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按分类查找All WEB开发(335) 
按平台查找All HTML(335) 

[WEB开发] lodge-website-design

Create a website for a lodge business using html and css only, this repo is designed for hacktoberfest event!, (2022-10-22, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] html5大气的企业管理业务咨询网站模板

HTML 5 Blue atmospheric business consulting industry website template, suitable for a certain scale of enterprise consulting management website template. Mainly: industry consulting, about us, group introduction, chairman's speech, major events, consulting business, elite team, the latest developments, contact us, etc. 12 page templates. (2018-10-09, HTML, 5101KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] webatall-2.0-cn_build20120601

web@all是一款非局限于CMS概念的CMS,因而你可以随心所欲的扩展自己需要的功能 —— 一切只为所需(Everything just for needing) 。
Web @ all is a CMS that is not limited to the CMS concept, so you can extend the functionality you want- Everything just for needing. (2016-11-01, HTML, 370KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] gunliao

Foreign chat roulette domestic version, the function is better than foreign websites, based on the development of red5 and Java, upload to the website can be used, can be used as a website and forum chat and entertainment platform. (2016-10-19, HTML, 1291KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xsd2_gbk

The new generation of enterprise website management system is one based on php+ mysql+ smarty establishment of free and open source systems. Design configuration of the entire system, fully consider the functional requirements of medium and small enterprises sites, the site powerful back-office functions, simple management, support template mechanism, configuration English bilingual edition. (2016-09-22, HTML, 2083KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Discuz_6.1.0F_SC_GBK

Discuz! 6.1.0 F是无需安装Ucenter的Discuz!6.1.0,它祛除了Ucenter接口和一些娱乐功能、商业功能。满足纯论坛站点的需求。
Discuz! 6.1.0 F is no need to install Ucenter of Discuz! 6.1.0, which eliminate the Ucenter interfaces and a number of entertainment features, business functions. Meet the needs of pure forum site. (2016-08-07, HTML, 3089KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] gangtiejiancai

Steel building materials company website templates, div+ css structure, top to bottom widescreen design, body width 1000px, beautiful atmosphere, suitable for steel steel, metal building materials business establishment. A full set of templates, including Home, About Us multiple sites, information centers, corporate culture, products, human resources, social responsibility, and other online message template page. (2016-06-22, HTML, 9733KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] multi_layer

Enterprise Products site template based jquery.easing.1.3.js and jquery-1.3.1.min.js and other plug-in to apply to enterprises Products Site site uses templates, blue and clean, DIV+ CSS layout, a full set of templates, Home page templates contain multiple websites, products, blog, gallery and so on. (2016-06-12, HTML, 792KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] e12f

This is a high-end atmosphere on the grade corporate stations HTML source code, written mainly by the bootstrap achieve beautiful page (2014-09-23, HTML, 9422KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] flblc-cms

系统简介中国畜牧零零网企业网站管理系统(FLBLC-CMS)是付强研发中心(sspig.com)专业为企业建站而开发的一款网站程序。该系统采用最简单易用的asp+access进行搭建,拥有完善的网站前后台,并特别根据企业网站的特点开发出独具特色的栏目和功能。FLBLC-CMS是企业建站的绝佳选择! 系统三大特色:1、全静态:全站生成.html静态页面。降低服务器压力,增强百度收录。2、高优化:特别针对搜索引擎进行优化处理,让客户快速找到你。3、够简单:拥有完善后台管理系统
Introduction China Animal Husbandry December net enterprise website management system (FLBLC-CMS) is to pay a strong R & D center (sspig.com) professional business establishment and development of a website program. The system uses the most easy to use asp+access be set up, with the front and rear perfect site units, and in particular the development of unique sections and functions according to the characteristics of the corporate Web site. FLBLC-CMS is a great choice for business establishment! System three characteristics: 1, all static: the station to generate static html pages. Reduce server stress, enhance Baidu included. 2, high optimization: in particular to optimize for search engines, allowing customers to quickly find you. 3, simple enough: have a sound background management system (2014-01-09, HTML, 5128KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 457

ShyPost Enterprise Management System is a software-based ASP' s intelligence establishment! Products with novel and beautiful interface, dynamic fashion features, is set to serve the SME CMS content management system, the software uses the threshold is low, no professional computer knowledge, full background operation management, simple and powerful, web pages reference materials . (2013-12-31, HTML, 3935KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Basic

NetGather Build system is a combination of asp+ access+ div+ css development of multi-language websites, unlimited language support, menus columns and columns Classification (free version does not support adding language), background operation convenient, friendly and more humane, perfectly suited to the requirements of small and medium enterprises. , Web pages reference materials. (2013-12-31, HTML, 1256KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] assiduous

DIV+CSS simple green enterprise website template is a simple but not refined template, suitable for the green food enterprises and other sites used as template, using black menu this template, and is displayed at the top, very nice. The template W3C after verification, conforms to the Web2.0 standard. Web Webpage, production of reference materials. (2013-12-28, HTML, 31KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] shangyemoban

Blue globalization Business Companies business website template, a full set of templates, DIV+CSS layout, the application of HTML5 technology, web website source code. (2013-12-27, HTML, 1206KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] web

Web design and user experience, corporate website how well the company' s Web site, including color applications, layout, interactive applications (2013-01-15, HTML, 1013KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] zhongunion

a website used to give a display of products,with some basic js to do the img shows.we can take the way of design as a reference (2012-11-25, HTML, 16783KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 404

404 error (2012-08-05, HTML, 272KB, 下载27次)


[WEB开发] wangzhan

Tenants pay attention to a business site, is relatively simple, more HTML pages, there are over 30, there is need to modify (2012-05-18, HTML, 1705KB, 下载2次)



map navigation css write code, written using div+ css, suitable for corporate websites, business website where do the navigation (2011-07-30, HTML, 40KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] company_web_site

这是一个asp制作的web 网站,系统简洁,功能完备,是建企业网站不错的选择
This is an asp created web sites, the system simple, fully functional, is a good choice to build corporate web site (2009-09-12, HTML, 2395KB, 下载24次)
