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[WEB开发] hs176wz11

适合中小型企业自主建设网站,带有全套的后台管理系统,模版在线升级 非注册版用户可免费输入30条数据,网站页面生成不计算在内 v1.1更新: 修正上传ICP证书BUG 优化系统 改进用户注册功能 修改网页生成模块,可批量生成网页,添加邮件通知功能 用户名:admin 密码:pass
Suitable for small and medium enterprises to build their own websites, with a full set of background management system, template online upgrade non-registered users can enter 30 data, website page generation is not included v1.1 update: User registration function Modify the page generation module, can generate web pages, add mail notification function User name: admin Password: pass (2017-01-16, HTML, 1073KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] YesSUNYesSUN-v3.0

The entire station is based on PHP+ MYSQL technology, the volume is small and exquisite, the application is nimble, the function is formidable, is one section for the enterprise website tailor-made completely free WEB system The dynamic cache, the static generation, the false static, the URL friendly establishment and so on enhances the search engine And user-friendly degree, a key multi-language version set up to support the data model, the background operation can be added to the site product attributes, message boards, surveys, help, online registration and other online interactive system, the data call function to build the site without any script Language. (2016-11-22, HTML, 757KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] CmsTop_Convert

CmsTop public version with a comprehensive content to show the form of human management experience, comprehensive data integration, tagging the template data call, modular development and secondary development, tens of millions of data-carrying capacity and other outstanding features, the main To solve small and medium-sized local websites, industry websites and information channels of the network media, institutions, schools and corporate Web publishing and management needs. (2016-10-30, HTML, 160KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zzcms

ZZCMS是一款小巧,高效,人性化的企业建站程序. 目前具有模块:单页、文章、产品、下载、友情连接、留言本、伪原创、记录蜘蛛等功能 采用缓存技术让速度更快 栏目为多级分类 留言可在后台设置是否通过审核的留言 系统自带4000多条同义词,并且可以自由添加修改同义词,还可以在后台设置是否启用伪原创。
ZZCMS is a compact, efficient and humane Build program currently has a module: a single page, articles, products, downloads, Links, Guestbook, pseudo-original, spiders and other recording functions using caching technology allows for the faster sections multi-stage classification messages can be set in the background, whether carrying more than 4,000 synonyms approved, the message system, and you can freely add, modify synonyms can also be enabled if the pseudo-original setting in the background. (2016-09-25, HTML, 761KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpdisk

PHPDisk is a PHP and MySQL using the network hard drive to build the system, she is an office that can be used on a network file share, transfer, multi-user file storage system view. Widely used in the Internet, companies, Internet cafes, schools and other file management and use, share permissions multi-mode, comprehensive management background, to meet the needs of individual enterprise applications in all aspe (2016-08-30, HTML, 246KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] PHPB2B_3.4_UTF-8

PHPB2B Athena 是一款基于PHP、MySQL的B2B行业电子商务网站管理系统,系统提供了供求信息、公司库、专业市场库、产品库、展会、人才招聘、行业资讯等模块,适用于想在行业里取得领先地位的企业快速架设B2B网站,可以运行于Linux与Windows等多重服务器环境,安装方便,使用灵活。
PHPB2B Athena is a based on PHP, MySQL s B2B e-commerce website industry management system, the system provides information on supply and demand, the company library, library professional market, portfolio, exhibition, recruitment, industry information and other modules, for those who want in the industry leading position in the enterprise quickly set up B2B website, can run on multiple server environment, Linux and Windows, easy to install, use and flexible. (2016-08-17, HTML, 7837KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpwms

PHPWMS 网站管理系统是一个基于PHP+MYSQL的建站系统,经过完善设计并适用于各种服务器环境(如UNIX、LINUX、WINDOWS等)的高效、全新、快速、优秀的网站解决方案,包括文章、下载、图片和信息四大功能模块,支持内容收费、广告管理和论坛整合,适合政府、学校、企业以及其他各种资讯类网站使用。
PHPWMS website management system is based on PHP+ MYSQL siting system, perfect design and is suitable for a variety of server environments (such as UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS, etc.) efficient, new, fast, excellent website solutions, including articles, downloads , pictures and information on the four major functional modules, support for content charging, ad management and integration forum for governments, schools, businesses and various other information websites to use. (2016-07-06, HTML, 1330KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] ideacms_v6.3.3_uft8

IdeaCMS based technology development ASP+ MSSQL/ACCESS is, IdeaCMS Built-in single pages, news, pictures, videos, downloads, product, recruiting seven content model, to meet the current multi-class site, especially corporate Web site needs and development needs. At the same time the system comes with a message, the member reviews, Order, candidates, vote, payment and other plug-ins. Version 6.0 also supports the latest articles within the chain, smartphone. (2016-06-24, HTML, 4684KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] RunManBoard3

1、润满企业留言版是一个有简单论坛功能的留言本. 2、留言可以设置保密,只有管理员可以查看,留言可以设置为只有管理员回复。留言中个人的email地址可以设置为保密,留言内容/短消息内容支持UBB代码,UBB代码可以设置关闭/开放,没有权限的人无法使用UBB功能 3、注册的会员可以修改自己发布留言和回复,管理员都可以修改任何一个人的留言和回复。
1. Run the full Enterprise Edition is a simple message forum features guest book. 2, you can set the security message, only the administrator can see, the message can be set to only administrators reply. Message in a personal email address can be set to confidentiality, message content/message content support UBB code, UBB code can be set to close/open, not to people who can not use the UBB function 3, registered members can modify their own publish comments and replies, administrators can modify any one person messages and replies. (2016-03-27, HTML, 454KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 60

广研企业网站管理系统中英文双语版 v1.8新增功能简介: 一、后台新增生成网站地图和生成Sitemap.xml的功能。 二、新增下载中心功能,可在后台上传doc,xls,ppt,rar,pdf文件。 三、新增产品缩略图自动缩放功能,图片按比例缩放,解决了图片变形问题。 四、新闻、产品详细页新增了上一个、下一个的功能,改善用户体验。
Wide research enterprise website management system in the bilingual edition v1.8 New Features: First, the background and build new generation Sitemap Sitemap.xml functions. Second, the new download center functions, you can upload doc, xls, ppt, rar, pdf files in the background. Third, the new product thumbnail automatic scaling function, image scaling, image distortion problem solved. Fourth, news, product detail page on a new, next function, improving the user experience. (2014-01-09, HTML, 2498KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpdisk_v6.8.0_20130110_gbk

Intelligent website management system KESIONICMS (hereafter called ICMS). NET2.0 Microsoft platform, and a new software development environment (VS2010 SqlServer2000/2005/2008), B/S three-tier structure developed content management system. System uses modular development, in addition to its own articles, pictures, download system on the basis of the articles, pictures, download three systems model custom function model such as real estate system, hotel system, image system, software download etc. custom forms to help you easily create online registration, report complaints. Omnipotent label management system practicality play to the extreme " Nothing is impossible, only unexpected. 8 years of development experience, excellent team, rich web experience in the development and CMS experience in product development, innovative pursuit of the perfect design concept, and strive to provide the impetus for more sites in the world, and is more government agencies, educational agencies, ins (2013-04-08, HTML, 1466KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] gwxt

通过网上购物系统的建设以实现对商业零售企业提供信息化管理。建立了B2C的网络销售系统。着重论述了系统功能与实现、数据流程及存储,包括商品目录、用户注册、网上订货与购物、库存查询、后台数据库管理等。 运用HTML语言、VBScript技术、ADO、ASP与后台数据库链接等关键技术建设网上购物系统。
Online shopping system through the implementation of the commercial retail building to provide information management. Established a network of B2C sales system. Focuses on the function and implementation of the system, data flow and storage, including catalogs, user registration, online ordering and shopping, inventory check, background database management. The use of HTML language, VBScript technology, ADO, ASP and the background database building links to key technologies such as online shopping system. (2010-12-26, HTML, 27KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] jiajiaoquanzhan

前台使用说明: 前台分为三大板块:家教 资讯 招聘 家教分栏目:教员用户--有自己的管理中心,可以留言、预约、收藏信息 学员用户--有自己的管理中心,可以留言、预约、收藏信息 资讯分栏目:高级用户--可以浏览经典文章 招聘分栏目:分了个人用户跟企业用户可以上传照片 投票管理:热门投票 多用户管理
Future use: prospects divided into three segments: IT tutor tutor recruitment sub-section: teacher users have their own management center, you can message, appointment, collecting information on student users have their own management center, you can message, appointment, collecting information on information sub- Columns: Advanced users can browse the recruitment of sub-section article Classic: hours of individual users with enterprise users can upload photos of vote management: multi-user management of popular vote (2007-07-16, HTML, 2384KB, 下载164次)


[WEB开发] nethttp.cn.rar

《网址手册》网全套源代码 收录《网址手册》软件网址资料,提供各类网址查询能力。 1、具有专业导航网站查询能力,查询简单方便。 2、提供《网址手册》、《全国报刊查询软件》(含出版社、特价图书商)授权下载网址. 3、提供著名电子商务网站图形链接地址,用户可轻松找到正规商务网站,选择所需的商品。 4、提供网络营销、电子商务、招商加盟网站地址。 5、提供常用实用网址的查询功能。 6、下载本数据包,立即拥有《网址手册》一样的网站,不必再到网上查询。
"site manual" net full source code contains "site manual" software website, website provide query capabilities. 1, professional website navigation, simple inquiries. 2, "the website Manual", "National Press inquiries software" (including the Press, Special Offers Book) download site. 3, a well-known e-commerce website graphic link address, Users can easily find the formal business website, the choice of commodities. 4, providing network marketing, e-commerce, business to join website addresses. 5, providing common practical inquiry of the Web site. 6, download the data packet and immediately with the "Handbook website," the same website, then not online. (2007-05-21, HTML, 3974KB, 下载174次)


[WEB开发] php_stat0210

::软件简介:: 一个基于文本的PHP网站流量多用户统计系统,极容易调试,有四种显示方式,COOL! 主要功能及特色: (加**的地方为特色功能): + 基于PHP+文本,多用户,防止刷新,速度快,适用广泛 + * 提供本年度详细统计,时段统计,访客详情统计(包括referer数据和基于IP的地理位置信 息),访客pageview统计,客户端软件统计等等 + * 可设置是否打开多用户申请 + * 可设置是否防止刷新(切换基于访客人数和基于流览量的统计) + * 简洁存储方式,每个用户占用空间不超过4K + * 智能化的安装向导及用户申请向导 + * 方便完善的管理员/用户后台程序支持 + * 批量及逐个数据数据备份/恢复功能 + 使用javascript代码调用统计程序 + 可识别包括WinXP,MacOS,UNIX/LINUX/BSD,Opera,NetCaptor等多种软件 + 自建函数支持数据柱状图显示,不需GD绘图库 + 精致的统计界面和多种统计图标显示方案供选择 + 程序算法优化,程序及输出代码规范化 + 提供最新IP数据包
: : Software Introduction : : a text-based PHP Web traffic statistics multi-user system, it is easy debugging, there are four shows, COOL! the main functions and characteristics : (** increases for the local features) : Based on PHP version, multi-user, to prevent high speed, wide applicability* provide detailed statistics this year, time statistics, visitors details of Statistics (including referer data and IP-based geographic information), visitors pageview statistics, Statistics client software, etc.* can be set on whether to open up multi-user applications* settings to prevent refresh (switch-based visitors who Based on the number and volume of flow in relation to the Statistics)* concise storage, each user occupy a space no more than 4K* intelligent installation wizard applicatio (2006-01-20, HTML, 257KB, 下载9次)
