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[单片机开发] 1

The programmer the path to uniting the consists of a series of independent parts, covering topics personal responsibility, career development, until is used to keep the code flexible, and easy to adapt and reuse of various architectural technology. By using many examples of entertaining anecdotes, thoughtful and interesting analogy, fully illustrates the many different aspects of software development best practices and major trap. Whether you are a beginner, is an experienced programmer, or a software project manager, this book is for you to read. (2015-04-01, Visual C++, 5964KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] jiangjin

企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I)低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10 ;利润高于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10 提成,高于10万元的部分,可可提成7.5 ; 20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5 ;40万到60万之间时高于40万元的部分,可提成3 ; 60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5 ,高于100万元时,超过100万元的部分按1 提成,从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数?
Bonuses based on corporate profit commission. When profits (I) is less than or equal to 10 million, a 10 bonus to mention when profits exceeding 10 million, less than 20 million, some $ 100,000 less than the 10 commission, higher than 100,000 yuan part of the commission of 7.5 of cocoa is between 200,000 to 400,000, more than 20 million parts can commission 5 at between 400,000 to 600,000 more than 40 million parts can commission of 3 when between 600 thousand to 1 million, more than 60 million parts can commission of 1.5 , while more than 100 million, more than 1 million yuan in part by 1 commission, profit the keyboard of the month I, should seek Total Money paid? (2015-03-30, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] FUCTION

Entrance access control security systems have become a modern security system, an extremely important part of the residential area, especially companies in a wide range of applications. In this paper, breaking the previous access control system mode, explore a new use with a telephone network access control system. This access control system is designed mainly for visitors, visitors can effectively manage their identity by identifying remote control access switch. The access control system consists of two main parts of a computer and access panels, computer part is mainly responsible for the output of a phone number as well as pick, hang up and other information, access control board based on information transmitted the computer codes related to treatment, such as phone calls and pick, hang and so on. One of the most significant feature of this design is the use of existing telephone network to achieve real-time communication access control, which greatly increased the feasibility and (2015-01-09, Visual C++, 55KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] boost_STL_cn

因为你正在读这本书,我希望你至少对Boost库有一点熟悉,或者你至少听说过Boost。 Boost里有很多库,只有很少一些是你不感兴趣的。可以肯定你会在里面找到马上就要用的库。Boost库覆盖了广泛的领域,从数学库到智能指针,从模板元编程库到预处理器库,从线程到lambda表达式,等等。所有Boost库都具有宽松的许可证,确保库可以被自由使用于商用软件。
Because you re reading this book, I hope you at least a little familiar with the Boost library, or you at least heard Boost. There are many Boost libraries, only a few are not interested in you. To be sure you ll find soon on the inside with the library. Boost library covers a wide range of areas, from math library to smart pointers, from the template meta-programming library to the preprocessor library, from the thread to the lambda expression, and so on. All Boost libraries have relaxed licensing, to ensure the library can be freely used in commercial software. (2014-09-01, Visual C++, 336KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] HW-GMS-Project20140513

BlueCore4 Datasheet BC417143 ·APF有源滤波控制器程序,因为改代码 ·利用51单片机实现DS1302的驱动,以C ·利用STM8L实现诺基亚5110液晶的驱动 ·盛群单片机指令集:简体中文,PDF格 ·SHT11 程序,I2C总线方式。写I2C时 ·7寸彩屏 STM32的固件库3.5 FSMC驱动 ·一种伺服电机的PID控制算法,可以完 ·基于Atmega16单片机的机器人行走、 ·51单片机驱动2.6英寸触摸液晶屏幕, ·stm32 pwm 固件库 大连理工大学 信 ·无线传感网络基础 wireless sensor ·LPC11u14芯片的系统时钟驱动
BlueCore4 Datasheet BC417143 ·APF有源滤波控制器程序,因为改代码 ·利用51单片机实现DS1302的驱动,以C ·利用STM8L实现诺基亚5110液晶的驱动 ·盛群单片机指令集:简体中文,PDF格 ·SHT11 程序,I2C总线方式。写I2C时 ·7寸彩屏 STM32的固件库3.5 FSMC驱动 ·一种伺服电机的PID控制算法,可以完 ·基于Atmega16单片机的机器人行走、 ·51单片机驱动2.6英寸触摸液晶屏幕, ·stm32 pwm 固件库 大连理工大学 信 ·无线传感网络基础 wireless sensor ·LPC11u14芯片的系统时钟驱动 (2014-05-29, Visual C++, 5818KB, 下载33次)


[单片机开发] stm32_datasheet_CN

本手册是STM32微控制器产品的技术参考手册 参照2009年12月 RM0008 Reference Manual 英文第10版 ,技术参考手册是有关如何使用该产品的具体信息,包含 各个功能模块的内部结构、所有可能的功能描述、各种工作模式的使用和寄存器配置等详细信息。 技术参考手册不包含有关产品技术特征的说明,这些内容在数据手册中。数据手册中的内容包括:产品 的基本配置( 如内置Flash和RAM的容量、外设模块的种类和数量等) ,管脚的数量和分配,电气特性,封 装信息,和定购代码等。 STM32是一个微控制器产品系列的总称,目前这个系列中已经包含了多个子系列,分别是:STM32小容 量产品、STM32中容量产品、STM32大容量产品和STM32互联型产品;按照功能上的划分,又可分为 STM32F101xx、STM32F102xx和STM32F103xx系列;因此STM32产品系列有以下这些数据手册
This manual is STM32 microcontroller products Technical Reference Manual reference to December 2009 RM0008 Reference Manual English 10th edition, Technical Reference Manual is about how to use the product-specific information, including the internal structure of each module, all possible functions describe the use of a variety of operating modes and registers configuration details. Technical Reference Manual does not contain a description of the product technical features, these elements in the data sheet. Data sheet includes: basic product configuration (such as built-in Flash and RAM capacities, type and number of peripheral modules, etc.), pin number and distribution of electrical characteristics, packaging information, and ordering codes. STM32 microcontroller product line is a general term, the current series already contains a number of sub-series, namely: STM32 small volume products, STM32 Medium-density, STM32 STM32 Connectivity products and high-capacity products according to (2013-07-22, Visual C++, 11357KB, 下载14次)


[单片机开发] 2_2

光电式电子音乐蜡烛。 本设计采用STC89C52单片机控制电子蜡烛的功能,并用光敏二极管和微型MIC(驻极体话筒)作为电子蜡烛的传感器,实现蜡烛的点亮和蜡烛灯显示模式及歌曲的切换,数只LED发光二级管构成蜡烛灯芯,点亮时即是烛光。其工作原理简述如下:    火柴点亮靠近光敏二极管时,光敏二极管检测到光信号并将其转换为电信号,再通过LM339电压比较器与设定的电压进行比较,若高于设定电压则输出高电平给单片机,以控制点亮蜡烛灯并实现呼吸灯的效果。 用手拍响时,驻极体话筒MIC检测到声信号并将其转换为电信号,也通过LM339电压比较器与设定的电压进行比较,若高于设定电压则输出高电平给单片机。通过单片机软件控制实现烛光的闪烁功能,同时控制扬声器播放“祝你生日快乐”乐曲。当用嘴吹蜡烛时,同理通过驻极体话筒MIC检测到声信号,以实现蜡烛灯显示模式切换,同时乐曲切换为“天空之城”。再次吹蜡烛时灯灭乐曲停止播放。
Photoelectric electronic music candles. (2013-06-06, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载39次)


[单片机开发] color

Dot matrix, be able to control a variety of colors, based on 52 single-chip and DM413.撤消修改 新! 点击上方的字词可修改和查看其他翻译。 删除 “”的用法示例:由 Google 自动翻译 字典将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。 将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。 我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。 我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。 Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察关闭即时翻译关于 Google 翻译移动隐私权政策帮助发送反馈 点击可修改和查看其他翻译 按住 Shift 键的同时拖动短语即可重新排序。 (2012-12-06, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[单片机开发] adc0804

adc0804ADC0804: ADC0804是8位全MOS中速A/D 转换器、它是逐次逼近式A/D 转换器,片内有三态数据输出锁存器,可以和单片机直接接口。单通道输入,转换时间大约为100us。ADC0804 转换时序是:当CS=0 许可进行A/D 转换。WR由低到高时,A/D开始转换,一次转换一共需要66-73 个时钟周期。CS与WR同时有效时启动A/D转换,转换结束产生INTR 信号(低电平有效),可供查询或者中断信号。在CS和RD 的控制下可以读取数据结果。本实验没有使用INTR信
adc0804 convention,it can be used based on mcu,and can realise A/D convention,it is very convenit for us to use,it is very easy to use!its voltage is between 0-5v,and it can be easily used in proteus , (2012-05-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] RFC1483

FC1483(AAL5多协议封装技术规范), RFC1483描述了网络上承载无连接网络互连业务(即路由和桥接的协议数据单元PDU)的两种不同方法。 第一种方法允许在一条ATM虚电路上复用多个协议,这时需要在传统的PDU前加上IEEE 802.2逻辑链路控制(LLC)信头,以此来标识所传送的PDU的协议,这种方法称为LLC封装。 第二种方法是一个高层协议由一条ATM虚电路来承载,这种方法称为基于VC的复用。 RFC1483描述了ALL5的业务特定汇聚(SSCS)为空时,在AAL5的公共部分汇聚(CPCS)上承载路由和桥接PDU的方法
FC1483 (AAL5 Multiprotocol encapsulation specification), RFC1483 describes the network carrying connectionless network interconnect services (ie, routing and bridging protocol data unit PDU) are two different ways. The first method allows an ATM virtual circuit multiplexing of multiple protocols, then the PDU needs to be added before the traditional IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control (LLC) header, in order to identify the PDU sent by the agreement, this is known as LLC encapsulation. The second method is a high-level agreement was signed by an ATM virtual circuit to the load, this method is called the VC-based multiplexing. RFC1483 describes ALL5 business-specific aggregation (SSCS) is empty, the public part of the convergence in the AAL5 (CPCS) PDU is hosted on a method of routing and bridging (2011-10-29, Visual C++, 49KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] Research-of-the-Remote-Monitoring-System-of-the-MM

作为远程监控系统的一个具体应用,设计了一种基于Zigbee 技术的彩信远程监控系统。本系统包括监控网关和智能终端两部分。监控网关由Zigbee 模块、S3C44B0X ARM控制器系统和GSM/GPRS模块组成;智能终端由Zigbee 模块、图像处理模块和报警传感器模块组成。当有报警信号时,用户可以通过手机收到报警现场实时图片,也可以发送短信索取监控环境的图片信息。
the Remote Monitoring System of the MMS based on the Zigbee technology is developed through the analysis and research of the status of the intelligent monitoring home system and the features of the Zigbee technology, which is a specific application of the remote monitoring system. The system includes two parts: monitoring gateway and intelligent terminal. The monitoring gateway is composed by the Zigbee module、S3C44B0X ARM MCU system and GSM/GPRS module;the intelligent terminal is composed by the Zigbee module、Image Processing module and Alarm sensor module. When a warning signal is occurring, men can receive the scene picture in real-time through the short messages sent from mobile phone, users can also receive the scene picture in real-time by the developed system. (2010-10-05, Visual C++, 5591KB, 下载99次)


[单片机开发] Research-of-the-Remote-Monitoring-System-of-the-MM

作为远程监控系统的一个具体应用,设计了一种基于Zigbee 技术的彩信远程监控系统。本系统包括监控网关和智能终端两部分。监控网关由Zigbee 模块、S3C44B0X ARM控制器系统和GSM/GPRS模块组成;智能终端由Zigbee 模块、图像处理模块和报警传感器模块组成。当有报警信号时,用户可以通过手机收到报警现场实时图片,也可以发送短信索取监控环境的图片信息。
the Remote Monitoring System of the MMS based on the Zigbee technology is developed through the analysis and research of the status of the intelligent monitoring home system and the features of the Zigbee technology, which is a specific application of the remote monitoring system. The system includes two parts: monitoring gateway and intelligent terminal. The monitoring gateway is composed by the Zigbee module、S3C44B0X ARM MCU system and GSM/GPRS module;the intelligent terminal is composed by the Zigbee module、Image Processing module and Alarm sensor module. When a warning signal is occurring, men can receive the scene picture in real-time through the short messages sent from mobile phone, users can also receive the scene picture in real-time by the developed system. (2010-10-05, Visual C++, 51131KB, 下载40次)


[单片机开发] easyVM_Small.tar

easyVM是一个简单的虚拟机。 0.1版本只支持8086指令集和一些简单的I/O设备,只支持英文文本显示方式。 0.2版本主要是在0.1版基础上加了一小部分32位指令(push eax等),使得easyVM可以运行MS-DOS 6.22自带的大部分程序。 文件说明: ==================== Bios\Bios.bin Bios程序 Bios\BiosData.bin CMOS数据区 DOS.IMG MS-DOS 6.22的镜像 easyVM.exe easyVM主程序 easyVM.ini easyVM的配置文件 Readme.txt 本说明文本 TC.IMG 含有Trubo C 2.0的软盘镜像 Dos622c.img 硬盘镜像 梁一信 yinXlms@126.com 2008年7月11日
easyVM is a simple virtual machine. 0.1 version only supports the 8086 instruction set and some simple I/O devices support only the English text display. Version 0.2 is mainly based on the 0.1 version added a small part of the 32-bit instructions (push eax, etc.), making easyVM you can run MS-DOS 6.22 comes with most of the program. File Description: ==================== Bios \ Bios.bin Bios procedures Bios \ BiosData.bin CMOS data area DOS.IMG MS-DOS 6.22 mirror easyVM.exe easyVM main program easyVM.ini easyVM configuration file Readme.txt This note contains the text of TC.IMG image Trubo C 2.0 floppy disk mirroring Dos622c.img a letter yinXlms@126.com 2008 Nian Liang Yue 11 Ri 7 (2010-03-06, Visual C++, 1667KB, 下载13次)


[单片机开发] 51MCU_net

PC端开发环境是visual stidio 2005 C#,单片机代码的开发环境是keil,此代码的功能是通过PC端的软件读写单片机内存,并显示在PC界面上,本代码是对单片机外部模块RTLS8019as的寄存器的读写,并且对其内存的批量读写。代码注释详细,具有很好的学习性
PC-side development environment is a visual stidio 2005 C#, microcontroller code development environment is keil, this code function is through the PC-side software to read and write MCU memory and displayed in the PC interface, this code is an external MCU to register the module RTLS8019as read and write, and the bulk of its memory read and write. Note the code in detail, with a very good learning of (2010-01-27, Visual C++, 91KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] StdARapidLocalThreshold

摘要:通常传统曲遗缘桂潮算法对叁局田片有一十统一 的域值信息。这样客暑造底细节曲丢失。丰文根据图像中每 个像素辫小部城内曲局部茸值选取。得到较好的遗雉提取效 果。仿真裹明,试方法能謦根据小郜城内的灰度信惠白适盅 地逸择搠位,从面捡测出更清晰图像过馨。
Yeditieul edp det∞tloa·枷fh删Illb hI··仰;蹦 山f讨bold to the叶c硼plcture,which-l p-嘴∞Io*B the detail.Accc_d- in5∞=mall neishbedsood—each州h the pictamt t乜trdclc kI¨“ thne*held in p酬.口b1.i叫-better edge-dH硎on effect.In this method simul“o=.how=III.I the edp threeholdl c”be adaptively lelected (2009-09-18, Visual C++, 162KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] Proteus

电脑和单片机串Vl通信系统一般 由一台运行上位机软件的电脑、一根 串口连接线和下位机即单片机目标板 组成,用这种方式学习和调试串口通 信程序比较麻烦。本文介绍一种用 Proteus实现电脑和单片机串口通信仿 真的方法,所有的事情都在一台电脑 上完成。上位机软件和下位机即 AT89C51单片机仿真电路通过由虚拟 串口软件Virtual Serial Ports XP5.1 产生的两个虚拟串口进行连接。文章 的实例中上位机软件使用串口调试助 手。下位机软件是笔者所编写的一个 串口测试程序。
Vl Series single-chip computer and communications systems are generally run by a PC computer software, a serial cable and the next-bit machine that is composed of single-chip target board in this way to learn and debug serial communication procedures麻烦. This article describes the realization of a computer with Proteus and single-chip serial communication method of simulation, all things are completed on a computer. PC software and the next-bit machine that is AT89C51 single-chip circuit simulation software through a virtual serial port Virtual Serial Ports XP5.1 generated virtual serial port to connect the two. Examples of articles in the use of PC serial port debugging software assistant. The next software is written by the author of a serial test procedure. (2009-08-08, Visual C++, 192KB, 下载94次)


[单片机开发] at89S52_cn

AT89S52是一种低功耗、高性能CMOS8位微控制器,具有8K 在系统可编程Flash 存储器。使用Atmel 公司高密度非易失性存储器技术制造,与工业80C51 产品指令和引脚完全兼容。片上Flash允许程序存储器在系统可编程,亦适于常规编程器。在单芯片上,拥有灵巧的8 位CPU 和在系统可编程Flash,使得AT89S52为众多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高灵活、超有效的解决方案。
AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS8-bit microcontroller with 8K in-system programmable Flash memory. Using Atmel' s high density nonvolatile memory technology, and industrial products 80C51 instructions and is fully compatible pin. On-chip Flash program memory allows in-system programmable, but also for conventional programmer. In a single chip, has a smart 8-bit CPU and in-system programmable Flash, make AT89S52 for many embedded control applications, providing high flexibility, ultra-effective solution. (2009-06-03, Visual C++, 304KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] PT2272zhougwenziliao

PT2262/PT2272 是台湾普城公司生产的一种CMOS 工艺制造的低功耗低价位通用编解码电路,PT2262/PT2272 最多可有12 位(A0-A11)三态地址端管脚(悬空,接高电平,接低电平),任意组合可提供531441 地址码,PT2262 最多可有6 位(D0-D5)数据端管脚,设定的地址码和数据码从17 脚串行输出,可用于无线遥控发射电路。编码芯片PT2262 发出的编码信号由:地址码、数据码、同步码组成一个完整的码字
Cape Town PT2262/PT2272 Taiwan company manufacturing a CMOS low-power low-cost generic codec circuit, PT2262/PT2272 up to 12 (A0-A11) end a three-state address pins (left, then high level, then low-level), any combination of available code 531441 Address, PT2262 up to 6 (D0-D5) data end pin, set the address code and data code 17 feet from the serial output that can be used wireless remote control transmitter. PT2262 chip encoded signal by encoding issue: address code, data code, synchronization code to form a complete code word (2009-06-02, Visual C++, 261KB, 下载159次)


[单片机开发] sd-MP3

sd卡+VS1003模块+M16组成的mp3 VS1003模块使用www.icdev.com.cn的,sd卡直接连接,M16使用内部RC8M。 硬件连接参照board.h,PORTB:PB0连接sd卡cs脚,PB1连接VS1003复位脚,PB2连接VS1003命令片选脚,PB5PB6PB7组成SPI接口复用连接sd卡和VS1003;PORTA:PA0连接VS1003的DREQ脚,PA1连接sd卡插入检测脚,PA2连接VS1003数据片选脚。
Hardware to connect the light board.h, PORTB: PB0 connect sd card cs feet, PB1 connect VS1003 reset pin, PB2 connect VS1003 command chip select pin, PB5PB6PB7 component reuse SPI interface to connect sd card and VS1003 PORTA: PA0 connect VS1003 the DREQ feet, PA1 connecting sd card insertion detect pin, PA2 data connection VS1003 chip select pin. (2008-04-21, Visual C++, 36KB, 下载133次)
