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[其他] PersonaPundit

PersonaPundit.ai是一个基于Streamlit的web应用程序,使用人工智能,包括OpenAI的GPT-3.5和Gemini模型,从产品评论中创建详细的用户角色。它集成了Snowflake、Amazon S3和Google API进行数据管理和研究,为企业提供客户人口统计和行为的关键见解。
PersonaPundit.ai is a Streamlit-based web app that uses AI, including OpenAI s GPT-3.5 and Gemini models, to create detailed user personas from product reviews. It integrates Snowflake, Amazon S3, and Google API for data management and research, offering businesses key insights into customer demographics and behaviors. (2024-04-28, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] naive-openai

NaiveOpenAI是OpenAI API的开源Python包装器。它帮助企业家和B2B开发人员利用OpenAI的LLM不断迭代和提高产品性能,为投资者和客户提供信心和安全感。
NaiveOpenAI is an open-source Python wrapper for the OpenAI API. It assists entrepreneurs and B2B developers utilizing OpenAI s LLMs in continuously iterating and enhancing product performance, providing investors and customers with confidence and a sense of security. (2024-04-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Economic_Dispatch_Solution

The "Fuel Cost Optimization Algorithm" is a mini-project designed to address the critical challenge of optimizing fuel consumption in various real-world scenarios. This project aims to develop a computational algorithm that can help businesses and organizations reduce their fuel expenses while maintaining operational efficiency. (2024-04-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] nesis

您的GenAI Powered Enterprise Knowledge Partner。从企业中的私人文档中发现知识。旨在大规模使用,以防止摄取大量文档格式,如pdfs、docx、xlsx、png、jpgs。与s3、Windows Shares、Samba集成。
Your GenAI Powered Enterprise Knowledge Partner. Discover knowledge from your private documents in your enterprise. Designed to be used at scale from ingesting large amounts of documents formats such as pdfs, docx, xlsx, png, jpgs. Integrates with s3, Windows Shares, Samba. (2024-04-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Invoice-Extraction

This Python project automates PDF invoice data extraction, organizing key information into a structured table. It employs modular scripts for PDF and CSV handling, ensuring efficiency and maintainability. The output is saved in CSV format for easy analysis, streamlining invoice data processing for businesses. (2024-03-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] people-hr-python-sdk

Access PeopleHR是Access Group的一部分,我们一起支持人力资源世界。从为所有规模的企业提供HRIS,到提供学习内容、工资系统等等。由Konfig(https:konfigthis.com)生成的PeopleHR的Python SDK。
Access PeopleHR is part of The Access Group, and together we are supporting the world of HR. From supplying HRIS for all sized businesses, providing learning content, payroll systems, and much more. PeopleHR s Python SDK generated by Konfig (https: konfigthis.com ). (2024-03-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] hetzner-python-sdk

Hetzner提供可靠的云托管和数据中心服务,重点关注安全和性能。他们的基础架构为企业提供可扩展的托管解决方案,包括专用服务器、云存储和虚拟专用服务器。Hetzner的Python SDK由Konfig生成(https:konfigthis.com)。
Hetzner offers reliable cloud hosting and data center services with a focus on security and performance. Their infrastructure serves businesses with scalable hosting solutions including dedicated servers, cloud storage, and virtual private servers. Hetzner s Python SDK generated by Konfig (https: konfigthis.com ). (2024-03-19, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] azure_virtual_intern_url_shortner

Brandly URL Short Website是一个重要的工具,旨在通过创建短URL、用户友好的链接来促进长URL的共享。该项目旨在提供一个可扩展的、以用户为中心的平台,克服长URL的挑战,为个人和企业提供简单的解决方案。
Brandly URL Short Website is an important tool designed to facilitate the sharing of long URLs by creating short url, user-friendly links. This project aims to provide a scalable and user-centered platform that overcomes the challenges of long URLs, providing simple solutions for individuals and business. (2024-02-04, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] codefuse-evaluation

codefuse- ai系列以及开源大模型(如:MFTCoder\CodeLlama\CodeGeex系列)代码能力评测基准,可用于评估模型在代码生成、跨语言代码翻译、代码优化等多类任务的代码能力,旨在构建贴近企业实际应用大模型代码能力的评测基准。
Codefuse - ai series and open source big models (such as MFTCoder CodeLlama CodeGeex series) code capability evaluation benchmark can be used to evaluate the model s code capability in multiple tasks such as code generation, cross language code translation, code optimization, etc., aiming to build a evaluation benchmark close to the enterprise s actual application of big model code capability. (2023-10-31, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] dlib-19.19.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64

python的dlib安装执行pip install dlib往往会出现很多错误,这里采用whl文件的方法进行安装: (1).首先,将dlib-19.19.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl存放到任意文件夹 (2).win+R 打开命令行窗口,通过cd指令进入存放该文件的文件夹 (3).执行指令:pip install dlib-19.19.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (4).再次执行pip install dlib就ok了或者 pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple dlib速度会更快些
There are many errors when PIP install Dlib is executed in Python Dlib installation. Here we use the method of WHL file to install (1) Firstly, put dlib-19.19.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl to any folder (2) . Win + R open the command line window and enter the folder where the file is stored through the CD command (3) Execution instruction: pip install dlib-19.19.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (4) . run PIP install Dlib again, or "PIP install - I" https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple Dlib will be faster (2021-03-26, Python, 2857KB, 下载0次)


[其他] cnsenti-master

中文情感分析库可对文本进行情绪分析、正负情感分析。 代码中情绪分析使用的大连理工大学情感本体库,如发表论文,请注意用户许可协议 1、该情感词汇本体由大连理工大学信息检索研究室独立整理标注完成,可供国内外大学、科研院所及个人用于学术研究目的。 2、如任何单位和个人需将其用于商业目的,请发送邮件至 irlab@dlut.edu.cn 进行协商。 3、使用过程中如发现该资源中有任何错误或不妥之处,欢迎用户将您的宝贵意见发送至邮箱 irlab@dlut.edu.cn ,我们 将以最快的速度为您解决。 4、如果用户使用该资源发表论文或取得科研成果,请在论文中添加诸如“使用了大连理工大学信息检索研究室的情感词汇本体” 字样加以声明。参考文献中加入引文“徐琳宏,林鸿飞,潘宇,等.情感词汇本体的构造[J]. 情报学报, 2008, 27(2): 180-185.” 5、任何通过拷贝及其他非正式下载方式获得该资源的用户也应遵守该许可协议,大连理工大学信息检索研究室拥有该许可协议 最终的解释权和修改权。
Chinese Sentiment which can be used to do emotional analysis (2021-02-04, Python, 395KB, 下载1次)


[其他] Python面试题128

主要内容:Python基础、企业面试题、Python高级等,例如:15.python新式类和经典类的区别? 16.python中内置的数据结构有几种? 17.python如何实现单例模式?请写出两种实现方式? 18.反转一个整数,例如-123 --> -321
Main contents: Python basics, enterprise interview questions, python advanced, etc., for example: 15. The difference between new Python classes and classic classes? 16. How many data structures are built into Python? 17. How does Python implement the singleton pattern? Please write two implementations? 18. Invert an integer, such as - 123 > - 321 (2020-08-06, Python, 1172KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 信息技术_资质数据_数据说明

信息技术_资质数据_数据说明\信息技术_电子信息领域企业资质_数据说明文档_2020.4.16.docx, 信息技术_资质数据_数据说明\信息技术_电子信息设备资质_数据说明文档_2020.4.16.docx, 信息技术_资质数据_数据说明\信息技术_信息系统个人资质_数据说明文档_2020.4.16.docx
Information technology_ Qualification data_ Data description / information technology_ Qualification of enterprises in the field of electronic information_ Data description document_ 2020.4.16.docx, Information technology_ Qualification data_ Data description / information technology_ Qualification of electronic information equipment_ Data description document_ 2020.4.16.docx, Information technology_ Qualification data_ Data description / information technology_ Personal qualification of information system_ Data description document_ 2020.4.16.docx (2020-08-06, Python, 60KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Buzzer_Test

1.此案例为实际开发案例已经投入生产多年 2.获取该案例主体或个人不应以直接以此转卖牟利 3.获取该案例主体或个人可以对其修改添加复制学习 4.在对该案例修改之后可作为个人学习工作使用 5.若经过修改需要使用到工作中去的用户务必做大幅修改以显示基本与原案例无关 该案例不提供详细说明,用户自行研究学习参考的文档 本案例实际开发周期断断续续超过6个月 对于案例的企业级重复开发使用
This work and the information it contains are the property of Otis Elevator Company (2020-03-06, Python, 12KB, 下载0次)


[其他] StructureLearningLibraries-master

贝叶斯网络又称信度网络,是Bayes方法的扩展,是目前不确定知识表达和推理领域最有效的理论模型之一。从1988年由Pearl提出后,已经成为近几年来研究的热点.。一个贝叶斯网络是一个有向无环图(Directed Acyclic Graph,DAG),由代表变量结点及连接这些结点有向边构成
Bayesian network, also known as belief network, is an extension of Bayes method and one of the most effective theoretical models in the field of uncertain knowledge expression and reasoning. Since it was proposed by pearl in 1988, it has become a research hotspot in recent years. A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph (DAG), which is composed of representative variable nodes and directed edges connecting these nodes (2019-12-29, Python, 8KB, 下载1次)


[其他] sawtooth-core-master

Hyperledger Sawtooth是一种用于构建,部署和运行分布式分类账(也称为区块链)的企业解决方案。 它提供了一个极其模块化和灵活的平台,用于通过协商一致算法协调不可信方之间的共享状态的基于事务的更新。
Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise solution for building, deploying, and running distributed ledgers (also called blockchains). It provides an extremely modular and flexible platform for implementing transaction-based updates to shared state between untrusted parties coordinated by consensus algorithms. (2019-05-02, Python, 3172KB, 下载3次)


[其他] Unet-master2

CN对图像进行像素级的分类,从而解决了语义级别的图像分割(semantic segmentation)问题。与经典的CNN在卷积层之后使用全连接层得到固定长度的特征向量进行分类(全联接层+softmax输出)不同,FCN可以接受任意尺寸的输入图像,采用反卷积层对最后一个卷积层的feature map进行上采样, 使它恢复到输入图像相同的尺寸,从而可以对每个像素都产生了一个预测, 同时保留了原始输入图像中的空间信息, 最后在上采样的特征图上进行逐像素分类。
CN classifies images at the pixel level, thus resolving the problem of semantic segmentation at the semantic level. Unlike classical CNN, which uses full-connection layer to get fixed-length feature vectors after convolution layer for classification (full-connection layer + soft Max output), FCN can accept any size of input image, and uses deconvolution layer to sample feature map of the last convolution layer to restore it to the same size of input image, so that each pixel can be generated. At the same time, the spatial information of the original input image is retained. Finally, the pixel-by-pixel classification is carried out on the feature map sampled above. (2019-04-19, Python, 14613KB, 下载20次)


[其他] linuxjgzmx

G 代码解释器是全软件 式数控 系统 的重 要模 块。数控 机 床通常使用 G 代码来描述机床的加工信 息, 如 走刀轨 迹、坐 标 系的选择、冷却液的开启等, 将 G 代码解释为 数控系 统能够 识 别的数据块是 G 代码解释器的 主要功 能。 G 代码解 释器的 开 放性也是设计和实现中必须要考虑的问题。
/* Copyright (C) 2013 GP Orcullo * * Portions of this code is based on stepgen.c * by John Kasunich, Copyright (C) 2003-2007 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. (2018-06-07, Python, 1KB, 下载0次)


[其他] fileserver

1.存在不能使用QQ等娱乐属性偏重的工具的场景; 2.部署安装完整的ftp服务,流程太复杂,而实际需求要求快速,小众; 3.需要一套代码,实现跨平台的运行使用; 4.存在需要快速开发,实现自定义功能的个性化场景; 故本项目为了解决以上问题,选择开发一个极易部署可跨平台的文件传输共享服务。
1. there is a scenario where tools such as QQ and other entertainment attributes can not be used. 2. deploying and installing the complete ftp services, the process is too complex, and the actual demand is fast and small. 3., we need a set of code to implement the cross platform operation. 4. there is a personalized scene that requires rapid development and customized functions. Therefore, in order to solve the above problems, this project chooses to develop a file transfer sharing service which is easy to deploy and cross platform. (2018-05-29, Python, 34KB, 下载0次)


[其他] a_byte_of_python_for_python3_cn

python或许是少数几种简单又强大的语言之一,使其既适合新手又能满足老鸟. 更重要的是使用python编程会非常有趣. 本书旨在帮助大家学习这门奇妙的语言,并示范如何快捷方便的完成任务.
python may be one of a few simple and powerful language, to make it for both the novice can meet the veterans. important python programming will be very interesting book is designed to help people learn this wonderful language anddemonstrates how quickly and easily complete the task. (2012-11-07, Python, 994KB, 下载8次)
