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按平台查找All ASP(4041) 

[其他] 蓝色腾和企业系统源码+手机版

Source code for ASP enterprise website construction, blue tenghe enterprise system source code + mobile phone version (2020-05-25, ASP, 8285KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 9

Cloud business mall system, namely cloud business future mall system, cloud business mall system provides a complete e-commerce solution. CMS, B2C, B2B2C, B2B, C2B, SNS user community in a whole, including the website business city, WeChat business city, mobile phone business and other trading modes, supporting the realization of different modes of the O2O e-commerce platform. (2018-04-13, ASP, 87949KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] 千博电子企业网站系统v2014 Build0610

Chihiro electronic enterprise website system (also known as enterprise website system, enterprise management system, enterprise website template) as CMS for the enterprise products, from the initial design is based on the actual needs of a large number of enterprises based on the user's. We combine the characteristics of enterprise users, designed unique functions, these leading functions make the website based on "Bo Bo electronic enterprise website system" has a strong flavor of the enterprise. (2017-10-21, ASP, 5198KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] baisimai

BEST BUY 是全球最大的家用电器和电子产品的零售和分销及服务集团。BEST BUY 企业集团包括 BEST BUY 零售、音乐之苑集团、未来商场公司、Magnolia Hi-Fi 、以及热线娱乐公司、Future Shop、五星电器。BEST BUY 在北美同行业中处于领先地位,着眼于企业展望、使命和价值观。BEST BUY 名列全美《财富》200 强第 66 位,全球 500 强企业第142位。BEST BUY 的发展宗旨是: BEST BUY 公司以物美价廉、易于使用的高科技娱乐产品提高生活品质。BEST BUY 坚信:遵循企业展望,执行企业使命“帮助顾客将科技与生活完美结合。”本着这一宗旨,从2002年下半年起,BEST BUY 零售不仅在全美境内,而且在加拿大都开设了分店;音乐之苑集团公司的分店遍布全美,波多黎各以及美属维尔京群岛;未来商场公司在加拿大各省都有分店;Magnolia Hi-Fi 是立足美国本土的顶级名牌电子产品专营店,其中热线娱乐是BEST BUY音乐和娱乐产品汇总的品牌名称。
Best Buy is the world s largest home appliances and electronic products, retail and distribution and services group. The BEST BUY Enterprise Group including BEST BUY Court of retail, music groups, companies, shopping malls, Magnolia Hi-Fi, as well as hotline entertainment company, Future Shop, Five Star Appliance. BEST BUY in a leading position in the same industry in North America, focusing on the corporate vision, mission and values​ ​ . BEST BUY ranked 66 of the nation s Fortune 200, 142 of the Fortune 500 companies. The BEST BUY development objective is: Best Buy Company inexpensive, easy-to-use high-tech entertainment products to improve the quality of life. BEST BUY believe: compliance with corporate vision, the corporate mission "to help customers the perfect combination of technology and life." In line with this aim, starting from the second half of 2002, Best Buy retail not only the territory of the United States and in Canada have opened a branch the Court Music G (2013-05-06, ASP, 6315KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 0012red

very good (2012-10-09, ASP, 2775KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] lanse

Common blue fine corporate website (2010-05-23, ASP, 8865KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qywz

zhongxiao qiye wangzhan (2009-05-25, ASP, 1012KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 111

enterprise website management system to crack the Chinese version of the perfect,powerful (2009-04-19, ASP, 4983KB, 下载25次)


[WEB开发] xinwenwang

主要有一下栏目: 热点新闻 社会新闻 娱乐新闻 科技新闻 军事新闻 财经新闻 手机数码 家居房产 联系我们 后台有强大的广告系统,采集 .net sql 用户名和密码:admin 出自:http://down.cnzz.cn/info/40185.aspx
Hot news social news entertainment news science and technology news military news financial news mobile digital home real estate Contact Us Has a strong background of the ad system, collecting (2009-04-10, ASP, 3467KB, 下载8次)


[其他] liangjingV2009html

企业网站智能管理系统,网站开发源码 企业网站智能管理系统,网站开发源码
Intelligent Enterprise Web site management system, development of web-source (2009-04-02, ASP, 2880KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] fenglingv2.0

fengling web (2009-02-04, ASP, 1148KB, 下载104次)


[Web服务器] SKY_ENT

SK enterprise website management system (2009-01-06, ASP, 2123KB, 下载6次)


[手机WAP编程] 3G

3G Forecast WAP procedures, and more, please visit Xingyu online source http://xywap.cn (2008-12-05, ASP, 4KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] erp

Erp business enterprise management system source code, powerful, based on the ASP (2008-09-24, ASP, 9053KB, 下载447次)


[Windows编程] MyShopping

基于 VS2005 开 源 网 络 商 城 演 示 项 目
Based on open-source network Shangcheng VS2005 demo project (2008-04-22, ASP, 876KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] j_9638_wyx

企业实验室信息管理系统 企业实验室比较实用的信息系统
Enterprise Laboratory Information Management System more practical enterprise laboratory information system (2007-11-03, ASP, 729KB, 下载15次)


[WEB开发] cnen

Corporate Web site management system, is a common set of companies, enterprises, self-help建站site management system, beautiful outlook, a strong background in web site management functions (2007-09-26, ASP, 3468KB, 下载102次)


[WEB开发] BOSSv2.4

企业网站代码,可以立刻使用,推荐使用 可以建立各种企业网站,可以自由修改LOGO等信息
enterprises website code can be immediately used, it recommends the establishment of enterprise websites, can modify the logo, and other information (2007-06-24, ASP, 1367KB, 下载45次)


[WEB开发] Wish_ideacm

一个非常好看的流星许愿程序 演示 http://eqx.ideacm.cn/E/wish.asp
a very interesting demonstration meteor Wishing procedures http :// eqx.ideacm.cn/E/wish.asp (2006-06-21, ASP, 96KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] Asp600(counter)

http://ad.zjol.com.cn/ http://club.chinaren.com/bbs/index.jsp?boardid=417
http://ad.zjol.com.cn/ http :// club.chinaren.com/bulletin board/index.jsp boardid = 417 (2006-04-15, ASP, 999KB, 下载2次)
