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[云计算] SparkleManager

Sparkle Manager是一款客户关系管理(CRM)工具,专门为面部彩绘企业主量身定制。它简化了跟踪潜在客户、管理预订和生成财务报告等操作,所有这些都在一个用户友好的平台中,该平台专为面部喷漆行业的独特需求而设计。
Sparkle Manager is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool tailored specifically for face painting business owners. It streamlines operations such as tracking leads, managing bookings, and generating financial reports, all within a user-friendly platform crafted for the unique needs of the face painting industry. (2024-05-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] ail_Analytics_with_Data_and_Analytics_Engineering

该项目通过端到端数据管道、分析工程和仪表盘优化在线零售分析。它利用云服务、IaC和CI CD实践,使企业能够从事务数据中提取可操作的见解,从而实现明智的决策和战略规划。
This project optimizes online retail analytics with an end-to-end data pipeline, analytics engineering, and dashboarding. Leveraging cloud services, IaC, and CI CD practices, it enables businesses to extract actionable insights from transactional data, empowering informed decision-making and strategic planning. (2024-04-22, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] household-stuff-recognition

API4AI is cloud-native computer vision & AI platform for startups, enterprises and individual developers. This repository contains sample mini apps that utilizes Furniture and Household Stuff Recognition API provided by API4AI. (2024-02-09, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] data-exchange

Enterprise Data Exchange (DEX) is a new cloud-native centralized data ingestion, validation, and observation service scoped for common data types (HL7, FHIR, CDA, XML, CSV) sent to the CDC. It helps public health stakeholders who send data to the CDC while reducing the maintenance efforts, complexity, and duplication of ingestion points to CDC. (2024-02-03, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] short-link

SaaS 短链接系统,为企业和个人用户提供了一个高效、安全和可靠的短链接管理平台。该平台不仅简化了长链接的管理和分享过程,还提供了深入的分析和跟踪功能,用户可以灵活地管理和优化其链接,从而实现更好的营销效果和业务成果。
SaaS short link system provides an efficient, secure and reliable short link management platform for enterprises and individual users. The platform not only simplifies the management and sharing process of long links, but also provides in-depth analysis and tracking functions. Users can flexibly manage and optimize their links to achieve better marketing effects and business results. (2024-01-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Salesforce-Learning

This repository serves as my personal learning space for mastering Salesforce, a powerful cloud-based platform for customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise applications. I m documenting my journey as I acquire knowledge and skills in Salesforce development, administration, and customization. (2023-12-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] data_migration_on_GCP

This project aims to migrate data from MongoDB to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and BigQuery automatically. It enables businesses to easily transfer and analyze the data in the cloud, improving data and cost management. (2023-06-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Product-Pigeon

A web application that will allow advertisers and entrepreneurs to reach potential buyers by word of mouth promotion. Advertisers will have their brand identity page that will help users to know about their service. In this way, advertisers will have contents (as opposed to sly commercials) that talks about their product and have a higher (2018-12-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] phalapi-pro

PHP open platform, a professional choice for building an open platform. The commercial software based on the open source PhalApi framework is officially produced. Through cloud technology, help enterprises improve their information systems, cut costs, improve efficiency and provide better services to customers! (2020-04-15, Others, 1KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] oneplatform

onePlatform定位是企业级应用网关,提供提供服务路由、SSO、统一认证授权、统一日志、全局事件以及模块化管理等基础能力。基于Spring cloud、开箱即用、无额外学习成本、无缝对接老系统。→提供配套视频教程(Q群: 618...
The onePlatform positioning is an enterprise level application gateway, providing basic capabilities such as service routing, SSO, unified authentication and authorization, unified logging, global events, and modular management. Based on Spring cloud, out of the box, no additional learning costs, and seamless connection with old systems. → Supporting video tutorials (Q group: 618 (2022-06-17, Java, 652KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] datax-cloud

Zhidatacom provides micro services such as metadata management, data standard management, data quality management, master data management, data mart management, visual chart board, process management, etc. It is an enterprise level one-stop data governance platform for digital construction. (2022-05-30, Java, 15107KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] datax-cloud-base

Zhidatacom provides micro services such as metadata management, data standard management, data quality management, master data management, data mart management, visual chart board, process management, etc. It is an enterprise level one-stop data center for data governance. (2020-12-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] smallvps

smallvps,“VPS小内存硬盘日志定时清理工具”,主要针对VPS的内存不够充裕的情况下,而内存页面缓存和日志文件等等占用了VPS的有限内存和小硬盘空间,我们解决如何自动清理的问题,该脚本作者:Vmshell INC是美国怀俄明注册正规企业,现注册...
Smallvps, "VPS Small Memory Hard Disk Log Regular Cleaning Tool," is mainly aimed at situations where VPS memory is not sufficient, and memory page caching and log files occupy VPS s limited memory and small hard disk space. We solve the problem of automatic cleaning. The script is written by Vmshell INC, a registered and legitimate enterprise in Wyoming, USA. It is now registered (2021-12-14, Shell, 3KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] cecos

cecos,。 系统功能包含基本内部云功能,内置自助服务、自动化和详细报告功能等,可以为用户提供各种服务,以达到用户需求,并可以根据详细报告功能提供的信息对系统进行优化。 适用于大规模的虚拟化和内部云部署 CecOS 为企业提供了理想平台,此平台...
cecos,。 The system features basic internal cloud functions, built-in self-service, automation, and detailed reporting functions, etc. It can provide users with various services to meet their needs and optimize the system based on the information provided by the detailed reporting function. CecOS provides an ideal platform for large-scale virtualization and internal cloud deployment for enterprises, which (2013-07-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
