone + mobile phone + microwebsite + mobile phone SMS + online sales + multi language web site combination of enterprise marketing management platform, Yitong enterprise website system also called Yi Tong enterprise website program, it is the first set of marketing enterprises to provide enterprise website template of the marketing enterprise. Business website management system, the system front desk generates HTML, fully conforms to SEO, and has online customer service, potential customer tracking, convenient enterprise website template production, search engine promotion and other functions of the enterprise website system. (2018-04-14, PHP, 26974KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 333

PHPOK enterprise station system is developed by PHP+MYSQL language. It is a set of mature and perfect enterprise station CMS system. Its function is comprehensive, custom function is strong, expansibility is good, and security is high, it can solve most of the needs of enterprise stations easily. (2018-01-23, PHP, 5900KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] mail

php,smtp for tencent Enterprise Email (2017-10-15, PHP, 1KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] oa

Using PHP to establish the enterprise internal office automation website, to improve the enterprise s office efficiency is very good, at the same time, it is good for the exchange of each part. (2016-05-20, PHP, 492KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ulink

软件介绍 集取textlink.cn和51link.com的优点,集成强大的统计功能,全新的投放引擎,最为严苛的有效点击验证系统
Software introduction Set the advantages of textlink.cn and 51link.com, the integration of powerful statistical functions, a new delivery engine, the most stringent effective click verify system (2016-05-11, PHP, 652KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] weather-v2.0

枞阳地区天气预报PHP程序,数据来源是中国天气(weather.com.cn),内容包括枞阳天气预报、明日枞阳生活指数和当天枞阳天气调用。 数据来自http://www.weather.com.cn/,程序占用资源极小,生成静态,每隔一小时自动采集更新一次。参数和模板在index.php中修改。 枞阳地区天气预报PHP程序 v2.0版 修正旧版因weather.com.cn页面改动而出现的错误,改进采集间隔判断,每隔60分钟采集一次,编码改为utf-8
Zongyang weather PHP program, the data source is China weather (weather.com.cn), including the Zongyang weather forecast, tomorrow Zongyang life index and the day of Zongyang weather call. Data the http://www.weather.com.cn/, the program occupies a very small resource, generate static, automatic collection and update every hour. The parameters and template changes in index.php. Zongyang area weather forecast program v2.0 version PHP version due to amend the old weather.com.cn page change and errors, improve sampling interval judgment, collected once every 60 minutes, encoding to UTF-8 (2016-04-13, PHP, 263KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] emlqytxl_v4.1.1

企业通讯录管理系统,向企业员工随时随地的提供企业通讯录信息,用户可在手机端实时查看人员联系方式,拨打电话等全面提高了企业内部沟通效率。 主要功能有:用户管理(添加用户,删除用户用户,更新用户资料);通讯录管理(添加通讯录,更新通讯录,删除),个人中心,配置管理等。 EML企业客户关系管理系统,是基于Linux开放性内核和Apache基础上Php+Mysql的智能B/S交互式服务系统。 中间件层包括函数库,由java开发,android操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用软件组成。
apache shop (2016-02-10, PHP, 289KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Layer-master

轻巧的cdn程序 目前支持平台:SAE(新浪)、BAE(百度)、GCS(盛大)、标准PHP(本地读写) 使用方法可参照http://creatist.cn/cdn/
Lightweight cdn program is currently supported platforms: SAE (SINA), BAE (Baidu), GCS (grand), the standard PHP (local literacy) can refer http://creatist.cn/cdn/ Use (2014-02-05, PHP, 82KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] movie

A town of V1.0 free edition, PHP learning programming source code, web web references. (2013-12-20, PHP, 5908KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] paila17

PAILA! 大头贴娱乐平台 v0.1.7,php编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。
PAILA! V0.1.7 PHP Datoutie entertainment platform, learning programming source code, a good reference. (2013-12-18, PHP, 813KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 3151

编号3151 家庭农场网站源码 phpweb成品网站源码 企业网站源码
No. 3151 family farm website source phpweb finished site corporate website source code (2013-05-24, PHP, 3910KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] CmsEasy_v5.5_UTF-8_20121112

failed to translate (2013-05-07, PHP, 9751KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] php

PHP website design template can be used to design the course website, recruitment sites, corporate web pages, simple and convenient, modify the relevant parameters can be used directly (2013-04-24, PHP, 148KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] xycms_php

XYCMS ( PHP version) the system is XYCMS studios launched a set of general enterprises website software system. XYCMS the system is a professional enterprise engaged in Web site design and production services, has four years of experience in web system, convenient, simple, easy to use. The version is divided into dynamic and static version than the version, the market of similar system, price is very high, in the enterprise website construction industry has a wealth of experience, and in the industry praise. (2013-01-13, PHP, 2824KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] phpaaCMS_0.5

phpaaCMS is a simple article management system, suitable for government or corporate website, free and open source. (2011-11-14, PHP, 682KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] w3b

W3b企业cms只是W3B产品下面的一个子系统,黄页系统、新闻系统、分类信息、人才系统等正在有计划的安排,最后会完成一个门户通的产品。 您是否经常为企业建站,每次都需要为不同的客户重新设置安装程序、购买虚拟主机。现在您仅需安装一个w3b企业cms,购买一个空间,即创建无数个子系统。每一个子系统就是一个企业网站,功能与主系统雷同,可独立设计模板 …
failed to translate (2011-06-09, PHP, 3045KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] mycom

好用的PHP政府 企业管理网站, 适合展示, , 采用 伪静态, 便于被搜索引擎收录。 简单实用。 所有代码错误已更正, 被某企业实用2年
very good website system, support php+ my sql, it is Pseudo-Static, acceptable to any search engine. (2010-09-29, PHP, 509KB, 下载146次)


[WEB开发] 2010121970803

php programming business websites, powerful, source code integrity, and contains a smarty framework, more than 20 pages. (2010-02-26, PHP, 895KB, 下载12次)


[WEB开发] princexiao

这是我的个人网站源代码,要看界面请登陆 www.princexiao.cn,功能很简单,文件里面有详细的说明
This is my personal website source code, look at the interface, please visit www.princexiao.cn, functionality is very simple document which is described in detail (2008-01-16, PHP, 284KB, 下载38次)


[WEB开发] magik

webmagik.cn developed by the ISO website platform WebM @ gik use can be set up in minutes and watercress from a similar user experience sharing website. (2007-05-31, PHP, 1308KB, 下载73次)
