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[数据库系统] 2066

基于微信小程序+SSM+MySQL的大学生就业小程序(附论文)(毕业设计),基于微信小程序+SSM+MySQL的大学生就业小程序(附论文),学生、企业以及管理员等。学生就业平台微信小程序的开发过程,对开发环境、系统设计、系统实现、系统测试方面进行分析。在设计时对微信客户端进行了充分的了解,掌握微信平台通过的接口,同时系统采用MYSQL数据库进行数据的储存,充分的保证了系统的稳定性、安全性。通过本系统满足了不同权限用户的功能需求,包括学生、企业以及管理员。 (2024-06-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] CRM_Entertainment

SpectraSphere是一个专注于娱乐的CRM项目(客户关系管理)。该项目由Andreaálvarez、Dayron Restrepo、Mateo Echeverri和Andres Villada负责。为此,将使用Java和javascript编程语言,后端使用Spring boot,前端使用React.js。MySql Workbench作为DBMS。
SpectraSphere is a CRM project (Customer Relationship Management) focused on entertainment. The project is in charge of Andrea álvarez, Dayron Restrepo, Mateo Echeverri and Andrés Villada. For this, the Java and javascript programming languages will be used, Spring boot for the Backend and React.js for the Frontend. And MySql Workbench as DBMS. (2024-05-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] showta

个人网盘、企业网盘、网盘系统、私有云盘、支持在线预览、下载, 支持不同存储挂载,支持WebDAV协议,开箱即用。
Personal network disk, enterprise network disk, network disk system, private cloud disk, support online preview, download, support different storage mounts, support WebDAV protocol, and use out of the box. (2024-04-15, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] stereotype

Stereotype is challenging norms and celebrating authenticity through diverse content in tech, reviews, entertainment, and news. Our vibrant community fosters meaningful conversations, breaking stereotypes and embracing individual perspectives. Explore and engage with Stereotype for an inclusive digital experience. (2023-12-25, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] PimpMyPaids

PimpMyPaids est un portail Web spécialisé pour permettre aux clients, qu ils soient des entreprises ou des commer ants, de consulter leurs comptes et de suivre leurs transactions financières quotidiennes. (2023-12-19, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Interest-list

趣清单,管理日常生活,列举计划,与朋友分享自己的清单,完成的清单,接入环信 api, 与bmob , SMSSDK 实现应用的 聊天,短信验证,与数据储存。
Fun list, manage daily life, list plans, share your own list and completed list with friends, access the Huanxin API, chat with bmob and SMSSDK for applications, verify SMS messages, and store data. (2019-01-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] ICPCol

The ICP filing query tool of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology solves the tedious slider verification code input, supports the single or batch filing information query of targets, and supports the storage of query results as Excel (2023-02-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Network-engineering-jobs

Android应用开发与设计、Java Web企业及开发、JSP程序设计、数据结构与算法、数据库系统原理、Java程序设计、网页设计等课程,
Android application development and design, Java Web enterprise and development, JSP program design, data structure and algorithm, database system principle, Java program design, web page design and other courses, (2023-09-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] mini-bookkeeping

mini-bookkeeping is a desktop application that a small business can use to manage their expenses. It was built with Electron, Vue.js and Vuetify. MariaDB (MySQL) is used as a RDBMS. (2021-07-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] blacknaturalWFlask

A dynamic version of BlackNatural with a Database of Black-Owned Businesses created with Airtable and automatically updated on a website using Python (Flask & Jinja) (2022-12-08, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Java-SQL-Database-Project

在Netbeans IDE中创建了一个项目,用于从Microsoft SQL数据库中获取、编辑和显示信息。该程序是为一名技工的企业创建的,它允许企业通过让用户跟踪技工车间中正在完成的所有工作来有效地处理车辆。它允许用户查看车辆需要...
Created a project in the Netbeans IDE that fetches, edits, and displays information from a Microsoft SQL database. The program was created for a mechanic s business and it allows the business to effectively process vehicles by letting the user keep track of all the work being done in the mechanic shop. It allows the user to see what vehicles (2018-11-12, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] DataArchitectND

This repository keeps all project material to plan, design and implement enterprise data infrastructure solutions and create the blueprints for an organization’s data success. (2021-04-12, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 2020-Java-Projects

During the winter vacation of one month at home in 2019, I self-taught the three major frameworks of Java backend foundation, Spring, SpringMVC, and Mybatis, and integrated them to implement an enterprise level project. I developed a Java EE enterprise level permission management system and shared my source code, database details, and some insights here. (2022-12-16, Java, 37960KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] zero-one-psisys

The inventory management system is a typical database application program developed using advanced computer technology to address issues such as chaotic accounting, inaccurate inventory, and delayed information feedback according to the needs of enterprises. It integrates multiple stages of procurement, sales, and storage into an information system. (2023-04-01, C++, 152845KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] weekly

The technical stack of the weekly report system is mainly node+vue+redis+mysql+es6, which is an enterprise management system. Enterprise employees report their weekly work status and completion status, and leaders at all levels can view and remind corresponding personnel who have not written weekly reports. The backend fully uses nodeJS, and the database uses mysql based on nodej (2022-12-12, Vue, 1332KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Lambda-SQL-Practice

A SQLite database modeled on real world enterprise databases for Lambda School students to practice SQL queries. 8 Tables containing information on 10,000 product orders and all the associated data. (2019-10-10, Jupyter Notebook, 495KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Inventory-Management-App

Android App which is part of iOS, and C# applications to consumers and businesses that need to manage inventory space. Able to track inventory info on database, scan or manually add items for easy storage. (2017-07-28, HTML, 3712KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] postgresql

PostgreSQL 8.2中增加了很多企业用户所需要的功能和性能上的提高,其开发团队说,该版本将加速更多企业向该数据库移植.核心开发成员之一Bruce Momjian表示,在新版PostgreSQL中,包含了所有命令和数据库工具,而且可以让新手轻松的了解和使用它的新的高级功能.
PostgreSQL 8.2 adds the functional and performance improvements required by many enterprise users, and its development team says that this version will accelerate the migration of more enterprises to the database. Bruce Momjian, one of the core developers, said that in the new version of PostgreSQL, all commands and database tools are included, and new advanced functions can be easily understood and used by novices. (2018-12-20, Visual C++, 13117KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 进销存管理系统

The integrated management system of science and technology enterprise of tomorrow is a small and medium-sized enterprise integrated management software which integrates the functions of financial management (cash flow account) and commodity purchase and sale management (logistics account). It has become the most practical solution to the financial management of small and medium-sized private enterprises in China by virtue of the unique "fool" technology and ideas that can not understand accounting, but also can be fully accounted for by the majority of users, and is selected as the domestic top ten software. (2017-11-16, Visual Basic, 1706KB, 下载6次)


[数据库系统] C

1.把"Web"文件夹内的文件拷贝到某个文件夹 2.在IIS中新建站点,指向该文件夹,如果新建虚拟路径,会导致一些图片的不正常显示. 3."Database"文件夹内有数据库文件hyb2bTest_Data.MDF,在Sql Server企业管理器中选择"附加数据库" 4.需要修改根目录web.config文件 <add key="DBServer" value="."/>,改成当前数据库地址 <add key="DBUser" value="sa"/>,改成当前数据库用户名 <add key="DBPwd" value="sa"/>,改成当前数据库密码 <add key="DBName" value="hyb2btest"/>,改成当前数据库名称 <add key="SQLConnString" value="server=. database=hyb2btest user id=sa pwd=sa Min Pool Size=10"/>,分别也换成当前数据库的地址,用户名、密码以及数据库名称。 5.后台登录地址: 当前路径+manage/index.aspx 帐户:admin 密码:admin 环境要求: Windows2000 / Windows2003 + IIS5 + .NET Framework 1.1 + MS SQL Server 2000 或各更高版本 演示地址:www.hyb2b.cn 电话:13061363607 MSN :huayousoft@hotmail.com
err (2008-08-30, C#, 7447KB, 下载67次)
