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[C#编程] Kvaser CANLIB API

API资料 信息服务类的 API 函数,主要用于查看 CAN 设备通道信息,驱动版本信息,CANLIB 库信 息,硬件时钟信息等。使用这部分函数,可以有效的控制设备,及时发现设备和驱动等不兼 容信息。
API functions of information service class are mainly used to view channel information of CAN device, driver version information, CANLIB library information, hardware clock information and so on. Using this part of the function, we can effectively control the equipment and discover incompatible information such as device and driver in time. (2019-08-19, C#, 223KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] C#程序进销存源码

基于Asp.Net MVC4.0 + WebAPI + Knockout 技术,采用EasyUI为前台开发展示UI,Knockout主要负责前端的逻辑交互,再结合jQuery Ajax进行提交数据请求,最新企业进销存管理系统源码分享,C#程序.net erp easyui mvc4项目代码,B/S框架开发,采用web easy ui开发框架,网站完全开源无任何加密,可直接使用或进行二次开发,Asp.net MVC架构开发(asp.net mvc + web api + easyui)
Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing management system source code sharing, C#.Net ERP easyUI mvc4 project program code, B/S framework, using web easy UI development framework the website, completely open source without any encryption, can be used directly or two times the development of Asp.net, MVC architecture development (asp.net + web + easyUI MVC API) (2017-08-10, C#, 62224KB, 下载123次)


[C#编程] IEMaker

IEMaker源码, IEMaker是一款简单易用的视频课件制作工具软件。IEMaker可轻松为您的多种格式文档,例如:office、PDF、图片等素材配上视频语音讲解,并在互联网或您的企业内部网上发布。
IEMaker is easy to use,a video frequency courseware makes software. IEMaker makes it easy for you to add video, audio, and other content to your document in a variety of formats, such as office, PDF, and images, and publish it on the Internet or on your corporate intranet. (2016-10-08, C#, 27597KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] WeatherReport_CSharp

C# 桌面天气实况源码,可获取未来几天天气,具体的天气数据是从 www.weather.com.cn 获取的,有实时的温度湿度风力风向及未来两天的天气情况,有自动刷新功能,可以设置随系统启动等。软件上面显示的时间是获取的服务器上的时间(无法获取时才会使用本地的时间),而且包含农历跟星期等信息。软件运行之后默认透明嵌入桌面右下角,可以设置两个城市显示(任务栏图标右键有设置功能)。本工具的定时刷新及时间显示等均采用线程控制,抛弃传统的Timer控件。
C# desktop weather live source, you can get the next few days the weather, the specific weather data is obtained from www.weather.com.cn with real-time temperature, humidity, wind direction and weather conditions in the next two days, with automatic refresh feature, you can Set start with the system and so on. The time is shown above the software on the server access time (not only when using a local access time), and contains information such as the Lunar Contact weeks. After running the software embedded in the desktop default transparent bottom right corner, you can set the two cities display (taskbar icon right there setting function). This tool to periodically refresh and time display all adopts thread control, abandoning traditional Timer control. (2013-10-16, C#, 3257KB, 下载27次)


[C#编程] PMS

人事工资管理系统,数据库采用SQL Server 2005,可以进行档案管理、奖罚管理和工资管理等,方便处理企业内部员工的相关工资信息。另外,为了更方便的查看员工的工资信息,还可以通过水晶报表对工资信息进行打印。 初始的管理员用户名为tsoft,密码为111。 本系统有两种操作权限,一种是超级管理员,一种是一般用户,超级管理员具有所有权限,普通用户则不可以执行系统管理及操作员管理操作。 ,作者拥有版权,仅供学习与参考。
Personnel salary management system, database using SQL Server 2005, for file management, reward and punishment management and payroll management, facilitate the processing of information related to wages of the employee. In addition, in order to more easily view employee payroll information, but also through the crystal reports to print information on wages. The initial administrator username tsoft, password is 111. The system has two operating authority, is a super administrator, a general user, super administrator has all permissions, not ordinary users can perform system management and operator management operations. The author, copyright, learning and reference purposes only. (2013-09-10, C#, 1368KB, 下载10次)


[C#编程] SeparateSQLServer

C# detach the database, the separation of the SQL Server database, Enterprise Manager detaching and attaching databases, can achieve in C#, just connect the database information, and then see the example implementation on the line (2013-05-13, C#, 13KB, 下载3次)



This program has realized the automation of iron and steel enterprise production scheduling, from production, sales and inventory to achieve the integration of management, improve the working efficiency. (2013-04-15, C#, 4046KB, 下载60次)



The system belongs to the small and medium-sized database system, can assess the fixed assets of small and medium-sized enterprises, and is composed of basic information management, fixed asset management, the data maintenance management, maintenance management, system aids module. (2013-04-11, C#, 1532KB, 下载14次)


[C#编程] express

系统介绍 根据企业对快递单打印的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标:  操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。  不受各种快递单格式的限制  方便快捷的全方位数据查询。  使用者自行定义单据的打印格式。  该系统可以设置多种单据格式。  该模块可以对快递单设置。  打印快递单。
the system is very large (2013-03-17, C#, 6032KB, 下载29次)


[C#编程] Daila

学c#的时候用的源码,企业电话客服系统, (1)本系统管理员用户名为:Tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)实例执行文件位置:TM\03\Daila\Daila\bin\Debug\Daila.exe (3)运行本程序需要安装语音卡(东进DJD 161A语音卡)及语音卡的驱动程序,否则运行程序出错
Learn c# source code, enterprise telephone customer service system, (1) the system administrator user name: Tsoft password is: 111. (2) examples of the implementation of the file location: TM \ 03 \ Daila \ Daila \ bin \ Debug \ Daila.exe (3) needs to be installed to run this program the voice card (Dongjin of DJD 161A voice card) and voice card driver, otherwise run procedural error (2013-01-18, C#, 484KB, 下载6次)


[C#编程] PWMS

基于数据库的企业人事管理系统 附加数据库2005 (1)将TM\07\PWMS\PWMS\DataBase文件夹中的db_PWMS.mdf和db_PWMS_log.ldf文件拷贝到SQL Server 2005安装路径下的MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data目录下。 (2)选择开始/程序/Microsoft SQL Server 2005/SQL Server Management Studio项,进入到“连接到服务器”页面
qi ye renshi guan li xitong .haoyong qing ding .wei shenme yao 20 ge zi ne ? (2012-06-08, C#, 3316KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] sms-SYSTEM

系统介绍 如果公司想通知远在外地的职员回公司报到,传统方法是拨打每个职员的电话进行通知,现在开发出企业短信群发系统便可以编写一条告知职员回公司报到的短信,然后添加所有外地职员的电话号码,统一发送出去,大大的提高了办公的效率。通过实际的需求分析,开发出本套企业短信群发系统。本系统主要利用硬件短信猫发送短信,通过本系统用户完全可以对指定的一组电话号码进行短信的群发,加快了办公的效率。系统自身还有对已发短信的查询功能以及查看SIM卡中收到的短信,还为用户提供了电话簿的功能,通过电话簿管理,可以将比较常用的联系人及其手机号码添加到数据库中,方便在发送短信时添加接收人。系统安全方面也做了考虑,首先用户要通过登录模块验证成功之后才可以进入系统的主窗体,如果用户要暂时的离开,可以通过系统菜单栏中的“锁定系统”命令锁定系统界面,如果想再次使用,需要输入登录密码。为了减轻用户文字输入量,系统提供了常用短语模块,通过此模块用户可以选择一些常用的短语作为短信的内容,同时还可以自定义一些常用的短语以及删除一些不想要的短语。
C#+SMS CODE (2011-10-03, C#, 399KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] dddd

With the development of modern science and technology, more and more companies and enterprises have implemented the employee' s attendance information management, instead of using a complex computer system to manage time and attendance transactions manually. Attendance management system can effectively manage employee attendance, standardized personnel system management to ensure company' s normal work is an important human resource management component. (2011-04-13, C#, 180KB, 下载13次)


[C#编程] AppBox55043

AppBox v0.1.0 AppBox是企业综合管理系统的基础框架,包括菜单管理、人员管理、权限管理、组织结构管理等模块。 AppBox基于一些开源程序,比如ExtAspNet, SubSonic, log4net。
AppBox v0.1.0 AppBox is based enterprise framework for integrated management system, including menu management, personnel management, rights management, organizational structure and management module. AppBox based on some open source, such as ExtAspNet, SubSonic, log4net. (2011-04-06, C#, 4197KB, 下载37次)


[C#编程] myqq

根据企业对QQ系统的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标: ? 操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。 ? 每个客户端只能注册一次。 ? 可以在局域网中实现文字及大图片的传输。 ? 可以实现局域网视频。 ? 可以实现多用户的信息通信。 ? 系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
QQ system according to the requirements of enterprises, the system can achieve the following goals: ? simple operation, the interface simple and beautiful. ? each client can only be registered once. ? can be realized in the LAN transmission of text and large pictures. ? can achieve LAN video. ? can achieve multi-user information and communication. ? system is stable, safe and reliable. (2011-03-19, C#, 910KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] Gaussian-filter

Gaussian filter (2011-01-22, C#, 121KB, 下载70次)


[C#编程] MyQQ

根据企业对QQ系统的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标:  操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。  每个客户端只能注册一次。  可以在局域网中实现文字及大图片的传输。  可以实现局域网视频。  可以实现多用户的信息通信。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
According to business-to-QQ system requirements, the system can achieve the following goals:  is easy and simple interface, simple and beautiful.  Each client can only register once.  can be implemented in the LAN transmission of text and large images.  can achieve LAN video.  can achieve multi-user information and communication.  system is running stable, safe and reliable. (2009-11-11, C#, 911KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] SCG

" " 30-pass C# project case study development " " book project source code, in July 2009 the newly-published book, very practical, especially for quick start to C# project development, a friend learn This is the third chapter--- Enterprise grade instant messaging system (2009-09-08, C#, 1234KB, 下载26次)


[C#编程] microsoft.netpetshop4.0

PetShop是一个范例,微软用它来展示.Net企业系统开发的能力。业界有许多.Net与J2EE之争,许多数据是从微软的 PetShop和Sun的PetStore而来。这种争论不可避免带有浓厚的商业色彩,对于我们开发人员而言,没有必要过多关注。然而PetShop随着 版本的不断更新,至现在基于.Net 2.0的PetShop4.0为止,整个设计逐渐变得成熟而优雅,却又很多可以借鉴之处。
microsoft+.net+pet+shop+4.0 (2009-03-25, C#, 2278KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] Telerik.RadControls.WinForms.2008.Q2

Telerik RadControls for WinForms是一个全面的.NET Winforms用户界面控件套包,它拥有独特的图像矢量展示技术:旋转, 滚动, 动画, 透明;可运行在所有支持.net 2.0的平台上(Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista等等);它拥有极强的WinForms程序运行性能;理想的企业级商业系统开发解决方案(支持CAB);它包含三种辅助工具,用于提高开发效率:Control Spy,Visual Style Builder和Shape Editor。
Telerik RadControls for WinForms is a comprehensive. NET Winforms Kit user interface controls, it has a unique image vector display technology: rotary, scroll, animation, transparent can run on all supported. Net 2.0 platform (Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, etc.) it has a very strong operating performance WinForms procedures ideal enterprise-class business systems development solutions (support CAB) it contains three auxiliary tools, used to improve development efficiency: Control Spy, Visual Style Builder and Shape Editor. (2008-10-09, C#, 22713KB, 下载168次)
