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[其他] 通达信MACD变色金死叉提示指标源码

MACD fast and slow line with golden cross and dead cross arrow prompts, kinetic energy column increment reduction color change prompt, top and bottom deviation prompt (2023-07-08, C/C++, 3KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 欧美对冲5倍

一款专做欧美策略,两年已经翻5倍了 ,免费送没限制, 上图自己看 需要自己下 需要以上观摩的参数文件关注微/QQ信免费领取~
One is specially designed for Europe and the United States. It has increased five times in two years. There is no limit to free delivery, The above figure shows you the parameter files you need to watch above. Pay attention to wechat / QQ letter for free~ (2021-01-14, C/C++, 150KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 20200324104631534

编写一个程序实现北京地铁最短乘坐(站)线路查询,输入为起始站名和目的站名,输出为从起始站到目的站的最短乘坐站换乘线路。注:1. 要求采用Dijkstra算法实现;2)如果两站间存在多条最短路径,找出其中的一条就行 <地铁线路总条数> <线路1> <线路1站数> <站名1> <换乘状态> <站名2> <换乘状态> ... <线路2> <线路2站数> <站名1> <换乘状态> <站名2> <换乘状态> ... 13 1 23 苹果园 0 古城 0 八角游乐园 0 八宝山 0 玉泉路 0 五棵松 0 万寿路 0 公主坟 1 军事博物馆 1 木樨地 0 南礼士路 0 复兴门 1 西单 1 ... 2 19 西直门 1 积水潭 0 鼓楼大街 1 ... 西直门 1 ... 【输出形式】 输出从起始站到目的站的乘坐信息,要求乘坐站数最少。换乘信息格式如下: 【样例输入】 西土城 北京西站 【样例输出】 西土城-10(1)-知春路-13(2)-西直门-4(2)-国家图书馆-9(4)-北京西站 (或西土城-10(1)-知春路-13(2)-西直门-2(1)-车公庄-6(2)-白石桥南-9(3)-北京西站)
void input_Station(Railway *railway, Line line, int seq_inline, int seq_inrail) { strcpy(railway->list[seq_inrail].name, line.list[seq_inline].name); railway->list[seq_inrail].trans = line.list[seq_inline].trans; railway->list[seq_inrail].lineseq = line.seq; railway->list[seq_inrail].statseq = seq_inrail; railway->list[seq_inrail].link = NULL; railway->size++; (2020-06-07, C/C++, 1483KB, 下载0次)


[其他] CNN_MNist

卷积神经网络是一类包含卷积计算且具有深度结构的前馈神经网络,是深度学习(deep learning)的代表算法之一。这是C++实现的卷积神经网络源码,识别手写阿位伯数字(以MNIST集为例),很容易改为识别汽车牌照的CN版本源码。
This is a convolutional neural network source code implemented by C + + (2020-04-11, C/C++, 185KB, 下载3次)


[其他] 缠论主图中枢买卖点 副图MACD背离 MACD面积

缠论主图中枢买卖点 副图MACD背离 MACD面积 几点说明: 1.指标不加密,下载别人的指标发现不能正确显示,所以自己整理了一下。 2.主副图均含未来函数。 3.无时间限制。 4.非严格笔段,但对缠论结构的判断影响不大,不喜勿下。MACD可以显示背驰和面积和三次金叉。 5.请将DLLS文件解压到通达信安装目录下的T0002\dlls文件夹中。
H1:=MAX(DYNAINFO(3),DYNAINFO(5)); L1:=MIN(DYNAINFO(3),DYNAINFO(6)); P1:=H1-L1; (2020-03-30, C/C++, 21KB, 下载8次)


[其他] Quectel EC20 官方资料

Quectel EC20 官方资料 AT命令手册 硬件设计手册 用户指导等
Quectel EC20 datasheet (2020-03-09, C/C++, 24591KB, 下载74次)


[其他] CH08-KEA128-FTM_Timer

功能概要:构件化理解FTM的基本定时功能 版权所有:苏州大学飞思卡尔嵌入式中心(sumcu.suda.edu.cn) 版本更新:2015-05-07 V1.0 1. 工程概述 (1)本工程为KEA128微控制器的FTM基本定时测试程序 (4)启动FTM2计数器溢出中断,中断周期是100ms,每1s进行一次时间的更新, 并转换四盏小灯的状态。 2. 软件环境 (1)Kinetis Design Studio IDE v3.0. 3. 硬件环境 (1)TRK-KEA128 (2)灯0对应的引脚是PORTC0,灯1对应的引脚是PORTC1,灯2对应的引脚是PORTC2, 灯3对应的引脚是PORTC3 4. 实验现象 (1)TRK-KEA128板上的灯每1s转换一次亮暗状态。 (2)通过串口发送字符串"Hello FTM_Timer! 2015-05-07 "
Function summary: basic timing function of component-based understanding of FTM Copyright: sumcu.suda.edu.cn Version update: 2015-05-07 V1.0 (2020-02-26, C/C++, 877KB, 下载1次)


[其他] quility

This book was written by Lin Rui. At that time, the recruitment topics of many enterprises were directly from this book. (2019-05-16, C/C++, 260KB, 下载0次)


[其他] bcmdhd.

bcmdhd驱动 ,适用于安卓平台,Linux下编译会出现问题,支持安卓4.0 5.0,其他版本请尝试使用
BCMDHD driver, suitable for android platform, Linux under the compiler will be a problem, support android 4.0 5.0, other versions please try to use (2019-04-19, C/C++, 1933KB, 下载3次)


[其他] D

{缠论} TIM:=TDXDLL4(100,PERIOD,H,L); {初始化周期}; KX:=TDXDLL4(1,H,L,C); {解决包含K线的问题}; VALID:=TDXDLL4(15,H,L,C); BI:=TDXDLL4(4,H,L,C); {BI类型} KXG:=TDXDLL4(2,H,L,C); {高点} KXD:=TDXDLL4(3,H,L,C); {低点} BILAST:=TDXDLL4(6,H,L,C);{上一笔的距离} {
initialization; initialize; initialise; initializtion (2019-02-02, C/C++, 18KB, 下载7次)


[其他] 实验130-1修改文件中指定学生数据 T08:34:19

The small program made by the novice is of little use and basically belongs to entertaining writing. The content is to specify student data, hoping to learn more on the platform in the future. (2019-01-03, C/C++, 41KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 代码

This code is used for teaching cases. The polymorphic case content includes graphic processing, programmer salary, enterprise employee information management and Zhuge Liang's Jinlang trick. (2019-01-02, C/C++, 15501KB, 下载0次)


[其他] BCSH色温固化_20180820

ARM TrustZone 技术是系统范围的安全方法,针对高性能计算平台上的大量应用,包括安全支付、数字版权管理(DRM)、企业服务和基于 Web 的服务
ARM TrustZone technology is a system-wide security approach for a wide range of applications on high-performance computing platforms, including secure payment, digital rights management (DRM), enterprise services, and Web-based services. (2018-10-25, C/C++, 1635KB, 下载2次)


[其他] ifunbox_cn

iFunBox是iPhone以及苹果其他产品的通用文件管理软件。以类似windows资源管理器的窗口方式浏览和管理iPhone、iPad、 iPod touch上的文件和目录,使苹果各类设备得以共享彼此的资源,让您轻松上传电影、音乐、电子书、桌面、照片以及应用程序。还能把您的iPhone变为一个U盘,方便携带文件,需要iTunes支持
iFunbox to help you easily get a jailbreak iOS device root file system provides fast browsing, instant file preview and fast file search (2018-10-03, C/C++, 3187KB, 下载0次)


[其他] In-Sight Spreadsheets_CN

适用于In-sight软件的初学者和专业人士,内容包括In-sight简介、使用和例程等等 (包括 每个In-sight每个控件的详细使用)
(Beginners and professionals for In-sight software, including In-sight introductions, usage and routines, etc. Including the detailed use of each control of each In-sight) (2018-09-10, C/C++, 29279KB, 下载2次)


[其他] MVDR

波束形成技术和信号空间波数谱估计是自由空间信号阵列处理的两个主要研究方面.MVDR是一种基于最大信干噪比(SINR)准则的自适应波束形成算法。MVDR 算法可以自适应的使阵列输出在期望方向上功率最小同时信干噪比最大。 将其应用于空间波数谱估计上可以在很大程度上提高分辨率和噪声抑制性能。本文将在深入分析MVDR算法原理的基础上,通过计算机仿真和海上试验数据处理的结果, 分析了MVDR算法在高分辨率空间波数谱估计应用中的性能。同时通过比较对角加载前后的数据处理结果,分析对角加载对MVDR的改进效果
mvdr is a kind of maximum signal to noise ratio (SINR) based on adaptive beam forming algorithm standard.Mvdr algorithm can make the adaptive array output in the desired direction of minimum power and SINR. Its application in spatial wavenumber spectrum estimation can improve the resolution and noise suppression performance to a great extent. In this paper on the basis of in-depth analysis on the principle of MVDR algorithm, data processing by computer simulation and sea trial results, analysis of the MVDR spectral estimation algorithm application performance in high resolution spatial wavenumber. At the same time by comparing the diagonal loading before and after the results of data processing, analysis and improvement effect of diagonal loading on MVDR (2017-06-21, C/C++, 2KB, 下载26次)


[其他] Beautiful_Code_Minibook_by_InfoQ.pdf

Mini e-books of the Beautiful Code (2009-07-30, C/C++, 1239KB, 下载4次)


[其他] BooksManagementSystem2.0

用C语言实现的图书管理系统,数据用文件的方式存储。 该系统的主要功能: 添加数目、删除数目、查询数目; 添加读者、删除读者、查询读者; 借出图书、归还图书、记录借阅信息; 显示所有数目、显示所有读者、显示过期的借阅等。 是学习C语言,开发小型项目最适合的参考程序。 期待您提出宝贵意见,共同交流,E-mail:lewsn2008@yahoo.com.cn
Realized with C language library management system, data stored with the document. The primary function of the system: Add the number, delete the number, the number of inquiries readers add, delete users, query the reader lending books, the return of books, records of loan information show all the number of all readers, showed that the loans expired. Learn C language, the development of small-scale projects refer to the most suitable procedure. Look forward to your suggestions to share, E-mail: lewsn2008@yahoo.com.cn (2009-07-15, C/C++, 49KB, 下载21次)


[其他] addrbook

This system is the system address book management procedures, mainly used in storage individuals, businesses, community organizations, such as Address Book, and Address Book for archiving, management and operation of such inquiries. (2008-11-24, C/C++, 37KB, 下载10次)
