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[网络编程] docker-caddy-azuredns

Caddy 2是一个强大的、支持企业的开源web服务器,具有用Go编写的自动HTTPS。docker caddy azuredns添加Azure DNS...
Caddy 2 is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go. docker-caddy-azuredns adds Azure DNS LetsEncrypt support to the base image. (2023-12-16, Dockerfile, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] doker-dev-stack

First Multi Product Enterprise Solution to automate developpement of microservices applications. Using CI, CCQ, CD and helm, Kubernetes, docker and Data Distribution Dervices (2023-01-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 这是张小飞的阵列信号的全部MATLAB代码

In traditional high resolution direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms, it is generally assumed that the signal is located in the far field, where the source wavefront incident to the array is plane wavefront, and the location parameters of the spatial signal can be determined by DOA. However, when the source is in the Fresnel region of the array, the wavefront of the signal needs to be described by spherical wave, and the location information of each source needs to be described by DOA and distance. Therefore, some linear theoretical deductions are no longer valid in the far-field case, and the estimation of the traditional far-field algorithm is no longer applicable. (2019-07-29, matlab, 66KB, 下载17次)


[网络编程] 微信小程序猫途校园签到demo完整源码

Check-in, applet, Wechat, Check-in, Enterprise Check-in, School Check-in, Attendance Check-in (2019-01-15, Java, 37KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] acd__enterprise

Okphp CMS v5 0 主要用于企业应用,也可用于政府,学校,店铺,以及小团队管理的门户站等,
Okphp CMS v50 is mainly used for enterprise applications, but also for government, schools, stores, and small team managed portals, etc. (2018-12-18, PHP-PERL, 698KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 授权系统

The authorization station query system. You can query the authorized web site all over the platform, unauthorized hints, and customizable. Take the backstage. (2018-02-11, PHP, 2904KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] 1111

CKFinder is an easy to use Ajax WEB file manager. Provides folder tree structure (Folders, tree) navigation menus, multilingual support (automatic detection), support for creating / renaming / deleting files and folders, and integration of FCKeditor online editors.
CKFinder is an easy to use Ajax WEB file manager. Provides folder tree structure (Folders, tree) navigation menus, multilingual support (automatic detection), support for creating / renaming / deleting files and folders, and integration of FCKeditor online editors. (2017-07-11, PHP, 4558KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] ailixin

This year looking for a job to use, very helpful to me a series of documents, you can download collection, you can look at when looking for work. This part of Ericsson' s 2013 job spree. (2013-11-24, PDF, 665KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] df

Internet正在改变世界,由具有传播信息容量极大、形态多样、迅速方便、全球覆盖、自由和交互的特点,已经发展成为新的传播媒体,现在很多大学和众多企业部门都已经建立了自己的网站,通过计算机网络实现宣传、交流及资源的整合。 建立学院网站有以下作用:
Internet正在改变世界具有传播信息容量极大、形态多样、迅速方便、全球覆盖、自由和交互的特点,已经发展成为新的传播媒体,现在很多大学和众多企业部门都已经建立了自己的网站,通过计算机网络实现宣传、交流及资源的整合。 建立学院网站有以下作用: (2010-04-17, Visual C++, 383KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] qyjxcglxt

企业进销存管理系统,附带工程文件。 数据库安装 (1)将实例目录“DataBase”文件夹下扩展名为“.MDF”和“.LDF”的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000安装路径下的“MSSQL”/“Data”目录下。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)在弹出的“附加数据库”对话框中选择刚拷贝过去的数据库文件(.MDF文件),单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作
Enterprise Invoicing Management System, with project file (2010-02-03, ASP, 2638KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] xinhongCompanyManageSystem

企业网站源码 后台主要功能有: 用户管理|产品管理||招聘管理|订单管理|友情链接管理|留言管理|网站信息管理 产品管理中还有类别管理。
Company Website Source background main features are: User Management | Product Management | | Job Management | Order Management | Link Management | Message Manager | Site also includes information management, product management, category management. (2009-11-19, ASP, 860KB, 下载18次)


[网络编程] NBVip5.5_Src--wgb

NetBot_Attacker5.5未公布代码 一网盘看到的 未公布的 代码 包含攻击代码
NetBot_Attacker5.5 unpublished code to see a network drive that contains the code unpublished exploit code (2009-11-01, Visual C++, 6369KB, 下载209次)


[网络编程] ACMonlinejudge

本系统从2003年完成雏形,开始作为中国科学技术大学ACM/ICPC(国际大学生程序设计竞赛)校内培训的题库及在线判题网站(http://acm.ustc.edu.cn),曾成功地承办过5次校内赛事.至今一直精心维护和逐步完善,并准备继续扩充题目数量, 网站内容和系统功能,更好地为我校ACM/ICPC赛事成绩贡献力量.
The system from prototype completed in 2003 and began as China' s Science and Technology University ACM/ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) school training, sub-title of item bank and online web site (http://acm.ustc.edu.cn), has successfully the school hosted the event five times. has been careful to maintain and gradually improved and is ready to continue to expand the number of topics, website content and system functions to better serve our university ACM/ICPC Result contribute. (2009-09-24, PHP, 220KB, 下载50次)


[网络编程] NetMaYi_Tab2

用过网络嗅探器的人都知道,这个工具好用, 不过,很多人不知道它的原理和应用技术, 资料中详细介绍了
Used the network sniffer of people know that this tool easy to use, but many people do not know the principles and application of technology, information in detail (2008-12-27, Visual C++, 133KB, 下载25次)


[网络编程] myie

自动投票程序: web 控件操作例程,使用的技术包括: 浏览器视图的使用 网页form及input按钮的读写以及自动提交form 定时器的使用 投票结果查看网址: http://www.scient.com.cn/picCountrywide.asp?province=&city=&page=1 默认投票对象是: 照片编号:630 姓  名:王丙乾 年  龄:1岁7个月 参赛项目:大力王 可以自己修改不同的投票对象为他进行自动投票 最后编译环境是vs2008
Automatic voting procedures: web control routine operation, the use of the technology include: the use of the browser view page form and input button to submit form to read and write, as well as automatic timers use the voting results Show Website: http://www.scient.com .cn/picCountrywide.asp? province = (2008-11-28, Visual C++, 272KB, 下载168次)


[网络编程] pdfprn

西门子技术支持网站简介 当您在使用西门子产品时可能遇到这样或是那样的问题,没关系,您可以登陆西门 子技术支持与服务网站来查找您需要的信息. 网站链接为: http://www.ad.siemens.com.cn/service/ 登陆网站后,您可以点击相关链接,查找您想要得信息,其中在"网上课堂"可以 下载西门子技术支持工程师编写的常问问题和使用入门文档,点击网页左侧的"技 术资源",进入后将显示语言切换到英文(点击网页的右上角"English"),然后 在"Search"输入框中输入您要查找的相关内容,如下载升级软件包,或是查找错 误代码的解释,或是查找相关产品的信息等等,您可能会找到很多条链接,您可以 从中选择您所需要的内容,您还可以通过点击"Product Support"进入西门子的 产品信息库,通过点击左侧的相关文件链接可以查找到西门子相关产品的详细信 息.如果您经常使用网站信息,您会觉得它已成为您解决问题的得力助手. (2008-07-17, PDF, 408KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] xindao

一 实验目的、掌握通过计算机实现香农编码 二实验要求 对于给定的信源的概率分布,按照香农编码的方法进行计算机实现.
One experiment was to master the computer coding realize Shannon Second experimental requirements for a given source probability distribution, in accordance with the Shannon method of encoding computer. (2008-05-15, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] jz178.com_20066112124911

驴友格子(access)版v1.50 (中国驴友网开发http://www.hikers.cn) 后台管理:admin 管理员用户名:admin 管理员密码:admin (md5加密后:21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3) 5.29日 1.修复了日期小于10号时的排名出错 2.修正了点出功能 3.增加了排名功能 4.增加了防刷新功能,按ip计算点入点出
favorite lattice (access) version Call (China network comedy development http :// www.hikers.cn) background Management : admin manager Username : admin Administrator Password : admin (md5 encrypted : 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3) 5.29 a day. repairing a date less than the 10th when the rankings two errors. point out that the three functions. an increase of four ranking functions. increased defense refresh functions, calculated by ip point-to point out (2006-06-03, VBScript, 412KB, 下载10次)


[网络编程] softhy136

只要会打字就可以做网站,一直就是莫非互联所考虑的,因此,莫非互联推出了企业傻瓜式建站方式,企业做动态网站不再是难事,可以在线管理自己的网站,客户,销售情况,等一系列,详情自己看看就知道了 账号admin 密码612482
As long as you can do typing on the website, has been the Internet Is considered, therefore, Is the Internet introduced a business-easy way to fool, dynamic enterprise web site is no longer difficult, online can manage their own websites, customers, sales, a series of other, look at the details of their accounts will know admin password 612482 (2006-01-23, ASP, 2008KB, 下载291次)


[网络编程] 1121IBArticle1.0

sets of SME websites, information dissemination, data storage management system platforms, support unlimited-class classification and sub-classification, support a variety of styles, built-in HTML editor, used smarttemplate template engine, cache pages, the use of XHTML CSS technology, and would facilitate the management of an article by to use an image, to prevent the emergence of refuse Photo (2004-11-22, PHP, 326KB, 下载70次)
