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按分类查找All android开发(240) 

[android开发] KITA-KITA

An android mobile app that showcases an all in one P.O.S system for businesses. This app is still in development. (2024-04-10, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] TobangApp

Tobang App是Android iOS的移动应用程序,旨在将客户与建筑企业家、硬件商店和房地产销售联系起来。
The Tobang App is a mobile application for Android iOS designed to connect customers with construction building entrepreneurs, hardware stores, and property sales. (2024-02-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] esper-api-support-tool

Esper API支持工具利用Esper的API以编程方式控制和监控企业基于Android的Dedicate...,
The Esper API Support Tool makes use of Esper’s API to programmatically take control and monitor your Enterprise’s Android-based Dedicated Devices providing features that may not currently available on the Esper Console Dashboard. (2023-09-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Storehouse

The first app I built when I was learning Android development. Simple inventory management system for SMEs, very ideal for solo traders and managers. (2022-06-15, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] java-rcsbusinessmessaging

RCS Business Messaging通过品牌、富媒体、交互性和分析功能升级SMS。有了RCS,企业可以带来品牌化、智能化...,
RCS Business Messaging upgrades SMS with branding, rich media, interactivity, and analytics. With RCS, businesses can bring branded, interactive mobile experiences, right to the native Android messaging app.. This library can be used to ease the development of RCS Business Messaging applications in Java. (2023-03-30, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] android_packages_apps_Mms

Black version of Mms app from ICS; plus convert polish diacritics to normal letters avoiding short sms messages. Just a VERY development version actually... ; p (2012-06-30, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] theta21

TiVa - lend to borrowers and businesses in need from your TV, powered by Theta and Theta streams., (2021-11-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] 爆款拓客工具鲟客软件项目教你低成本创业挑战高收益

时代变化,企业和商家也要跟上时代变化,不能靠销售人员本身蛮干,要寻求更高效更便捷的方式来提升自身业绩。鲟客平台营销获客系统通过各类短视频对潜在客户进行整合、筛选、推荐、转化,不仅仅局限于帮助销售探索销售流程,而是为企业提供从线索挖掘、商机触达、客户管理到成单分析的全流程智能销售解决方案。 鲟客软件引流软件项目招商加盟王经理13410684042 鲟客的出现,让大家有了一些新期待,因为它能够为我 (2022-10-27, Java, 25782KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] rational

企业内部通讯系统必须提供网络通讯功能、在通讯过程中禁止使用聊天表情、文件传送等功能,避免资料外泄,或因发送错误而导致上级资料的丢失以及其他损失。最重要的是必须适应任何操作系统,也就是实现跨平台技术 (2022-05-30, Java, 351976KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] 砼应用android版_0216

Concrete laboratory application software, to realize mix proportion optimization, material price management, control enterprise production cost, etc (2019-12-30, Java, 1727KB, 下载0次)


[android开发] Android_V5.3.3.2_build20171121_CN hk

Android USES hai kang Sdk demo, login, the official Sdk preview and stop the preview (2018-03-01, Java, 54284KB, 下载20次)


[android开发] wx_user

In other people's code modification, can be normal to enter the wechat receive information and send the message, you will use yourself to change! (2017-09-24, Delphi, 1369KB, 下载4次)


[android开发] AndroidLIB

This is a web client development case, the case of the used data the library, the library in the system and did not provide data interface, so the old rules, and Jsoup httpclient of these two big open source project, with an Android device to simulate library query request and response, the website is the school library network: lib.gdou.edu.cn (2016-06-14, Java, 3285KB, 下载4次)


[android开发] 12306yupiao

Android项目源码12306火车票余票实时查询项目是一个火车票查询项目源码,使用把字符串直接带入https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/lcxxcx/query?purpose_codes=ADULT&queryDate= +date+ &from_station= +start+ &to_station= 的方式查询火车票信息。查询信息与12306实时同步。内置了12306网站的所有城市代码。
Android source code projects 12306 train tickets more than real-time query project is a train ticket query project source code, using the string directly into https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/lcxxcx/query? Purpose Purpose_codes=ADULT& queryDate=+date+ & from_station= & from_station=+start+ & to_station= & to_station= way to query the train ticket information. Query information and 12306 real time synchronization. Built in 12306 sites of all the city code. (2016-05-17, PHP, 1020KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] tongxunlu

一个适用于Android手机客户端的企业通讯录PHP程序,可向企业员工随时随地的提供通讯录信息,用户可在手机端实时查看人员联系方式并快捷拨打电话。用户名:admin   密码:123456   手机下载客户端,可以直接登录系统。实时的查看通讯录,管理通讯录。
A mobile client for Android enterprise directory PHP program can be made to employees to provide directory information anytime, anywhere, users can view real-time staff in the mobile terminal contact and quick call. Username: admin password: 123456 mobile download client, you can directly log into the system. Real-time view contacts, manage contacts. (2013-06-05, PHP, 123KB, 下载12次)


[android开发] ContactsProject

Read out from the android phone contact the specific interest rate, know the main point is contentProvider. The letter read out a contact Department, Tel. email, etc. (2012-09-26, Java, 42KB, 下载6次)


[android开发] FilesWork

实现文件的读取操作:读取资源文件夹下的 文件、 读取asset文件夹下的文件 、SDCARD上文件的读与写
File read operations: Read the file under the resources folder, read the file in the asset folder, read and write file on the SDCARD (2012-06-01, Java, 76KB, 下载22次)


[android开发] VidioTalk

VideoTalk program developed in android environment by Java (2011-09-06, Java, 1767KB, 下载253次)


[android开发] Ophone_API

OPhone Web API 是 OPhone 向开发者开放的编程接口,开发者可以利用OPhone Web API 开发出各种web或桌面应用程序。而这些应用程序将给OPhone用户带来更多实用性,娱乐性的新体验。
OPhone OPhone Web API is open to developers a programming interface, developers can take advantage of OPhone Web API to develop a variety of web or desktop applications. These applications will give users more practical OPhone, entertaining experience. (2011-01-11, Others, 153KB, 下载8次)


[android开发] split_3

" Enterprise Android Development" is to facilitate the Android developer in China, and promote Android enterprise application development, especially a lot of effort into writing books, and published on the Web for free, hoping for the mobile Internet era of contribution to the humble and smart mobile phones! (2010-12-07, Java, 1013KB, 下载24次)
