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[其他] Mangms

The Mechanical Processing Management System is a software developed for mechanical processing enterprises. It can issue a warehouse receipt for each outsourcing customer, make a warehouse receipt for the processed products, and make a return registration for the products with material costs. It can count how many unprocessed products are in each outsourcing customer s hands. It can also manage the warehousing and return of raw materials and the inventory of raw materials, and can purchase finished products (2022-07-15, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Lbms

《蛋鸡养殖管理系统》是一款适用于中小型鸡场企业管理的系统。主要包括基本设置、库存管理、职工管理、饲养管理、客户管理等功能。本管理系统多处具有快速辅助录入功能,操作简单,易学、易用;处理功能高效强大,是协助您的好帮手! 主要功能包含: ...
Laying Hen Breeding Management System is a system applicable to the management of small and medium-sized chicken farms. It mainly includes basic settings, inventory management, staff management, feeding management, customer management and other functions. The management system has a number of fast auxiliary entry functions, which are simple to operate, easy to learn and easy to use; The processing function is efficient and powerful, and it is a good helper to help you! The main functions include: (2022-07-14, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

效果描述: 一个非常不错的左右全屏焦点图切换代码 每个焦点图均支持左右箭头以及点状切换 每一帧都包含多个动画,不是单一的一张图片切换 兼容性良好,可以在企业网站之间普及开来 使用方法: 1、将head中的css样式引入到你的网页中 2、将代码部分拷贝到你的网页body结束前的地方即可 (注意保持图片、js路径正确)
Effect description: A very good right and left full screen focus map switching code. Each focus map supports left arrow and dot switch. Each frame contains multiple animations, not a single picture switch. Compatibility is good, and can be popularized among enterprise websites. Usage method: 1, introduce the CSS style in head to your webpage. 2, copy the code part to your website before the end of body. (keep to the picture, JS path is correct) (2018-09-05, HTML, 848KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

效果描述: 当我们在企业网站上显示图片列表的时候,经常要先将图片一一处理成标准尺寸 如果图片很多的话,我们一个一个处理的话,将会非常的痛苦 今天给大家推荐一个jQuery插件 它可以将你的图片平铺起来,作为背景图片显示到当前div列表中 可惜,低版本浏览器不支持,因为其中使用了css3代码 使用方法: 1、将head中的样式复制到你的样式表中 2、将body中的代码部分拷贝过去即可
Effect description: When we display a list of pictures on corporate websites, we often have to process them one by one into standard sizes. If there are many pictures, we will be very painful if we deal with them one by one. Today we recommend a jQuery plug-in. It can tile your pictures and display them as background images to the current div list. Unfortunately, the low version browsers are not supported because they use CSS3 code. Usage method: 1, copy the styles in head to your stylesheet. 2, copy the code part of body in the past. (2018-08-27, HTML, 245KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 2

效果描述: 企业网站经常会有组织架构这样一个栏目,栏目下的内容,现在可以支持拖拽啦 缺点是用到的js、css比较多 使用方法: 1、将head中的样式引入到你的网页中 2、将body里的代码部分拷贝到你需要的地方即可 (注意保持图片路径正确)
Effect description: Enterprise websites often have a column called Organizational Architecture, where content can now be supported by dragging and dropping The disadvantage is that JS and CSS are used more. Usage method: 1, introduce the style of head to your webpage. 2, copy part of the code in body to where you need it. (keep the picture path correct). (2018-08-21, HTML, 108KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

Zhongguancun online user login page template, beautiful user login page, DIV+CSS layout, beauty background map, can also be changed into the background pictures that they need, suitable for the use of small and medium enterprise websites and personal websites. There are social account login, use of Tencent QQ login, Sina micro-blog login, the use of Taobao account login, mailbox, phone number, login name, password and other form options. (2018-08-01, HTML, 240KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 1

效果描述: 左侧固定导航效果,当网页分辨率更改时,导航比例也会跟着修改 之前是带有cookie的效果,个人感觉没必要搞这么复杂,对于一般企业网站来说 所以做了一些修改,将原来需要调用很多的js做了精简 现在只需要调用一个jQuery库和实际效果的js即可,懒人福利 使用方法: 将index.html中的css以及两个js引入到你的网页中即可搞定
Effect description: Fixed navigation effect on the left side. When the web page resolution changes, the navigation ratio will also be modified. Before it is a cookie effect, personal feel is not necessary to make such a complex, for the general enterprise website. So some modifications have been made to simplify the JS that needed to be invoked. Now you only need to call a jQuery library and JS of actual effect, lazy people welfare. Usage method: You can get CSS and two JS in index.html into your web page. (2018-07-31, HTML, 13KB, 下载0次)
