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[.net编程] solidworks二次开发Demo

solidworks 二次开发,采用VB.NET语言,对企业智能设计、快速设计很有参考意义
soldiworks development (2020-01-05, Visual Basic, 731KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 222

E-business system is a new generation of enterprise e-business management system developed by the company. It is a set of solutions to large and medium-sized enterprise level e-commerce platform. It has a full set of enterprise e-business support tools: from site construction to commodity display, inventory management, processing from orders to online payments and customers. The household relationship management, from the promotion purchase to the sales analysis financial management and other auxiliary decision-making tools, from the information content management in the station to the online support for the recruitment of talent, and so on. (2018-04-07, ASP, 25011KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] Webdiskv4.1

Webdisk Taoyuan network hard drive. NetV4.1 enterprise SQL fully cracked version of the program (including installation instructions) (2014-02-14, ASP, 8064KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] sound-card-development-instance

With VB, VC, C# language in three enterprise call center functions, bank phone function, voice recording. (2013-09-14, C#, 1460KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] NewStartPoint

Good start enterprises station source code, database+ code, asp.net+ sqlserver2005, to those who study for reference, (2013-06-20, ASP, 14090KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] sysshopshixiantest

面向企业的 用户购物管理系统,主要是为了方便大家学习,这是开源的
Business-oriented users shopping management system, mainly in order to facilitate learning, which is open source (2013-05-29, ASP, 5592KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] qy

I use an enterprise portal design source code can be downloaded to be used directly, without error. (2013-05-19, ASP, 1933KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] tuyayamingpianBeta1

凹丫丫企业名片网站管理系统 Beta1基于VS2005+SQL2005开发,基本功能模块:供求信息、展会信息、企业商铺、产品库、企业目录、信息评论、会员服务在线申请、在线留言,留言可直接发送到用户邮箱、后台数据库备份、登陆日志、操作日志、管理员分级管理权限 后台路径 http://你的网站地址/sitemanage 用户名:oyaya 密码:123456
Concave Yaya business card web site management system Beta1 based on VS2005+SQL2005 development, basic function modules: supply and demand information, exhibition information, business shop, library, business directory, information review, member services online application, online messages, messages can be sent directly to the user s mailbox, the backstage database backup, log, log, administrator permissions grading management The path to the http:// address of your website /sitemanage Username: Password: Oyaya 123456 (2013-01-11, Others, 2758KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] BizIdea.Standard_4.7.0.0_20120808

Move easy BizIdea e-commerce system is a dynamic trading company developed a new generation of enterprise e-business management system is a set specifically for the solution of large and medium-sized enterprise-class e-commerce platform, has a full set of enterprise e-commerce support tools built into the display of goods: from the site , inventory management synergies from order processing to online payment and customer relationship management, financial management and decision support tools, content management information to the personnel recruitment online support, ranging from promotional shopping guide to sales is particularly applicable to all class direct marketing/distribution of e-commerce operations of traditional production companies and distribution channels as a corporate sales/trading company. (2012-08-20, C++ Builder, 20711KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] wl_1

ASP.NET CMS网站源码,主要应用于企业,政府等简单门户类的网站
AS.NET CMS Web Application (2012-08-13, C#, 3649KB, 下载13次)


[.net编程] gov

New ASP.NET2.0 website development (Malone studio), the source of the book is an enterprise site. (2012-08-12, Visual C++, 2870KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] Inventory

Inventory management system for enterprises, processing enterprises, inventory management (2011-11-08, Visual C++, 8667KB, 下载13次)


[.net编程] nsk-49595

Asp.net 测试网站 Asp mvc 1.0 Nhibernate 1.2 微软企业库4
Asp.net test site Asp mvc 1.0 Nhibernate 1.2 Microsoft Enterprise Library 4 (2011-03-19, C#, 4112KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] src

征服C++企业软件开发核心技术 一书中附带的源代码可供参考
Conquest C++ software development company with core technology, the source code of the book for reference (2011-01-10, C/C++, 14KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] Material

Materials is the company s third-largest source of profits, at present material the use of information technology management information, which has become the enterprises to improve materials management level, an effective way to increase corporate profits. Production of goods is the product almost all of the material composition of the construction cost of the product a significant proportion of the share prices, materials prices, high or low, to a large extent determine the level of the product cost. Thus, materials procurement, supply price and its management has become a large number of enterprises is very concerned about the important part. (2010-03-03, Others, 598KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] ISMS

(VB.net) 2003 开发的中小企业综合管理信息系统
(VB.net) 2003 development of the Integrated Management Information System for SMEs (2009-08-16, Others, 62063KB, 下载20次)


[.net编程] wangxinggongsi

王星公司网站源代码,是企业网站。 是在 .NET环境下开发
Wang Xing, the company s Web site source code, is a corporate website. In. NET development environment (2008-11-21, MultiPlatform, 2394KB, 下载26次)


[.net编程] vb.netjinxiaochuang

GM (2008-07-17, Visual Basic, 460KB, 下载43次)


[.net编程] SXEMDA

mobile system of enterprise-class example of application development projects (2008-06-27, C#, 5474KB, 下载31次)


[.net编程] 视频点播系统

an entertainment website, the four functions is bulletin board, blog, video, forget the last one. This is an on-demand system. (2006-02-11, C#, 574KB, 下载104次)
