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[OA办公系统] ERP

OA办公自动化系统是一个功能完备的企业办公系统,由前台(普通职员)和后台(系统管理员)两大部分组成。 前台员工管理模块:通过前台员工可以传送文件、接收文件、查看公告、发布公告、进入聊天室、进行投票活动、设置投票活动、员工上下班签到、签退及个人密码设置; 后台管理员管理模块:部门管理、员工管理、文件管理、公告管理、交流管理、考勤管理、系统管理和规章制度管理等; ☆ 系统特色:☆ 实现前台的员工公告,文件传输管理; 实现前台员工信息管理功能; 为了促进内部员工之间的交流,设置了聊天室、活动投票功能; 实现公司优秀员工评比功能; 实现员工上下班签到、签退功能; 实现员工修改登录系统个人密码; 通过后台查看与删除公告信息、查看公文信息的功能; 后台管理员对员工信息、职位信息与部门信息的管理; 后台管理员对员工上下班信息设置; 后台管理员实现对在线信息的查看与删除功能; 后台管理员工登录账号信息; 设置前后台的系统退出功能;
OA office automation system is a full-featured enterprise office systems, two major components of the foreground (staff) and the background (the system administrator). Front desk staff management module: by the front desk staff can send files, receive files, view the announcement, issued a public notice, to enter the chat room, vote activities, set the voting activities, staff commuting sign, sign and return the personal password settings Background Administrator management module: departmental management, staff management, document management, bulletin management, exchange management, attendance management, system management and the rules and regulations of management ☆ System Features: ☆ Realize the front desk staff announcements, file transfer management Front desk staff information management functions In order to facilitate communication between internal staff, set up chat rooms, and activities of the voting feature Achieve excellent staff appraisal fun (2012-08-22, Visual C++, 4702KB, 下载85次)


[OA办公系统] OA

OA办公系统 项目描述:该项目主要针企业的自动化办公,提高办公效率,减少人事理成本.让人工作方便、舒服 本项目主要分为六大块:人事管理,日程管理,文档管理,消息传递,系统统管理,考勤管理 人事管理:主要实现对机构部门员工增删改查,打印员工信息等操作. 日程管理:实现了公司部门及个人日程的管理.运用一个简单的日历显示日程,让人一目了然,有阳历转换阴历, 适合大众使用。在以前这种技术会在闰年可能会出现错误,现在已经解决了,需要的朋友们可以学习学习。 文档管理:实现了对公司文档增删改查,及上传下载文件等操作.这里运用了,近似于window系统的一种操作,有些不完善,等待下次上传吧。 希望有兴趣的,可以改进,上传到51aspx共享 消息传递:实现了公司内部人员相互通信,及即使通报工作会议等操作.有即时消息通知。 系统管理:该功能主要用于管理者本身,可以对员工身份权限管理,操日志等。能更好的管理。 考勤管理:主要用于考察员工出勤情况,并统计
OA Office System Project Description: The project is the automation of the main pin business office, to improve office efficiency and reduce the cost of personnel reasons. People working convenience and comfort, The project is divided into six large pieces of: personnel management, schedule management, document management, messaging, systems integration management, attendance management Personnel Management: The main achievement of the institutional sector employees to change add or delete search, print, employee information and other operations. Scheduling: to achieve the corporate sector and personal calendar management. Using a simple calendar display schedules, makes clear, there is the solar calendar lunar calendar conversion, Suitable for the general public. In the past this technology would be an error may occur in a leap year, and now has been resolved, and the needs of friends can learn from him. Document Management: Achieving the deletions changed the co (2010-03-19, Visual C++, 10678KB, 下载112次)


[OA办公系统] 红金羚网络办公v1.5专业版

红金羚v1.5办公自动化软件是基于大型数据库系统开发的应用系统,它充分利用计算机及网络的数据处理、数据协同、数据分析和统计的能力,将烦琐的工作流程明朗化、线程化,也从根本上加强并促进了群体工作成员之间的信息交流、资源共享、事务协作及有效管理等,进而推动了管理、资源利用、公文流转及的发展。 红金羚v1.5办公自动化系统以三层客户机/服务器结构为主,结合B/S传统结构,以微机作为客户终端,由于采用标准SQL语句开发,可以支持多种开放型数据库系统(如:MS SQL Server 、Oracle等)。 红金羚v1.5公自动化软件是基于数据库开发的,因此,它与其他行业应用软件的集成就显得尤为方便,并且它还可以作为其他大型应用系统(如数据仓库)的前端,为企业的信息化建设奠定良好的基础。
red and gold Gazelle v1.5 office automation software is based on a large database of system development applications, its full use of computer and network data processing, data coordination, and data analysis and statistics, the work will be cumbersome process certainty, thread, from fundamentally strengthen and promote the work of groups among the members of the exchange of information, sharing of resources, services and effective management collaboration, this has driven management, resource utilization, document transfer and development. Hong Jin Ling v1.5 office automation system to a three-tier client/server architecture, combined B/S traditional structure, as customers to computer terminals, using standard SQL development, it supports a wide range of open database system (such as (2006-02-07, ASP, 9283KB, 下载195次)
